sleeping for enlightenment 2018


You are invited to partake in a holographic field of consciousness, filled with 8 Light-coded energy transmissions, during the 8 weeks:

March 19th – May 14th

Open the door to your Soul Light and take the next evolutionary step on the Ascension Stairway into the higher dimensions of yourself!

You will learn to love yourself by sourcing Love Resonance energy (instead of looking for it outside of yourself), to release resistances and old negative patterns about the conditionality of love, and build a deeper relationship with your own Soul.


  • Sleeping for Enlightenment is a series of energy-programs designed to UPGRADE your system to the Higher 3D Earth’s frequencies, to help you CLEAR self-love-sabotaging patterns, and CONNECT to your own Soul.
  • It consists of 8 WEEKS of energy-programs! – one per week. They are delivered into your energy field during the NIGHT while you are sleeping – how convenient!
  • You don’t have to leave your home or travel anywhere – this is an e-course, i.e. you can access all of the assignments from the comfort of your home any time when it is convenient for you.
  • Each week you receive GUIDANCE as to what you need to focus on, and steps to clean up space within you to make room for the new energies. You can do this at your own rhythm, as long as you watch/read the homework once per week (which takes about 15 minutes of your time)
  • You will receive the BENEFIT of each energy download either way, but you will get more out of it if you do the homework!

Ready to experience multidimensional #SoulWorkTools, energy upgrades, and innovative solutions to the habitual negative patterns?

Join Sleeping for Enlightenment and receive 8 multidimensional energy transmissions, downloaded into your body, activating your Soul power and Light and reclaiming your birthright of Unconditional Love Resonance access!

Please REGISTER below


March 19th – May 14th

PRICE: $395

(I prefer to NOT take check payments this year, so please use credit or debit card. Thank you

The registration is currently closed.

Put your name on the WAIT LIST  below to be the first to know if a spot opens up – if it’s meant to be, you will get in 🙂

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