Claim your Worth
A series of 8 STEP-BY-STEP video-lesson activations to TRAIN your consciousness HOW TO
Step into Self-Enoughness

the why, what, and how
♦ Read why you want to learn these self-love/self-worth tools;
♦ See the COURSE OVERVIEW at a glance;
♦ PRINT your WORKBOOK so that you can fill it out as you go through the lessons and practice.
It is essential to CLAIM your WORTH so that you no longer get stuck in NEGATIVE EMOTIONS, SELF-PITY, or the JUDGING SELF-TALK and can finally step into SELF-ENOUGHNESS!
You want to feel like you are GOOD ENOUGH, like you are LOVABLE. But your inner voice doesn’t always listen to your Higher Self, and even though you know how you “should” be feeling and thinking, you still fall into SELF-JUDGMENT, SELF-MINIMIZING and even PUNISHING, and end up feeling not good enough… Sounds familiar?
This is because even though you know how you “should feel” about yourself, you do not have the CLEAR STEP-BY-STEP TOOLS on HOW to get there, how to CLEANUP the negative beliefs WITHOUT drowning in them.

in this course
♦ LESSON 1: CALIBRATE yourself to the Universal Oneness Resonance so that you FEEL CONNECTED
♦ LESSON 2: DOWNLOAD your SELF-WORTH CODE that might have been missing in your “files” this lifetime, and LEARN HOW TO USE IT
♦ LESSON 3: ACTIVATE the energy-pattern of SELF-FORGIVENESS so that the next time you run into trouble, you will have TOOLS to remain self-loving
♦ LESSON 4: TRANSMUTE lower negative emotions so that you do not get stuck in them anymore
♦ LESSON 5: UNPLUG from the lower astral morphogenic fields so that you do not have to feel everyone else’s issues in addition to your own!
♦ LESSON 6: CLEAR habitual negative MENTAL LOOPS that generate your NEGATIVE SELF-TALK, and RETRAIN your mind and the energy field to DIRECT YOUR THOUGHTS DIFFERENTLY
♦ LESSON 7: TRANSMUTE the “artificial love” emotion of SELF-PITY so that you can TRULY LOVE YOURSELF from the Higher Self
♦ LESSON 8: BECOME the SOURCE of your own lovability, so that you are not dependant on anything/anyone external to feel LOVED and WORTHY.

Be Love. Be Free. Be God.