
Without Self Love we are in Separation perception. Love is an essential ingredient to the transcended perception of oneself BEYOND the limitations of the personality.
In conscious energetics, Love is a heart-chakra PERCEPTION of Oneness, Connectedness of all Life in the Universe – and Love is UNCONDITIONAL. It is the separation perception that burdens love with conditions.
Self-Love is first of all the experience of oneself as a part of the whole without separation – an unconditional connectedness. Maintaining the INDIVIDUAL Self without DISSOLVING into Oneness is the key to the experience of Self-Love inside the 3rd dimension. Self-Love is necessary for PROGRESSION OUT OF DENSITY into higher dimensions. Self-Love is the APPLICATION of the Universal Unconditional Love principal onto the Self inside the incarnation (so that human the personality feels divinely loved).

The ultimate self-transformation experience to aim for in the Self Love area?
Acceptance of yourself, others, life
Non-judgment of yourself, others, life
Unconditional Kindness towards yourself always

What issues to look for?
Negative self-talk
Habitual negative Mental loops
Judgments of Self
Judgments of others
Shame/guilt issues
Viewing life through the Lower Self lens
Emotional not-enoughness
Self-worth issues

What to do to improve this area?
Track negative self-talk daily
Track when not accepting yourself/life
CHOOSE to love yourself
Practice Forgiveness of yourself and others
Practice balancing your Unconditional Love body with your Emotional body
Practice connecting to Oneness of God Source
Stop putting yourself last
Take free Self-Love Challenge
Practice Self-Love Meditations
Review free Mini-Videos in Love section

Progress Milestones in Self Love area
You are able to refocus on Self-Love in a difficult situation
You are accepting of yourself as you are, while striving for improvement
You feel connected to the Universe/God Source
You experience Unconditional Love in meditation states and in everyday life
You are able to treat yourself with unconditional kindness
You have forgiven yourself and others