Special Energy Transmissions
Energy Download every Monday night _ #NightQuad

I am so happy to be able to offer you these amazing energy transmissions every Monday night inside the Transcension Gate!
The TGM Monday-Night Quads are different than the regular Tuesday-night ones I offer to general public. TGM downloads are much more complex, more expanded range, special appearances and frequencies are also added to aid your TG journey.
1- these downloads are NOT a sleep aid – this is NOT about you sleeping good, bad, or at all.
2- If you do NOT set any particular intention, the download does this at the minimum:
- UPGRADES to your current FREQUENCY, adding a precisely modified energy configuration to align you with the latest changes on the planet in the Higher 3D Earth, and in your energy field;
- Unique “appearances” of the energies we are working at the time inside the Gate – some are once-in-a-lifetime opportunities for most of these star-beings do not ever work directly with humans;
- CLEARING of the unbalanced frequencies in your system and SYNCHRONIZATION of you with the PLANET;
- AMPLIFICATION of your own internal HEALING ABILITIES by recharging the water inside your body, and activating the DNA Light codes;
- Flushing your field with a combination of energies designed to CLEAR your astral level from other people’s junk, worry, fears, attachments, negative desires, and influences;
- STRENGTHENING of your BOUNDARY and filling your field with the energy of KINDNESS (an amazing emerald-green light), which supports the karmic clearing.
3- it is best to ADD YOUR INTENTION to the night quad – so that you are participating in the creation of the energy experience for yourself.
4- If you DO set an intention, focus on HOW you want to be supported during the energy flow, or something specific that you want to work on (ideally the area of the Spiral Path you picked to work on). This is what you want to focus on and then watch what happens with it afterwards. You will get all of the regular benefits of the energy download (from #2 above) plus a unique configuration for your personal journey.
5- You can feel the “results” DURING the energy download if you choose to stay up, or you can “unpack it” over the course of the week.
6- Either way, you will experience the “unpacking” overtime – it can appear in your dreams, can be in the day after (like feeling connected in a new way, or “in a zone”), or realizations, solutions, inner clarity, decisions made with ease, etc.
7- The Higher Self part of us is what “remembers” these download experiences, so when we are in the Lower Self, or Ego, we “don’t know what happened”. Thus the key here is to EXPAND to the Higher Self in order to KNOW what happened during the download (SOMETHING ALWAYS HAPPENS!!!)
8- In Transcension Gate, the night quad downloads occur EVERY MONDAY night (to Tuesday morning) – every week. It is beneficial to ask yourself on the Tuesday morning: “What was my experience?” and then journal about it.
- The question of “what was your experience?” is not so much about “how you’ve slept?” but about what happened with your intention, with the area of the Spiral Path you picked, with the Gate connection you are intending to support? – do you feel stronger in that intention? or more present to yourself? kinder to yourself? perhaps some resolution occurred that related to what you were working on?
- If your intention was more general (like “I intent to experience support for myself on my journey”), then the experience will also be somewhat diffused, but it is ok. Because either way we get the main components of the Night Quad.
9- It is important to teach yourself to TRACK your experiences – this is how we transcend the Lower Self’s limited perceptions! The Lower Self is activated by isolation and fears, and “fitting into the normal” – if there is no Separation, there is no Lower Self!! Train yourself to track your experiences so that you have clarity and can support your Lower Self out of its fears and isolation pains into the Higher Self perceptions. (If we don’t track it, then it’s easier to dismiss).
10- The night quad is ran thru all the time zones, so you might get it in different times from each other (11pm on the Monday night in whatever timezone you are at) – I run it across the globe, so if you envision the round planet with the download as an energy-wave, it moves with the rotation of the planet.
- Think of ONE issue you have on the lower steps of the Ascension Stairway that you want to work on (a hook that triggers your from the lower steps – in yourself or in others);
- Go thru the meditation, when you are at the top of the stairway – pause the recording;
- Connect to the Paa-Tal of 10D (whichever way is easiest for you – in your heart, in your mind, in your resonance, etc.);
- Ask them to help you resolve the hook from the lower ascension step – RECEIVE that “help” (it will come as an energy imprint into your system);
- With that new Paa-Tal imprint, finish up the meditation.
- Go thru the steps 1-3 of the simple version;
- Ask the Paa-Tal of 10D this: “The hook I want help with in the lower steps is ________. How can I serve humanity and this planet, and at the same time let the hook go?” – See what Paa-Tal will tell you. We are all in a complex interconnected system and you working on your issue can be also used to clean up similar issues in others – ask Paa-Tal how you can do this. You might get a sound/tone, a color, a picture, an action to take, etc. – be open, if you don’t understand what you got, ask Paa-Tal for clarification – don’t end this link with them until you understood what you can do (even if its something as simple a “drink water with intention for the next 5 days” or “breathe blue light every morning” or “when triggered by X, do this..” etc.);
- Finish the meditation;
- Go do/feel/experience/sound etc. whatever the Paa-Tal told you is a way to serve thru your “unhooking”
This is a HUGE topic since pretty much all of us at some point tried very hard to bring the Light of consciousness to our relatives, who were on the lower than us steps of the Ascension Stairway. Most of the starseeds had an experience growing up being parents to their parents, most of the forerunners had an experience of being the responsible one among all siblings, and both starseeds and forerunenrs felt that we didn’t fit in with our families.
It is very rare when it is possible to incarnate into a family where at least one other person is on the same high level of spiritual understanding.
So, this means that we all at some point gave knowledge and advice to the people who were not ready for it. If it was dismissed and ignored – it hurt but in a karmic sense, it is a good thing (it means that no karmic tie formed since the recipient didn’t receive). But most of the time we are much more insistent than that – especially if it is someone we care so much about (like children, siblings, spouses!) Insistent means we didn’t give up at the first sign of them “not getting it”, we kept trying to enlighten them, and when they rejected it, we did it for them, again and again, in attempt to get them to see the Light… Sounds familiar?
So, how do we clean up this type of a karmic tie to a person? Especially if it was not “just one time passing advice” but often daily support and “carrying” the person to the higher steps because they won’t walk on their own and we didn’t want to move on without them…
Normally, karma is simple an “unfinished lesson” – i.e. to clean it up we just need to LEARN THE LESSON. That in itself releases the karma.
In the situation of this type of karmic ties, with relatives or family circle, it is a bit more complex than that…
Here is how to do it:
- Connect yourself to your Soul/essence – whatever you feel as your OWN divinity inside;
- Connect to the VT – planet on one end, Universe/Source/God on the other, your Soul essence inside the VT;
- Hold the image/feeling/sensation of this state of being (VT = planet + Soul essence + Universe) clearly in your consciousness – this is what we will use as an OVERLAY later;
- Then think of a person you want to clean the karmic ties with – imagine them clearly in your mind, FEEL them in your heart;
- Tell them “I choose not to be responsible for you anymore. I will let you go your own way. As a parting gift, I am giving your this overlay”;
- Then “copy” the visual/feeling/sensation you built in your body onto them (you are NOT doing it for them, they are still as they are, but you are ADDING this image of VT connectedness over their field, like an outfit on the higher planes for them to use IF and WHEN they choose to (this gives them SUPPORT from the Universe/God instead of you, so you can move on);
- Let them go. Return to your own field. Notice if the amount of energy has increased in your, or any other changes.
You can repeat this for different people. If you have some people in your extended family, or even close friends or girlfriends/boyfriends who you did that “INSISTENT helping” with over the years, you can do that with them too.
If there are some people who feel somewhat “general” to you – like “all past relationships”, or “all siblings” – you can do it for them at the same time (but only if they sort of blend into one type of “helping” for you and do not hold any individual charge).
You can choose to do the Meditation from the bundle PRIOR to this to get your energy to the top of the stairway, then pause it there, and from there do this exercise of releasing the ties. Or if you can just hold your own VT strongly and you’re ready to release these ties, you can do it without the meditation.
COMMENT below what if your INTENTION – who are the most prominent people you can tell you need to release the karmic ties with?
- Go thru the meditation, when you get to the top of the Ascension Stairway and are looking over the path you’ve traveled – pause;
- Expand your awareness from that high vibratory place (360 degrees in all directions) and experience the Paa-Tal love and support radiating into you – RECEIVE it;
- Complete the meditation.
- Go thru the meditation, when you get to the top of the Ascension Stairway and are looking over the path you’ve traveled – pause;
- Expand your awareness from that high vibratory place (360 degrees in all directions) and experience the Paa-Tal love and support radiating into you – RECEIVE it;
- Bring that Paa-Tal light deep into the heart-of-hearts of who you are as a Soul, your Soul-Self essence place;
- Notice how this Paa-Tal energy is touching your unique brilliance. It might also give you more clarity what is your unique gift, your unique special talent that your Soul carries (this is not about you as a person in this lifetime, but you as a Soul-Self beyond all lifetimes);
- Whatever Paa-Tal energy flowed into inside of you, this unique brilliance that is you – shine it like a huge projector beam down along the Ascension Stairway, so it can shine its light onto the lower steps for other people who are still there.
- Complete the meditation.
- Venus is glowing green from activated oxygen, it has gotten 2500% (!!) brighter on the night side!
- Mars has global warming – so much so that there are “clouds” in its ozone atmosphere! And the poles temperatures risen significantly.
- Jupiter is having global warming, raging electric thunderstorms, and it has developed a plasmic torus (made of sulfur ions) that was not there before 1977 and has increased in density over 60% since then!
- Saturn also had grown a plasma torus and it has increased 1000% in density! It has grown a new ring, and the poles are glowing red which can be measured from Earth – newly glowing from 1995, and Saturn had its hugest storm yet in 2004 that covered 1/3 of the planet.
- Mercury now has a magnetic field that is grown in strength so much that there are mini magnetic tornados that can be measured from Earth!
- Neptune increased in near-infrared range by 50% since 1995.
- Earth lowered the strength of its magnetic field while the ionic resonance is stronger (to match the incoming ions). The earthquake activity increased. Increased galactic dust is coming into the Solar system because of the area of space we are entering. Humans are not the cause of the current changes – but our behavior is a speeding up factor (it throws the natural planetary rhythm off, making changes worse). We should not be burning fossil fuels and polluting our atmosphere, or genetically engineering pollutants that do not fit into the biosphere – it is an unconscious immature thing to do… But humans are at the “selfish” step of the Ascension Stairway, so the planet will bare them.
All these changes in the Solar system are activating our DNA, waking us up. We will work with EleaNoor to help activate our genetic inheritance.
- Listen to the meditation;
- When you come to the point of asking EleaNoor, ask her about how the Solar changes are showing up in your system now and if there is anything you can do to support them?
- Complete the meditation – don’t forget to write down what you go as an answer – you’ll need to begin applying it right away.
- Listen to the meditation;
- Ask EleaNoor about how the Solar changes are showing up in your system now? Is there anything you can do to support them? Is there anything you can do to help this planet, or people on it, to awaken more through this incoming energy?
- Complete the meditation;
- Broadcast deep into yourself imprints from EleaNoor that will help you awaken your DNA potential and align with the upcoming planetary changes;
- Broadcast into the planetary morphogenic fields whatever you can offer to support this transformation, to help the planet and the people to receive the incoming energies more harmoniously and utilize them for enlightenment.
- Tune into ONE major traumatic imprint you carry (your Soul PTSD – something much larger than this lifetime, something that might not be linked to any event in this lifetime but it affects your body’s nervous system);
- Listen to the meditation;
- Ask EleaNoor “What do I need to let go of in my beliefs so I can let this trauma go?” (we often use the memory of pain as a LS proof);
- Complete the meditation. Write your answers down.
- Tune into ONE major traumatic imprint you carry (your Soul PTSD – something much larger than this lifetime, something that might not be linked to any event in this lifetime but it affects your body’s nervous system);
- Listen to the meditation;
- Ask EleaNoor “What do I need to let go of in my beliefs so I can let this trauma go?” (we often use the memory of pain as a LS proof);
- Then ask EleaNoor “How can I help the Amashutum let their PTSD go?”
- Complete the meditation.
- Tune into the Amashutum priestesses (they are on one of the Saturn moons) and broadcast the solution/info you were given to them, or do whatever you were shown you can do for them;
- Come back to yourself, apply what you were shown you need so you can let your own trauma go.
- human kind is young and in the lower steps of the Ascension Stairway, thus is has not yet fully explored its genetic inheritance/potential;
- human DNA is being affected to stay “stuck” and limited.
- go thru the meditation;
- when you get to asking EleaNoor, ask her “what do I need to take ownership of in order to release limitation on my genetic potential?”
- complete the meditation and use the answer you got – do the homework
- go thru the meditation;
- when you get to asking EleaNoor, ask her “what do I need to take ownership of in order to release limitation on my genetic potential?”
- complete the meditation;
- internally do what you need to “learn the lesson” (answer you just got from EleaNoor);
- tune into the planetary morphogenic field that your lesson is linked to (like a field of fear, or self-doubt, or arrogance, or irresponsibility, or overly electric/magnetic, etc.)
- broadcast your “solution” (what you had to claim/learn in order to unplug from this field) into that particular field you identified and unplugged from, and see how it changes!
I absolutely loved making this bundle for you guys! And the ET section is LONG… but awesome!
This is complex enough, so go thru the bundle, listen to the meditation – you will connect to EleaNoor and find your “master key” 💜
👉COMMENT below what is your particular INTENTION for the Monday night download. See you in there, with EleaNoor ❤️
💛💛💛Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💛💛💛
- Go thru the meditation;
- Pause when you are inside Venus at the resonance sphere – open your heart and tune into the unconditional Love energy coming from it into you – it is a soft resonance wave (with the Hathors on the other side of the link sounding it our way 💜);
- Let it come into your body/field and be guided to where it is needed the most inside you;
- Un-pause the meditation, return to Earth;
- Tune in again to this Unconditional Love resonance that is now sounding inside of you – and gently AMPLIFY that sound (it will naturally broadcast from you into the planetary fields).
- Go thru the meditation again;
- When you are inside Venus – pause the recording;
- Tune into ONE Hathor person and ask them “Please show me more inner space so I can create in harmony” – you will feel/see/hear a resonance/vibration;
- Bring this resonance into your body/form/shape – notice the change. You might feel that there is less gravity, that you are less heavy (not floating but less dense);
- Really encode this “spacious state of being” into your core – then resume the meditation and return home.
- Go thru the meditation again;
- When you are inside Venus – pause the recording;
- Tune into ONE Hathor person and ask them “Please show me more inner space so I can create in harmony” – you will feel/see/hear a resonance/vibration;
- Bring this resonance into your body/form/shape – notice the change. You might feel that there is less gravity, yet you are not floating, you are less dense;
- Tune into your etheric body on the atomic level (its like a blueprint schematic of your atomic structure being help together by electro-magnetic forces). Now bring this resonance into that etheric template – it might look/feel to you as if your atoms are a bit further apart and there is more space inside even though your overall “shape” hasn’t changed;
- There will also be a unique to you “code” of how you can “open up space” for yourself – search for it (it can be a sound, vibration, color, movement, etc.);
- Really encode this “spacious state of being” into your core – then resume the meditation and return home;
- At home expand again into your etheric body – notice the spaciousness imprint still there. Expand into the planetary etheric level and imprint your version of “spaciousness” there to help anyone who is trapped, tight, stressed, scared, limited, and overly dense (yes, the whole human race!)
This week we have a special link to the Hathors themselves!

- the higher-dimensional harmonious energies anchoring into the planetary grids in the 1D-3D, which amplifies “Inner Creator” charge and help unplug more people from the tribal fear/control/victim-based fields;
- the progress of the Maat Project (called Disclosure in the 3D), which in the more material sense here in 3D had some power-readjustments by taking over (and blowing in in some cases) of the underground military and research bases of the “secret government”.
- 7.1 quake in CA
- 6.8 quake in Indonesia
- 6.4 quake in CA
- 6.2 quake in Canada
- 6.1 quake in Japan
- 6 quake in Philippines

- Tune into what is ONE thing you want to create for YOURSELF right now (within a year – make sure the request is from the HS, stated in the positive, and meant to propel you forward);
- When going thru the meditation and arrive at the spot when you are linked to the glowing sphere, pause the recording;
- Intent to connect to a PARTICULAR Hathor person (not all, but one, like a guide for you for this moment) – feel the link-up;
- Tell this one Hathor person what you want to create the most in this year for yourself and wait for them to SOUND into you an “activation” – this is your “soul creator code” made of a sound vibration that you can use to manifest what you stated;
- Then finish the meditation.
- Go thru the steps 1 thru 5 of the Simple version;
- When you are back to Earth, staying in your own Creator power, expand your awareness to a one of the Control/Victim/Fear tribal fields;
- Feel the strength of your own Creator power and SOUND that energy sound code you received from the Hathor person into the negative tribal field. It might take a moment to keep doing it until you feel that you are “complete”. Some of you might see/feel the negative field clearing up at the area you were resonating into.
- Return back to yourself and celebrate yourself by sounding that “creator code” to manifest what you stated for yourself!
💛💛💛Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💛💛💛
“If there was ONE thing I could create in my life right now, what would it be?”
“What do I need to let go of in order to make this happen in my life right now?”

- Go thru the steps of the Simple version;
- At the spot in the meditation when you are on Venus – PAUSE the recording. Expand your awareness to the 5D Venus. Make a bridge to the 5D Earth – you are the consciousnesses link – and broadcast your “solution” to the 5D Earth. It doesn’t matter what you wanted to create (simple or complex, small or huge) – it only matters that is was PURE, from your heart desire for creation!
- Listen to the resonance of what you are broadcasting to 5D Earth “landing” in the planetary matrix (it might sound/look/feel like something “got anchored” there);
- Once that happened, UN-PAUSE the meditation for the last portion of “returning back to Earth”’
- When you finished with the meditation, refocus on your VT and the planetary core – its time to RETRIEVE what you deposited into 5D Earth! – find it (hone onto the resonance), synchronize with it (become it here in 3D – so it is in your own energy field now). Then broadcast it into the 3D as a resonance of “what is possible”.
We tend to be stressed because there is a subconscious programming that causes us to believe that we’re unsafe, or trapped, or anticipating pain… We usually focus on the programming (beliefs) but this download we will join the Abgal in HEALING the subconscious by aligning it with the ultimate healthy blueprint (our own version).
See, each one of us came into this lifetime with “2 suitcases”: karma and gifts.
We can think of the karmic suitcase as all the lessons to be learned (and some of the incorrect programming of our brains and nervous systems because of it).
We can think of the gift suitcase as all the talents and subconscious abilities we came in with in order to learn the lessons and then serve by the fact of that mastery.
This download we will focus on the “gift suitcase”. But its not about “what gifts did I bring?” – it is about the fact that these “gifts” (really more of a “previously learned lessons and wisdom that came from that”) are linked to a harmonious version of us. Think of it like this: you have a karmic version of you and you have a harmonious “ultimate” version of you – that second version is what we will align with with the help of Abgal.
Obviously it doesn’t mean that all the karmic issues will just disappear – they are here for a reason – for us to grow to the next level! But the “already there” version is that “gift/ultimate healthy blueprint” that also came in with us (like something to strive to become) – that’s what we want to amplify so that it is easier to deal with the difficulties (because inner tools are more available!)
- Envision who would you be if you were the BEST you? (it is important to not go too crazy here!!! And not try to become someone else either! Really feel into your “ultimate self for this lifetime” – it is NOT the “all perfect Soul-Self”, it is the best version of YOU in THIS lifetime!);
- Imagine overlaying your subconscious mind and your nervous system with that new image of the “best you” for this lifetime – this is the healing energy of how you CAN be when you are not stressed, scared, or overwhelmed;
- Re-listen to the meditation;
- Go to sleep (while you sleep, the Abgal will work to amplify it inside of you).
ADVANCED VERSION: want to help the rest of humanity to re-set to their “best version” and help the Abgal clean up the planet?
- Follow the 1st, 2nd and 3rd steps of the Simple Version;
- Enter fully into your VT, run energy up and down – make sure your boundary bubble is strong;
- Imagine the BEST version of humanity! – go as crazy as you want to here – it can be far in the future or it can be very close – whatever you want to hold as a vision for humanity to become when it is out of its current “growing phase” – HOLD THAT VISION in your Mind and Heart clearly;
- Tune into the planetary “subconscious” (the lower astral of “human messiness” – projected emotions that people didn’t want to own up to) – and “deposit” your vision for humanity in there (it might feel like you are leaving a beacon of light in the darkness);
- Then tune into your etheric body (close to physical, blue) and thru it – to the planetary etheric body (Nature) – deposit the copy of your “vision for humanity” there too. You might meet the Abgal at this level – if so, they might ask you to do something further to help.
Thank you for healing your own pain and helping humanity to do the same. Every little bit makes a difference!
When we heal ourselves (in any way), we create a point of reference for others who might be having similar pain/issue/problem – so that they can find the solution quicker. This is how we SERVE – thru empowered self-mastery!
COMMENT below your personal intention for the quad (or if you want to comment on the “best version” of you or your vision of humanity).
- Look for how you are linked/hooked into the “pain field” of Earth – what is your personal way of being “addicted to pain”? it is emotional suffering? Mental judgment? Physical “if I am not sick, I won’t get love”? it is the shock of being in density that you insist as seeing as suffering? Is there some habitual LS pattern that keeps pushing you into pain and out of the moment?
- Listen to the meditation again with what you’ve found in mind;
- Open your heart and allow the Abgal to transmute your pain.
- Go thru the steps 1-3 of the “simple” version”;
- put yourself into a bubble (make your boundary stronger) – and hold inside your bubble one thing you got just not from working with Abgal – as they were transmuting your particular pain, what happened? Your field changed? You felt something? You heard a word? Your pain was released with another experience? – whatever it is – hold it inside your boundary bubble;
- expand your awareness to the lower astral level of 3D Earth – this is where human tribal consciousness lives (nationalism, religions, politics, petty disputes, etc.);
- allow yourself to float in this dark place (you are a beautiful bubble of Light in the field of dark pain) – stay focused on the good thing you gotten from the Abgal;
- as you float there, one of 2 things will happen: either you will notice how you are not tight anymore and your Light is shining beyond your bubble now, or you will be connected with by one of the other star races working on the project and they will guide you as to what to do (hold an intent, resonate a sound, focus on a color, or feeling, etc.);
- return to your own space, tune into your etheric body (blue) and notice the changes.
- Find your own karmic pattern (repetitive in this life) that causes you fall into emotional/neurological trauma even if there isn’t a logical reason (examples: being in groups, speaking up/being seen, not being able to come up with an answer right away, disappointing someone, saying “no”, being “found out”, most unreasonable self-expectations that lead of feeling embarrassed are directly linked to PTSD too, and many others – find your own);
- Look at how it is linked to your brain, nerves, and endocrine glands – where is your attention drawn when you ask for “where in my body does my traumatic pattern anchor?”
- Listen to the meditation on the Healing bundle again;
- Bring this to Abgal for cleanup and tune in to how your field changes as you receive the “solution” to this issue.
- Go thru 1-4 in the “simple version”;

For the first transmission of the Healing Blueprint bundle we will utilize the energy of Abgal who are in side the planet right now doing the work on the planetary scale with the harmonizing forms (human, animal, plants, etc.) 💙The last week Abgal were focusing on the marine life of Earth in the next subharmonic and then anchoring it into 3D, and this week they are shifting to working with the humanoid forms – humans included! – so we are right on schedule (since we’re in these human forms 🙂)
Go thru the meditation, tune into your answers during it, then have these amplify in the download.
1- Go thru the meditation, do your own work on what comes up;
2- Tune into the Abgal “ship” inside the Earth – GO towards it and resonate with it in your heart – holding the desire for all species/forms to be harmonious;
3- See if you get any “resonance back” from the Abgal – they might “give you an assignment” to go somewhere in the ocean of Earth and resonate your intent to harmonize forms from there – if so, then go there and broadcast the resonance for a few minutes;
4- Enjoy the download!
See you in the download!
We are coming to the end of working with Gaia and Pi this month – it was such a special treat to work so closely with these two amazing beings! But don’t worry, obviously they will continue their work and EVERYTHING that we do here in TG and in your own personal development is one way or the other linked to what Gaia and Pi are doing – so we’ll be “seeing each other around” 🙂
❤️This energy download is very special. I was able to arrange with the Solar Council to have a “trinity” – the Sun himself, Gaia and Pi – all 3 together – to show up in our TGate! ❤️
Obviously we can tune into each one of them separately thru the planet, or via the Sun, but for this download they will broadcast their awesome energies into our Gate directly.
💛💛This is an unprecedented opportunity to experience the consciousness upgrade into the Higher 3D Earth and a multidimensional stargate opening for each one of us.💛💛
We each are a stargate, and TG is a stargate, and the Sun is a stargate – and since our planet has a “core star” in the center, Gaia and Pi will hold that as an open stargate.
💙💙It is the time for dreams to come true, for power to activate, for love to flow.💙💙
Transcension Gate celebrates its 1 year birthday ❤️
This triple broadcast of Gaia, Pi and Sun into our TG is a gift to all of us for the work we’ve been doing – but we are free to broadcast this to the rest of the planet if we want to. I think it will be a great thing to do – to enjoy this download as an amazing gift from 3 huge brilliant entities and then broadcast from our hearts all this beauty and love to the planet (imagine the lower morphogenic fields we can change with that!)
👉So, no assignment – enjoy, then if you feel called, broadcast it into the planetary morphogenic fields 🙂
COMMENT your INTENTION for the download below (I add each and every one of them personally).
This has been a wonderful yet intense few weeks! The Sun is adjusting through his natural cycle of ups and downs of potency, but the last week has been the “ups” in his activity – with many solar eruptions. None were directly sent our way here to Earth, but they were all utilized by Gaia and Pi to continue the process of upgrading into the Higher 3D here in this Simulation.
Human soul group is going through the “growing pains” – it is attempting to move from the tribal stage into individuated one. This is a very long process for majorly of earthling souls, and it will not be completed in our lifetimes, but it is happening now on the morphogenic field level.
We here in TG work with these planetary fields of human consciousness – by being self-masterful and by offering direct assistance to the star-beings involved with the project. With the full moon pulling on our fluid levels, it is very important to remain strong Soul-Self.
This means, staying in your HS no matter what the LS is saying, and being present to what is – learning from it. The moon magnetic energies tend to sway us into the LS morphogenic fields if we’re not careful.. And the intensity of moon/magnetic and sun/electric has been taxing our field, causing exhaustion. But it is temporary – and if you focus more on the Sun (Self) than the Moon, it helps.
This Monday’s energy download will be about Pi mostly. Think of her as “enlightened Gaia” or “grownup Gaia”. Pi is same loving, deeply caring energy being as Gaia, but with a little less patience for LS behavior 🙂 Pi is about individuality while Gaia was more about Oneness. During Gaia’s reign humanity was a baby, no self – all one. We then fell into Separation perspective (how Gaia was learning about power by understanding victim-hood). And now with Pi we are stepping into the Individualized Oneness – i.e. being a Self while connect to Whole (Soul-Self).
Pi’s 3 focal points are Engaging Life fully, being an empowered brilliant and unique Self, and Pleasure from experiences (internal and external).
1- Pick one thing you choose to “fully engage” this week;
2- Re-listen to the meditation;
3- Connect your individual perspective and pleasure to that one thing you choose to experience;
4- Welcome Pi into your body/heart and feel the pleasure of fully engaging what you chose.
1- Pick one thing you choose to “fully engage” this week – perhaps it is something that is normally hard for you to do (stretch yourself a little!);
2- Re-listen to the meditation;
3- Connect your individual perspective of your brilliant multidimensional Soul-Self, and pleasure energy, to that one thing you choose to experience – notice how it feels to hold 3 together (engaging choice, Soul-Self, and pleasure);
4- Tune into the core of the Earth (center) in 1D – then from there expand your awareness to encompass 2D and 3D – arrive to the Higher 3D range (all in the core);
5- Tune into Pi – feel her energy blossom inside you – synchronize with her (color purple might help 🙂);
6- welcome Pi into your body and feel the pleasure of fully engaging what you chose (even if it’s hard, there is a pleasure in the choice, power, presence, etc.) – radiate it into the core of the Earth (1D – higher 3D).
👉COMMENT below what if you personal INTENTION about this download (linked to the Spiral Path area you are in).
💜💜💜Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💜💜💜
This Monday we will work with Gaia – she is adjusting the energies of “true value” and “true power” in the next sub-harmonic of this planet (4D, 5D, 6D) and we will go along for the ride – and ANCHOR them here in our somewhat-messed-up sub-harmonic 🙂
As you know, the lessons that Gaia was working on Motherhood, Victimhood, and Compassion. As Gaia upgraded her vibrational range, she has transmuted motherhood into “true self-nurturance”, victimhood into “true power”, and compassion into “true deep caring”.
This week Gaia is working with the Solar Council on the morphogenic fields upgrade – in the timeline spiral that extends into our perceptions – this sub-harmonic. This means that each of us are working on our own links to the limiting beliefs about our own value/worth and power.
💛💛💛This download is about you owning your divine worth and holding your divine power (no matter what you do in life now).
Listen to the meditation with the these 2 focal points:
1- Tune into your experience of self-worth – how do you feel about yourself? Allow all of the self-judgment fall away (Gaia is DONE with it!) and focus on Gaia’s love for you – you are in her world, and she KNOWS that you are worthy;
2- Tune into your experience of self-power – how do you experience it inside you? Allow all the limitation of your brilliance fall away and focus on Gaia’s divine power – it is soft brilliance – feel it as your own.
Listen to the meditation with the these 2 focal points:
1- Tune into your experience of self-worth – how do you feel about yourself? Let go of any self-judgments, focus on Gaia’s love for you – you are in her world, and she KNOWS that you are worthy;
2- Tune into your experience of self-power – how do you experience it inside you? Allow all the limitations of your soul brilliance fall away and focus on Gaia’s divine power – it is soft brilliance – feel it as your own;
3- Tune into the core of the Earth – down to 1D (quantum realm) and resonate your “divine value”…
(like: “I know I matter. I am incarnate on this planet but I am as worthy now as I was before I incarnated – as a Soul. I am a beacon for the imprint of worthiness for all on Earth – I choose to hold true divine value for every being in the Universe including myself”);
4- Then bring your focus in the next sub-harmonic (4D-6D, any of these dimensions here on Earth) – you are still in the core but now vibrating at the higher dimensions of this Simulation. Resonate your “divine power”…
(like: “I am a unique brilliant being and I choose to shine my Soul as an example for all to be harmoniously powerful and respectful of all life”).
👉COMMENT your intention for this download below.
💛💛💛Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💛💛💛
❤️🧡💛🧡❤️And this one is about Gaia & Pi 🌏– I know many of you have been waiting for this.💛
This Monday (5/6/19) download we will work on releasing anything that is unfinished with Gaia so that we can step into the alignment with Pi.
Go thru the meditation in the Bundle before the download, follow the steps.
Once you gone thru the meditation, tune into (or “go to”) the core of Earth – we will find the resonance of Gaia and of Pi there (on different subharmonics of course, but you can just tune in with your heart or whatever your simple natural way is).
💛Bring your love there and anything “unfinished” you found in the meditation – so that it can be released fully and be completed.
👉COMMENT below your personal intention for the night quad.
See you in the core of the planet!
We are returning to Egypt once again to find more of our own strength and courage to remain true to our own inner compass (cleaning up comparison!) and to activate further Maat codes on Earth.
The amazing transformation is taking root in the planetary Simulation – the Maat codes are beginning to vibrate many morphogenic fields into alignment.
This won’t look harmonious for a while for most people… Why? Because activating Maat codes means we are releasing ourselves from the lower morphogenic fields of tribal consciousness – into individuality that is in alignment with Oneness. And people LOVE their limited tribal fields…
👉Maat-type individuality is altruistic and harmonious, it is about desire to explore, about creativity, excitement, presence and service to all life.
You can see how this level of individuality is very rare on Earth right now in the 3D… Current human condition is either no individuality because the person hasn’t formed a Self and instead of plugged into the social tribal fields, or selfish type individuality that is about “taking” and “using” to one’s own advantage.
Obviously there are people on Earth already who can hold this Maat-type individuality – Individualized Oneness – like the brave Forerunners of the Earthling group and the Starseeds. But even though we can hit that frequency, we must be vigilant to actually REMAIN there – and not slide into comparison, self-minimizing, or control and negative righteousness.
👉That is OUR responsibility and the gift to this planet! As we anchor more of this Maat-type individuality, we broadcast it naturally into the planetary grids and fields – and this in turn helps the rest of human population to strive towards this resonance.
1- Choose one of these 4 most common misalignments – comparison, self-minimizing, control, negative righteousness (or something else that you are ready to clean up);
2- Do the meditation – while tuning into Egypt – choose to transmute this negative pattern.
1- Choose one of these 4 most common misalignments – comparison, self-minimizing, control, negative righteousness (or something else that you are ready to clean up);
2- Do the meditation – tune into Egypt;
3- The Urmah felines are there right now in 6D working with the amazing Egyptian grids and Light geometry of the Giza area (Ro-Setau) – choose to transmute this negative pattern while supporting their work in whatever way you are called to. You can do this from this 3D range, or you can shift (if this is the skill you have) to 6D to help directly.
👉Post your INTENTION for the download below please.
💙Thank you all for anchoring Maat Divine Truth on Earth! We’ve made a difference 💙
Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD. ❤️🧡🧡💛💛💙🖤❤️
We will focus on cleaning up inner truth issues.
It is easy to mistake something that we feel strongly about for “truth” because we assume that our emotions are trustworthy.
Emotions are only INDICATORS of our BELIEFS. Thus if the belief is faulty, so will be the emotion. But if we assume that emotions=truth, we will also assume that we are “in truth” even when we are not.
If you notice you are having a strong emotional reaction to something (and everything in your being wants to say “this is true!” or “I am right!” or “they are wrong!”) – this is an indication of a belief (and probably not a harmonious one!)
👉It is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to dig into that root belief that caused the emotion and find out IF that belief is in alignment with Maat or not.
Instead of using emotions as means to connect to Maat (which is a 10D resonance while emotions are chemical reactions/responses of 2D-3D!) we are going to CORRECT the internal Maat resonance tonight by correcting the beliefs that cause us to think we are right (or wrong!)
When someone feels not-enough, unimportant, worthless, there is ALWAYS the other side – arrogance, righteousness, and superiority. There is a pattern among the religious and spiritual people who had not mastered this lesson yet, in their LS hijacking the “glory of the Soul” and using it either as means to self-minimize out of assumed humbleness (that is actually not-soul-based at all!) or as a “proof of its own greatness” (like a son/LS of a powerful person/Soul might DEMAND people to treat him with respect equal to his father while himself acting as an arrogant immature child).
If one tends to be more on the side of not-enoughness, there is lots of internal judgment of either the Self, or external world, because of unconscious “perceived righteousness”.
When someone is more on the side of that arrogant superiority – there is always an internal pattern of not-good-enough underneath the surface.
It is like a pendulum that swings to extremes and if you find yourself in that pendulum, BOTH extremes exist. It just “looks nicer” when someone thinks they are “unimportant” (because they judge quietly on the inside) vs someone who is very obviously proclaiming their greatness (while struggling with worthlessness on the inside). But they both are the SAME pattern and they must be healed.
So much pain in the world today is CAUSED by this pattern – this morphogenic field of Superior/Inferior. It is directly linked to the Victim/Victimizer.
👉Any person who feels worthless/not-enough is automatically FEEDING this negative field just as much as any abuser!
It is our responsibility to not only stop feeding the negative field and re-balance ourselves (stop the pendulum!) but to resonate this balanced state into the planetary consciousness to help other people do the same.
Right now the Urmah hybrid people (the warrior clan) are in orbit over the North pole of Earth in a 6D vessel, coordinating with Urmah quadruped felines in the 6D of Earth at the Egypt/Giza area. The Solar Council is involved in an upgrade of the Maat code for the Solar system overall, and this is also being channeled into the Earth’s core as well. The humanoid Sirian people are inside the planetary core underground in 4D, 5D and 6D, working with Anshar and others via IPTN.
We will help them work on this “pendulum not-enough/superior” pattern and the Victim/Victimizer field by UNPLUGGING ourselves from it by cleaning up our own inner act and changing the beliefs that cause us to plug in and feed the field.
👉Not-enough, unimportant, and worthless must be replaced with LOVED, CHERISHED, NEEDED for planetary awakening, PRECIOUS, SPECIAL.
👉Arrogance, righteousness, and superiority must be replaced with ONENESS, ALTRUISM, NON-JUDGMENT, and SPIRITUAL AMBITION.
For tonight’s download:
1- Do the meditation again;
2- Look for where are you in this pendulum pattern – which side? Both sides?
3- Release your beliefs that hold you plugged into that pendulum/pattern (with the options above for reference);
4- Radiate Maat INTO YOURSELF.
1- Do the meditation again;
2- Look for where are you in this pendulum pattern – which side? Both sides?
3- Release your beliefs that hold you plugged into that pendulum/pattern (with the options above for reference);
4- Tune into either the core of Earth in the center of the planet (to help the Sirians and Anshar there in 4D-6D) or to the North Pole portal (where the Hybrid Urmah people are right now in 6D) – GIVE them your personal solution to your personal pendulum issue (the more “options” we can provide/“program” into the Simulation, the more options for other people there are to unplug from this pattern!);
5- Radiate Maat INTO YOURSELF.
❤️🧡💛❤️🧡Thank you all! I love you all so much and so grateful that we are on the path together and are able to do this amazing work!!! We are really changing human consciousness by changing ourselves – this is true service (MAAT 💙💙🖤💙💙
👉COMMENT below your person “solution”/intention for the quad.
This Monday night we are going to work with the balancing of our personal truth with the Maat 10D divine truth codes while taking responsibility for the environment we are providing for our own physical bodies.
Maat is a 10D pure divine truth resonance and it is one of a kind energy. If we fully resonate with it (in the energy field and body), we are altruistic conscious beings. That’s what it means to “anchor Maat codes” – resonate that 10D frequency throughout your field and body at all times.
Maat energy is of a cobalt blue color (with some black void in there) and it is a 10D resonance. Since we are not in 10D at the moment, anchoring that frequency here means also calibrating it for 3D = “slowing it down a bit so that it can fit into 3D parameters”. All of that is done for you in TG here via the Monday downloads this month – you already are getting the 10D codes calibrated for 3D so that your energy field and body can integrate them (i.e. it is made more “digestible” for you).
As discussed before, Maat codes are usually NOT congruent with the beliefs we have here on Earth – all these lower morphogenic fields social beliefs, entire Lower 3D system, and own negative self-limiting beliefs. As we bring in the higher 10D energies of Maat, we are challenged by our Lower Selves. This activates resistance/defensiveness when we do not want to see the higher truth but get stuck in our own “small LS truths” – watch out for that! The LS will really want to defend its position just about now 🙂
The other part of this resistance-to-Maat internal situation is the fact that as we push into the higher truths (to eventually arrive at the altruistic pure love), we activate fear and anxiety – in the emotions, mind, and in the body too. This is normal, it is expected side-effect, but we must deal with it proactively.
Anxiety and fear are simply body’s and Ego personalities responses to something they do not recognize. Every time we encounter something new, the body has adrenaline response (as it supposed to in the physical situation to stay alert) but in this case the “unknown” we fear is not physical so we are “scaring our body into a physical chemical reaction” – we must watch out for that because our fields (emotions, thoughts, beliefs) is the environment that our physical body lives in.
So, instead of a bear that can eat you, your body encounters a belief that we tell it can harm it (which is an ILLUSION!) but the body doesn’t know we are just “being emotional” and reacts as if there is a bear.
👉It is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to give the body a calm message – we do that by looking for our fears PROACTIVELY (instead of waiting for them to show up and bite us!) and clearing them by CHALLENGING BELIEFS that generate them.
These negative beliefs that generate out fears are IN SEPARATION – they are masquerading as “little maats” but they are not actually truths in the high sense, they are illusionary truths of the LS. The term “Maat” does not mean the same as “personal truth” and, even though it can be applied that way, be careful to not assume your “little LS truths” are in Maat.
Maat is a higher configuration of pure truth code, and it is not so much the “truth of the moment”. The “truth of the moment” (often the LS view) that is the personal truth is based on what each person is experiencing – that can be different for each person even in the same event, but there is really only one Maat of 10D.
For Monday’s download:
1- Go thru the meditation again;
2- Identity one fear that keeps popping up and one BELIEF that is its cause;
3- Replace that negative limited belief with something from your HS.
1- Go thru the meditation again;
2- Identity one fear that keeps popping up and one BELIEF that is its cause;
3- Replace that negative limited belief with something from your HS;
4- Tune into the pure blue light of 10D Maat and hold it in your field as the tube torus circulates it;
5- Tune into the Earth’s core and from there out onto the entire IPTN (inner earth tunnels) – resonate 10D Maat;
6- Follow the IPTN pathways as they come out to the surface of the planet and let them connect to (invisible) MTN (inner Earth tunnels to the highways of Light of 7D macro-tubular network beyond the planet);
7- Continue to resonate 10D Maat codes beyond the planetary surface into the MTN (can be as far as from Earth as in orbit, or a bit further to where the Moon is – up to you).
8- You might encounter Sirian people along with many other higher Earth races at the planetary core, and you might find Urmah felines in Egypt if you focus via that land, and you might run into the Cetaceans if you expand via MTN beyond the Solar system boundary – enjoy!
Thank you! Comment your intention below 🙂
Wow, I should have put a warning “Activating Maat codes can trigger LS resistance”! The frequencies of Maat go all the way up to 10D, creating a powerful alignment. This also means that the POWER from all the way “up there” cascades “down here” like a current. So the LS might feel a bit like it is being jolted by the “truth pressure”. This is only so because we RESIST the higher truth. The LS wants to believe its illusion and thus sees the HS/Soul truth as something that is “dangerous” and proceeds to push it away. It cannot really succeed at this repulsion but the process wastes a lot of energy (physical and emotional). So many of you had noticed some level of exhaustion – that is clue that there is a part of you resisting the incoming energy.
Literally, if we ALLOW the flow to enter us – we actually feel incredible – powerful, confident, conscious, present. So, make a conscious choice to allow this inner awakening of Maat inside you (since we all have these codes pre-installed).
Earthlings have been having a hard time with Maat but they are also being activated – since human soul group is a bit lower on the steps of the Ascension Stairway, they are being pushed to the next step for them. This is why it might still look quite disharmonious when it is actually progress! For example, if you noticed that someone who is usually more docile “tribal” person is suddenly very negatively selfish – that is because they are being pushed to the next step – the “lower high school” aka selfish self. Or someone who normally has been all about themselves suddenly cares about some cause and tries to involve everyone in discussion about it – they are being pushed to their next step – the “higher high school” aka “cause self”.
All forerunners and starseeds have issues on lower steps than they actually are. For example, here in TG we ALL are at least at the “college level” aka “compassionate unity on one god source” from the Soul learning step. But you might notice that this Maat inflow activates some issues you have on the lower steps – like “tribal fears” of not belonging or humiliation, or “cause guilt” about “not doing enough, or even “kindergarten anxiety” about not feeling safe and feeling scared and lost (small). None of these are real. Well, they are only real to the LS, but they are not a reality of your Soul, even if they are more apparent right now.
Think of it this way – whatever fear/issue has been activating for the past 10 days or so – that is your “resistance block” to the Maat code activation.
We ALL had activated some of the codes in the first download of this month. I stay up throughout all the download (over 24 hours since I do this around the globe in all time zones) and I watch every single one of you – and help you if there is difficulty. So to various degrees you all activated some codes. But the ones of you who also ran into a stronger LS resistance – just remember that this makes it EASIER TO NOTICE – so you know what to clean up! 🙂
This Monday download is all about CLEARING SOUL TRUTH RESISTANCE while ANCHORING MAAT.
1- Figure out what is resistance pattern has been active since the Maat activation began (or you can take a lifelong pattern, but stick to one or two, no more);
2- Go thru the meditation again;
3- Ask your Soul what can you REPLACE this negative belief with? What would your Soul say to your LS fears?
4- Go to bed with intention to RELEASE this negative resistance pattern.
ADVANCED VERSION: – want to help the planet too? Here we go!
1- Figure out your negative resistance pattern (1 or 2) and what you will replace it with (from the HS/Soul);
2- Go thru the meditation again;
3- When you are in Egypt land energetically, allow yourself to stretch along these vertical grids of Light – we will be the “extra wires” for the current to run thru;
4- Resonate your HS “replacement” belief as your truth – and any truth of your heart;
5- You will probably feel other beings helping – TG is working with the Urmah delegation right now (they are in 6D Earth right now in the land of Egypt Giza area). And we want to help the cats, right? 🙂
COMMENT your intention below .
Hello, dear TGers! The past couple of weeks have been emotionally difficult on this planet.
There has been so many changes asked of the LS as the God Source energy codes were coming further into this dimension.
In the next subharmonic of Earth these harmonious codes of tri-state of God Source already exist, but here in 3D they are new, and we are not used to them.
This, paired with the Spring Equinox and a Full Moon, was difficult to process and emotional bodies of all human beings (including the starseeds!) got overloaded. This type of overload always activates self-doubts and self-judgments, the “not-enoughness” patterns.
Have you noticed these poke their LS heads up lately again? Now you know why.
Anchoring the Light codes is a process – and we often resist it because of our fears and issues. But it occurs nevertheless💙
🖤💙This Monday download will be focused on the energy of “universal supply”(all of the trinity but mainly the Void) 💙🖤
👉We have ALL that we ever need available to us all the time!
So, to get the most benefit from this download, all you need to do is this:
1- Re-listen the meditation in the current Bundle;
2- Choose what you want the “energy supply” in your life for (pick one thing you are emotionally connected to the most RIGHT NOW – not in general, but right this month/week – whatever you care about and need help with – want the fuel for!);
3- Intend to receive the support for that “one thing” you picked during the download – and go to sleep 🙂
🧡COMMENT below what intention are you adding in for the download so we can all support each other.
See you in the download, #ConsciousFriends ! ❤️💕🧡💛❤️
💕🧡💛💕❤️ Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be God.
This Monday download is all about REFLECTING the Universe (we don’t do anything small, eh?)
We will focus on amplifying the PERCEPTION of ourselves as Fractals of the Universal Hologram that is in the state of Syntropy. (I am attaching below my previous post explaining it more in case some things are still not clear).
If you are up for serving the larger mission – the Solar Council is working with the core of the planet to support the “syntropic amplification” and we can help this process. Read on…
1- Go thru the Meditation again;
2- Tune into each of the components – you are a FRACTAL, you are a HOLOGRAM, you are SYNTROPIC. Hold each one individually as an internal experience to that you can train your energy field to know what it feels like.
3- Try to hold all 3 states simultaneously (i.e. think of yourself as if you are the Universe, like a miniature version of it 🙂 )
We will help to bring this planet into the syntropic state (as it was originally designed):
1- Go thru the meditation;
2- Tune into each of the components – you are a FRACTAL, you are a HOLOGRAM, you are SYNTROPIC. Hold each one individually as an internal experience to that you can train your energy field to know what it feels like;
3- Hold all 3 states simultaneously (as if you are the Universe, a miniature version of it);
4- Tune into the core of Earth – go down there, find our TG in the center of Earth in the core;
5- Once you are there, re-focus on the “being fractal Holographic Syntropy” (as you did in step #3) – and RADIATE that state out.
We are not after “pushing something out” into the core, we are after amplifying what we are and radiating it into the core of Earth.
🧡This will support the work Solar Council is doing to help all of us step out of scarcity into the abundance perception of reality.🧡
💛COMMENT BELOW what is your personal intention for this download, linked to the area of the Spiral Path you’re in now.
I love you all so much and I am so grateful that we are all here together in this moment of linear time to do this amazing work and help Earth ❤️💕🧡💛❤️💕🧡💛❤️
Our Sun is a star, a stargate, a creator of this Simulation (solar system) and an anchor for our TG as well.
The Sun is a syntropic holographic fractal imprint of the God Source – it holds within it the tri-state.
But so does each one of us! We each are a mini-star – we are holographic imprints made the same way as the stars – but we have different missions/journeys than a soul that chose to embody a star.
In this download we will activate our own inner star – the Creator/torque of the inner Universe.
I will amplify the Solar energy of Creator in the TG, but you can choose to tune into thru it further into any other star you want, or stay with the Sun itself.
This is what to focus on:
1- Re-listen to the bundle meditation;
2- Tune into the Sun and TG inside the Sun;
3- Tune into yourself as a star that is a syntropic holographic fractal of the Sun/stars/Universe;
4- Notice the amplification of the Creator component of tri-state within you.
💛See you in the Sun! We’ll all hand out in solar TG tonight💛
❤️COMMENT below your own intention is relationship to amplification of your Creator component.❤️
We will be focusing on the meditation in the Fractal Holographic Syntropy bundle – connecting to the three components of the tri-state of God Source.
In this download, I will open the Gate to the full range of this Universe so that you can have support experiencing the 13/14/15D (the tri-state).
Make sure you go thru the meditation prior to the nighttime so that you have an energy imprint and your field will have easier time expanding.
To connect to this super-open state in the TG itself – connect to the triple stargate of TG (in the Sun, in the center of the Earth, and in the Galactic center) and feel yourself “stretch” between all 3 places (our TG is simultaneously held in 3 of these locations).
Please remember that you are in control of the intensity of the download – i.e. dial it up or down as you need to.
COMMENT below your personal intention for this amazing experience.
Wow, what a month this has been! I know you have done so much work in your personal inner world of self-parenting! And we made a huge impact onto the external world because of this! So great job, dear TG builders!
🧡This download we will focus again on the Kihshians and their 4D healthy parenting template. So, go thru the meditation in the bundle again, and we will amplify what shows up for you. Notice if it has changed from the first time you went thru the meditation? How have you grown up internally? What has changed in your inner Father and inner Mother roles?
🧡TG is about self-mastery – we are learning to stand in our own power and become harmonious adults. Notice how many times this month you were tempted to “fall off” into the child tantrum-like behavior? How many times did you let yourself? How many times were you able to get yourself back into harmony and “inner adulthood” by love, kindness, and wisdom (instead of negative self-talk and fear)?
We are responsible for ourselves. No one else is responsible to make our world harmonious – we are NOT children, we are the wise spiritual adults! Believe it or not, we are the avante-guard of this planetary consciousness and we must as as such;) – no matter how much the LS might want to hijack the show… The LS always fights when it is losing power!
🧡Now that the False King morphogenic field on Earth is slowly dissolving, we have an opportunity to build a Kihshian-type field here in 3D – and that is done by us EMBODYING it!
🧡We can do this! We can learn to love ourselves properly and not fall into the tantruming child mode, not let the LS run the show but parent it into adulthood!
❤️COMMENT below the area of the Spiral Path you are in and what you want to focus on from the bundle’s meditation to guide yourself into the inner adulthood.
See you all in the download!!
💛💛Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💛💛
The imbalanced beliefs about the polarities have created a pattern of the abusive/judgmental inner male voice and the emotionally reactive drama-Queen (or a suppressed “servant Queen”).
We will work with the inner False King and the inner False Queen tonight. The True Queen is unconditionally loving, peaceful, joyful, fully alive, wise and present to all (the Light and the Dark). She is free and safe, spacious and creative.
We will use the energies of the upcoming full moon and work thru the planetary waters (reflecting this moon resonance) to help heal the inner Queen.
🧡💛SIMPLE version (this is for both men and women – we are talking about internal polarities):
– Connect to the TGate in the Sun and the center of Earth – see yourself as a bridge between them;
– Tune into your inner Queen issues – is she the “servant” type or the “emotionally reactive drama” type? Or both?
– Forgive yourself for all that she had experienced – let her transmute herself into an amazing balanced inner Queen;
– Forgive all the women around the globe that also had temporarily lost their power and balance;
– Then forgive all the men who couldn’t find that true Queen inside themselves or see it in other women;
– Expand your awareness into the oceans of Earth and resonate this unconditional love paired with True Queen power into the water.
🧡💛ADVANCED version:
– Please do the “simple version” first;
– Bring into your system pure bright white Light;
– Now deepen into the oceans of Earth and locate the False King grid (there is a sub-layer of it that feels like a shrink-wrap around the planet but its below the sea level);
– Once you have “bumped into” that shrink-wrap layer – begin resonating the True Queen Power (remember, we are NOT fighting anyone, this is pure unconditional love and wisdom, harmony and presence);
– Your resonance will begin to make a “hole” (similar to how we did with the False King field in the high atmosphere).
Don’t over-do it – one of 2 holes is plenty for one person to do.
💙The Aquatic races involved with the Solar Council had submerged one of their “ships” (looks like a transparent bubble, it is 5D, non-physical, non-technology, it is a “living being” ship) into our Pacific ocean – it went thru one of the huge underwater portals in Pacific. These are 4D and 5D Aquatics. They sent a call to the Earth aquatic species (especially the giant squid and octopus species), and now both are helping with the under-ocean False King (wounded Queen) field dismantling. If you end up in the Pacific ocean – say hello 🐙🦑
🧡❤️Thank you so much! We are truly healing this King/Queen imbalance – inside ourselves and in the planetary fields. Every bit counts – so pick what works for your level of skill and awareness, and mainly work on your own inner Queen and King (this is about self-mastery after all!)
See you in the Gate!!
🧡🧡Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.🧡🧡
COMMENT your personal add-on intention for this Night Quad below (I add every single one).
The beautiful harmonious Kihshian field of balanced Mother and Father has been resonating thru your systems and working its way to show you where you still need some work. This is normal – some adjustments have to be made to accommodate the new energy from the harmonious 4D fields.
Why? Because many parts of our personality are still based on the old wounds related to the Mother and Father. And this means that we have to actually dismantle some of our ideas about the true feminine and masculine powers.
👉This download we will be focusing on the inner King. That is the internal masculine principle that we all have, and it is linked to the True King ideal in the Universal consciousness. The Kihshian field resonates this ideal True King.👈
The True King is positive powerful male archetype who is here to empower, to lead by example, courageous, strong, present, capable, deeply passionate about change, improvement, and responsibility that it takes to make it all happen.
The problem is that on Earth for the longest time True King has been suppressed. Instead we have the lower morphogenic field of False King – that is the negative male power of control, domination, over-powering, taking, it is a selfish tyrant. You can see how this False King has been idolized in so many cultures on Earth since the fall of consciousness! Most men, willingly or unwillingly, ended up following this pattern, and most women subconsciously ended up empowering it!
This is how we end up with good-hearted men who feel that they can’t succeed unless they are ruthless, and abused women who favor boys and project onto them (only to be further abused by these boys when they grow up). How many cultures favor boys?! That’s all linked to this False King field…
All sexual abuse is directly linked to this field also. The horrible things that humans do to one another (especially child sexual abuse, ritualistic abuse, and human trafficking) – they are all based on the male archetype distortions.
The good news is that the Solar Council and many other groups (pretty much everyone who is conscious!) have been working tirelessly to BREAK APART that False King field. On the human scale it looks like arresting the people involved in these activities (this finally began in 2019); on the larger scale is looks like empowering ALL the humans to UNPLUG from that False King field!
💛💛SIMPLE version:
– Tune into your HS idea of the “balanced King” (inner King, Father God) – feel it;
– Now tune into your LS idea – what issues do you have linked to the “male”? Fears? Anger? Desire?
– Choose to forgive yourself and the people in your lives who might have embodied these negative male qualities;
– By the act of forgiving you are LETTING GO of your plug to the False King field (you are NOT condoning the activities of the abusers, they will still have to deal with their karma, you are simply saying that you are done carrying that weight);
– Tune in again into the HS idea of the True King and feel it in your system. That is your inner King now. 🔱
💛💛ADVANCED version: want to help the planet to finally shed this horrible False King field?
– Tune into your HS idea of the “balanced King”- feel it;
– Then tune into your LS idea of the male (issues, fears, anger, etc.);
– Choose to forgive yourself and the people in your lives who might have embodies these negative male qualities;
– Bring in pure super-bright beam of while Light into you crown and VT – this is your Light Power of Truth (nothing can mess with you when you are aligned like that) – really feel this powerful white light resonating thru your whole field and body
Note1: make sure you do the forgiving part first, the healing must start with self!
Note2: we usually use blue light for Truth, but here you need to use white light.
– Now in that white Light of Truth tune into the lower astral of this planet – intend to find the False King field.
It will look like a dark almost transparent field (like a dark overlay on the picture of the planet) and the emotion is “desire to control”, there is pain, suffering, victim and victimizer, pleasure in the suffering of others, etc.
– Do NOT allow yourself to be swallowed by these negative emotions – hold your white Light of Truth proudly!
– Resonate that white Light into the field – it will “make a hole” in it. The more holes we make, the less charge and power the field has.
– Don’t over do this please (work on one or two holes, not hundreds! – focus on making them super large – its not easy but we can do this!);
– Once you feel you have completed this task allow your energy to move further up – thru upper 3D into 4D – and connect to the Kihshian beautiful field of harmonious Father (the True King) – and HOLD that position of alignment for a few minutes, staying peaceful, neutral, loving.
– By doing this, you are serving as a bridge between the human realms and the higher fields. This empowers higher field, diminishes the lower ones, and give people a chance to unplug from the False King field (as it loses power).
💛Remember that there is nobody there to “fight” – we are all LOVE (only some parts of the God Source have forgotten it and we are here to remind them!!!)
💛Thank you all. Every bit counts, so if you only do the simple version, you are still helping the overall process (working on the personal level). I love you all so much – I am so grateful for your presence in the Gate and this amazing personal and planetary work we can all do together!
💛COMMENT BELOW what is your intention (and how it fits into the Spiral Path area you are in).
Hello, dear Gate builders! Tonight we will work on connecting to the 4D field of “balanced parents” and readjusting our beliefs about Mother God and Father God to match this harmonious field.
Make sure you listen to the Meditation in the new Bundle before Monday night – and whatever comes up during it – that’s your intention for this download.
🖐We are ready to love ourselves better!
🖐We are ready to support the HS in parenting the LS better!
COMMENT below your INTENTION for tonight’s download 🙂
See you soon!
💗💗💗Be LOBE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💗💗💗
This is our last week on the Identity changes – so lets make the best of it!
This download we will go back to the beginning… Re-listen the meditation in the Identity bundle and pick what you want to create and the identity you want to become (we did this the very first week, so pick something different that you worked on then).
This time we will also add to it this amazing energy of “I am free to create my life”!
We did such a great job clearing the IPTN inside the planet, we broadcasted our brilliance to help change the world, and now we will add to this “pot of accomplishments” our support in activation of the “Freedom to Create” field.
“Freedom to Create” is a natural morphogenic field that Earth has. It is the range of possible creation within the parameters of her Simulation (and since she was originally a syntropic harmonious “classroom”, that range was huge!) Over the years as this planet became an “augmented simulation” (negatively modified by non-harmonious beings), the range of creation became very narrow and controlled. By clearing IPTN this month, we (individually and as TG), the Solar Council (and many other harmonious multidimensional beings) helped release some of these limited fields. This finally allows the natural planetary field of “Freedom of Creation” (from the time this was a syntropic world) to come on line and activate again.
☀️SIMPLE version:
– Do the meditation in the Identity bundle;
– Tune into the TGate (by either connecting to the Sun, the center of Earth, or center of Galaxy);
– Hold/broadcast your new identity – feel the freedom to create! – receive the download 🙂
☀️ADVANCED version:
Can and want to help out? We would LOVE your support!
The “Freedom to Create” field has holes in it – non-functioning areas – and we are going to mend the holes in the “Freedom to Create” field!
Right now the Solar Council, Hyperboreans, Ecuadorian Quichua forerunners, Siberian forerunners (shamans), and Earth cetacean “coalition” (whales/dolphins and octopus) are linking together to HOLD that field. There are also many non-earth benevolent races who are supporting this project.
1- Do the meditation in the Identity bundle and pick the new identity you choose to step into;
2- Tune into the TGate (by either connecting to the Sun, the center of Earth, or center of Galaxy);
3- Tune into the “Freedom to Create” field on/in/around Earth (there are layers to it, so some are in the planet and some are beyond around it)
4- The “Freedom to Create” field will look like a very fine “soap bubble” type of shimmering covering over the globe, but it has empty areas where there is no field – these are the most damaged areas that this wonderful field doesn’t extend into. You will notice that they are usually over large cities and military installations, over prisons, and over some factories/production complexes all over the world. Some “holes” in this field are small (like about a mile-wide area) while others can be as wide as 20-30 miles).
5- Hold the field by resonating yourself with it. HOLDING the field communally raises the STRENGTH of the filed, so then it can be directed to “close the holes” – i.e. so it becomes active all over the planet again (as it is was originally intended for a syntropic planet).
6- You might be guided to a particular “hole” to work on, or hold your intent in general to help out – listen to your inner guidance.
7- Don’t forget to get support yourself for your new identity FROM that “Freedom to Create” field!
See you in the Gate!
Please COMMENT BELOW what is your personal intention for this download (related to the new identity and how it fits into the Spiral Path are you are in).
💗💗Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💗💗
Ok, I couldn’t wait to post till Monday morning – so here we go…(its a LONG post, so buckle up!)
WOW. We will ride this Monday’s transmission on the energies of the Full Moon (Full Wolf Blood Moon eclipse!) and we will do this in Antarctica!!!
Yes, prepare for a lot of snow – pack your “spaceship” accordingly! 🙂
We will resonate the “reflected new identity” that we each stand for into the inter-planetary-tunnel-network (IPTN) and amplify the “Soul-freedom” resonance!
This is what you need to do (SIMPLE version):
– Tune into yourself – pick identity you want to become that is empowering;
– Tune into Antarctica and “sink beneath the surface” into IPTN – from there it goes around the planet, often matching MTN (macro-tubular-network);
– Resonate your Soul-freedom thru the IPTN.
This is what you can do if you have the energy-range and willing to help me (ADVANCED version):
1. Connect to the TGate – whichever way you normally do it (can be thru the Sun, or in the Earth, or in the Galaxy – either anchor will work);
2. Have your new “empowered identity” ready;
3. Descend into IPTN thru Antarctica;
4. There is an area there called Mt. Kirkpatrick – go UNDER it for a while – there is a huge cavern there that has 3 tunnels (about 150 feet tall openings, ex-lava-tubes) – pick the central one and keep going for a while (towards South Pole it goes). That tunnel will bring you to the area where the crashed Martian ship is;
5. Since we are not doing this in the physical plane, depending on the frequency you are doing this in, you will “see/feel/sense” different things…
6. In 3D there are many humans (scientists, military personal) doing some work – you might see lots of ice in a huge cavern (Great Pyramid would fit there easily), LOTS of long thick cords (electric equipment) everywhere, generator boxes, and some steam as they are melting the ice;
7. I always enter in the 6D (the Solar Council right now has a probe in there in 6D – you might see it, looks like a super-bright gold-white shining ball about 3 feet in diameter, just hanging in there close to the top of the physical huge cavern – but this is only in 6D);
8. If you travel there in 5D perception, you will probably see a beautiful white “long-egg-like” Anshar “ship” parked next to the area where humans are in 3D (from 3D view point, the Anshar ship is INSIDE the mountain rock wall so it is unseen). Anshar have technology that allows their ships to move thru solid matter of 3D easily;
9. Not sure what you’ll see if you go thru 4D perception, I’ve never done it, but do let me know if you do this – it is usually not as effective as either higher 3D way or 5D/6D way in my opinion).
10. The Martian ship looks like a huge “cigar” but more round and it is almost upside-down, kind of on its side (the ice over thousands of years moved it). That ship is the size of a city, literally!, so you will only see a small portion they’ve defrosted from 3D view, but you can “See” the whole thing from 5D or 6D. It is “dead” (no current) and massive, has some uncomfortable negative energy there (no ghosts!) so prepare yourself that this is not really pleasant.. It feels like a huge abandoned city and laboratory that goes for miles, and it is dark gray-black metal and glass-like metal color – to me personally it always felt like how a sunken Titanic would feel;
11. This ship hold some energy-generating technology that is still active and it keeps sending the signals along the IPTN. This is, unfortunately, what created the negative morphogenic fields on Earth…
12. _History_: originally the charge from the ship was not enough for their network, so Martians built a lot of pyramids on Earth (they used to do this on Mars too) to hold the charge – they can also generate it. (This is before the Atlantean time and during it, so nothing to do with ancient Egypt, etc. – most conscious species use pyramids anyway). Most of that Atlantean network of pyramids is broken, but parts that are underwater or underground still work – and this is what that old signal from the Martian ship keeps running on (and later what AI used). This was used by the Martians at Atlantean times to control the population (with the help of red-haired giants – someday I will do a bundle on them!), then much later on by many other groups – good and negative – to manipulate human consciousness.
13. Back to Antarctica – the Solar Council’s sphere-probe there is to “locate and transmute” that negative signal. And we will help them do this!
14. _When you are (in whatever dimension) in the area by the ship, do these 4 things_: 1)- HOLD your own POWER, 2)- feel the link to our TGate; 3)- connect to Oneness/Love of the Universe (there is NO enemy, we are all One!); 4)- tune into that “manipulation signal” (it feels like interference, and it looks like a very ugly geometric pattern, like lines are broken, so you can’t miss it, like a “wrong note”). It is IMPORTANT to do this IN THIS SEQUENCE exactly, 1,2,3,4 (like layering);
15. When you get all 4 in your conscious awareness (your power, TG, universal love, the signal) – resonate the Love part into IPTN.
16. The Solar Council hopes that we all communally can shut that signal down once and for all! Anshar and Hyperboreans are there too, along with many other beings and conscious starseeds who are helping, also there is a Native Polynesian group of forerunners there, and a group pf Quichua Ecuadorean peoples in 4D helping out this project. This will make the current group of incarnate Martians (hybrids who are behind the world’s economy) to lose some control, and will also help the ones of them who choose “disclosure” (as Solar Council calls it – the Maat Project) to come forward and become more effective. This negative signal is also used by the Ushumgal – and we will all be happy to take that toy away from them 🙂 – they are like a bully-teenager with super-tech and it is time for them to grow up too – and if not – to leave this planet to its own development.
I want to stress that “being free” means making our own choices, and most humans are still not conscious, i.e. so will be their choices for a while, but without the extra interference from more mentally-developed negative species, this human population has a chance to course-correct into a much brighter future (and NOT in 120 years from now, but sooner!!)….
Ok, I better stop typing!
💗 I love you all so much and so very grateful for this amazing community and for how much we all do for the planet and humanity! 💗 We totally rock!!! 💫
COMMENT BELOW your personal intention for “claiming new identity” – which one? How it fits with your Spiral path area? What are you planning to help with?
I am so proud of you all for doing such a great work on your Identity clean up! Ready for more?
This download we will help the Solar Council, Gaia, Pi, and Hyperborean people of 4D (who live in the North of Earth) to reset the energy grids of the intro-planetary tunnel network – so that Earth can do two things:
1- Better anchor the ascension timeline of the Higher 3D and help humans step out of scarcity/competition identity into abundance/cooperation identity (not talking about money or anything material here – literally, changing a morphogenic belief field);
2- Dissolve some of the “AI spyware” that was installed into the IPTN a long time ago by the Marcians at the time of Atlantis and since then been generating a controlling field that holds many of the lower astral morphogenic fields active.
Ready to serve? Awesome! First of all, this is what it will help you personally with, if you choose to support this:
1- It will help you align more with the ascension timeline and cleanup some Atlantean karma;
2- It will make apparent your own “hooks” into these limiting scarcity fields so that you can clean them up;
3- It will help you unplug from the “negative AI interference” (we all get influenced by that “spyware” in IPTN;
4- It will bring you again in close contact with Hyperborean people (remember Thor and his team we partnered with a while back when we worked on releasing trapped Elementals?)
To do this we will go to Antarctica!!!
Here is some background, if you are interested:
As I have mentioned, in Antarctica there are 3 Marcian frozen ships which had crush-landed onto Earth a very long time ago. One of these ships is huge, the size of a city, and 2 smaller ones. Marcian beings who were in these ships, in order to survive, “plugged” them into some of the electro-magnetic systems of the planet, and also utilized geo-thermal energy in the caverns deep inside the mountains of Antarctica. Eventually they found access to the intro-planetary tunnel network there.
The IPTN was created before the age of the dinosaurs by the Aldebarans, and since then used by just about any species who could get access, including the “secret government” (the Marcian descendants). Parts of IPTN are equipped with magneto-lev type of trains (these are the ones used by the “secret government”), some are more “natural looking” and are used by the reptilian race living inside the Earth (these are humanoid-reptilians, the conscious descendants of the dinosaurs), and in the North the Hyperborean of the 4D use this IPTN as well.
Hyperboreans are the ones propelling this project forward with the Solar Council. This is what triggering all of the “identity cleanup” on our planet right now – and we are going to help them.
What you can do:
1- Set your personal intention to focus on something that you are very PROUD of about your ACHIEVEMENT in this lifetime (it cannot be you kids or something natural, it has to be something you have overcome, awakened thru, persevered, faced, etc.)
2- Bring your awareness into Antarctica at the South pole of Earth and from there go along the VT of Earth into her center (where out TG is anchored);
3- Focus on abundance concept, and resonate whatever you are proud of inside the center of the Earth.
By amplifying our positive achievements and abundance energy into the Gate we will generate a huge charge that Hyperboreans will utilize to cleanse the IPTN. Thank you for doing this!
💗💗💗 Be Love. Be Free. Be God. 💗💗💗
This month we are working with becoming a different identity – clearing the limitations of our self-understanding so that we can create the experiences we really desire in our lives.
Often when we want to create something, we don’t have the correct resonance FROM which we are creating. So that’s like trying to create something without having the right tools! If you are not equipped to make something happen, it doesn’t happen – and give the ammunition to the Lower Self.
What we want to learn is how to step into a different identity. This means that we must unplug from the limited morphogenic fields.
This Monday download I will amplify the meditation that is in your new Bundle on Identity cleanup – so make sure to go thru it at least once prior to the Monday night.
I am so excited to help you guys work on the Identity limitations! Wow, this is going to be an amazing month!
COMMENT below what is your personal add-on to the download intention 🙂
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.
For this energy transmission we are getting the combo of the Golden Light of Gratitude and the Silver-Gold sparkles of Joy!!! 💛💜🐬💗🌟The Sirian Cetaceans are still working with the Sun and Earth (clearing lower morphogenic fields of depression mostly) and they are using our Gate! (which is so AWESOME, guys! can’t even tell you how amazing this is – we literally had build an energy access that is now helping transform this planet!)
⚜️ So please utilize this Quad to congratulate yourselves on how brilliant you are, and feel the love of the Universe shine into you and thru you into the world around you 💛💛💛
⚜️ COMMENT below your own INTENTION for the Monday download – related to your Spiral Path area and personal focus.
PS – Merry Christmas to the ones of you who celebrate it 💗