Transcension Mentoring
Multidimensional Transcension awakening with the Guardians
is based on the Personal Development & Service.
We can only serve this planet if we are able to vibrate at a different range of frequency that is much more expanded than the current state on Earth. That allows for more creative in-flow from the Universal energies onto our own individual lives within the lifetime parameters.
That personal piece (each of us enhancing our stepping along the Ascension Stairway as we evolve who we are) is two-fold also:
1. you are waking up to something new;
2. you’re also remembering something that you have put on hold.
The process of Transcension Gate is us, doing our own journey more effectively, more efficiently and actually accomplishing what we set out to do – why we came here in the first place.
Each of us has a reason for why we are here. Your Soul chose this. It chose this, not because it just wanted to self-sacrifice for the benefit of someone else. The Universe would never allow that! It’s because we are actually curious about density, duality, extreme opposites, the dynamic inter-play of those opposites and so on.
The main component of why we’re building Transcension Gate is to enhance each one of us. Your unique personal journey is going to be supported and enhanced through the Transcension Gate system.
The Starseed Initiative is built on the concept of Service. The Starseed Initiative is a program set up by the Solar Council a long time ago in order to support what’s going on inside this Simulation.
The Starseed Initiative was set up in order to allow Beings from other star systems to come in and incarnate within this Earth Simulation into human bodies. Most of the Starseed souls on Earth are members of this Initiative. We have to go through the process of approval (“getting a visa”) in order to come here to Earth.
There are two components to how the visas are given for any non-Earthling Soul that chooses to come here (the Earthling Souls are naturally from here and do not need visas!)
- we have to contribute something to this Simulation;
- we are here to serve the environmental upgrade that we are working on in order to bring this Simulation towards the Syntropic System parameters.
Each one of us signed up for this. Yes, there is personal desire to learn whatever it is that you came here to learn individually. About duality, about dynamic inter-play between two opposites, about being in density, having individuality and the list goes on. But, the other part is the service.