Questions & Answers

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There were over the linear time many variations of human beings, but they all began with one “root race” that Solar Council calls Namluu (also known as Adam-Kadmon). Namluu us a FORM, not a star-race – I want to be clear about this, Namluu was a designed bio-energy vehicle to house the consciousness of races who contributed to its creation. Namluu was a mixture of 22 genetic lines of non-humans. That Namluu being was tall, lived for thousands of years, was fully consciously connected to the planetary biosphere and multi-dimensional (with 1D-5D range). All non-human races who contributed their DNA to this project could INCARNATE into the Namluu body, and one branch of the earthling soul group also participated.
Then when this planet was modified to an entropic system by the Ushumgal and Anunna, and Marcians (pre-Adomites as they are called by the Solar Council), the Namluu still existed – but since the planetary range was falling, they could not function anymore. That project was closed – there are few Namluu bodies still available in the 5D right now, but that’s it.
The other projects that ran on Earth at the same time were of Sapiens and Neangerthal (and 4 other types of human form). Neanderthal was a Kadishtu project and was overpowered by the Sapiens thus it was also closed. Sapiens was genetically modified to become what it is today (by Anunna and Ushumgal), and other star-races interbred with this Sapiens form as well, creating different hybrids (like Irish and Scottish people are related to the Elvin and dragon races, and Scandinavian people related to some Nungal, some Sirian, and other Nordic-looking races, some Tibet and Indian people related to Nagas, and some Kenyans and Eritreans are related to Regulians).
Sapiens and Neanderthals are a mix of some earth’s monkey DNA, some of the Namluu DNA (this is why humans have such an amazing potential!) Then Sapiens was further augmented by different star-races (some good, some not). All humans are Sapiens body, all have some money + some Namluu + something else (and that 3rd piece is what created different lines).
It will take a book to explore human origins, so no, I cannot “give a quick synopsis” but thanks for assuming I can! A very short version is that there were 5 races of human, and one of them, Gro-Magnon, was modified and became us eventually. Neanderthals and Sapiens were originally one human race, then about 500k ago split into 2 because they became 2 separate experiments. The “evolution” is from the monkey to a sort-of-person is correct – this is what Earth had created. But then that sort-of-person was modified by much more advanced species in different ways, making separate experiments. Namluu, the original super-human of 22 star races DNA also included the Earth codes, but not from the monkeys. Current human is Sapiens, a descendant of the monkey but augmented by other species and with Namluu DNA added (hence the amazing capacity of humans for become awake – eventually).
As for were there “people”on Earth when the “fall of consciousness” occurred? – yes – Kihshians were also “people” – just not human – and they were here millions of years ago! Namluu was here at the age of the Dinosaurs 200+ million of years ago. Humans as we have them now began in 700k years ago – one branch is the Sasquach, the other split off in 500k years ago into Neanderthal and Sapien. Since then there were many “falls of consciousness”. The first one ended the Namluu experiment – this is when consciousness shifted into the 3D out of 4D-6D range. Then the created humans of all 3 lines (there were actually 5 more but they are extinct now) went thru their own evolution and there were other “falls” – the last one being 10,800BC.
This is a “whole book” so I will not go into all the details.
The overview is this: 2 groups – Illuminati and Luminari – this is how Solar Council defines them. They are NOT “one species per group” or “one teaching per group”, but a way to classify 2 camps of beings.
There are Martian descendants who control most of the planet’s wealth – you can think of them as the guys behind the “corporate conglomerate”. These are the people who are behind the scenes and have access to incredible knowledge, technologies, but not always wisdom… They have sort of “genetic PTSD” from the mess they went thru at their homeworld a while back and so they are always in survival. They insist on staying in power by being behind the scenes because this is how they felt safe (they did this in Atlantis and in all other cultures afterwards because there was always very few of them and a lot of other people they tried to control). Martian descendants live for thousands of years and do not reproduce often – usually only 1 child to replace 1 person who died – started from about a 100 and maintained this way about the same number.
“Corporate conglomerate” is BEHIND all of the governments. So this idea that one government is good and some other one is bad – if they are big enough and actually have a say in the planetary scale (1st and 2nd world countries) they are manipulated (see “controlled”) by this CC.
“Corporate conglomerate” is also the people who made the deals on the behave of Earth with other races when they actually didn’t have the right to do this – and got in trouble with the Solar Council for it.
There are also other groups – like Ushumgal (Draco/reptilian) who are here, who muscled their way into some of this CC – and Martians have always been threatened by them. The Ushumgal currently as the “bug bully” who runs militaries of the “Secret space program” of this planet, while the Martians are still mostly in control of the money.
Over time Martians began to associate more with this planet and protecting it (well, perhaps protecting their investment) and they always tried to protect it from Ushumgal/Draco. CC began financing many secret military projects in many countries in attempt to counteract or outsmart Ushumgal (I think they are succeeding mostly).
Inside the CC some of the Martian people actually believe that humans are ready to grow up and know the truth and thus they are helping humans – these are the ones Solar Council calls “Illuminati” – the “good Martians”. They are about 20-30% now of all of the CC’s Martians.
Inside the reptilian groups there have always been Amashutum and other “good reptilians” who promoted conscious awakening of humans – they are also called “Illuminati” by the Solar Council.
Then there are Luminari – these are Pleiadean mystery school people + the Starseed Initiative. Most of these are not physical hybrids of any kind but spiritual people who have Pleiadean souls and are working to clean up the Pleiadean karma (involvement in co-creation of the Victim/Victimizer field with he Ushumgal/Draco before the Starseed Initiative was set up).
So, we have many groups involved but to simplify:
– Ushumgal/Draco with more “bully approach” and their opponents the Martians who protect their financial interest on Earth – this is the “evil camp”;
– The “good Martians” and the “good reptilians” like Amashutum and others who choose to support awakening – they are the Illuminati;
– The starseed Pleiadeans who initiated mystery schools + New Age, and Starseed Initiative (all of us!) to help humans wake up – this is the Luminari.
As for the WWI and WW2 – there was no actual conflict. The Corporate conglomerate owned both countries so it was just the means to make more money. The entire Bolchevick revolution was initiated by the CC via some of the German and American companies, the WWI was also the same, and the WW2 also. The Martians really do not like the Jews – that genetic line is “offensive” to them (Jewish souls are part of the earthling soul group that was a played in the Namluu project on Earth and to my knowledge Jewish DNA has absolutely nothing to do with this).
As for the “different ETs”…
– Soviets made deals with Zetas, some insectoid people, and mostly with the positive higher Earth people (like Hyperboreans).
– Americans tried to make deal with Zetas (didn’t work), then they dealt with Grays and mostly Marcian CC, and some Arcturians (not the conscious type) and some Pleiadeans (trying to change consciousness) and some reptilians (not the good kind).
– Nazi Germany made the deals with Grays and eventually Ushumgal/Draco (and these REALLY had an issue with anything that was non-white so it fit in well with messed up Nazi agenda of “superior white race”). Some of the white hybrids from these times are the “Nordics” (there are many types so don’t want you to think that they are all from this project, they aren’t).
– The Slavic human genetics are related to the Hyperboreans (tall white people of the North in 4D) – so actually does the Germanic line!
– There is no “American genetics” – we are all immigrants, even the Native Americans had not evolved here.
– USA is set up by the Illuminati (good Martians and good reptilians) and Luminari (Pleiadeans and Starseed Initiative) to wake up the world.
I know you will have questions but at this time I cannot go into more details – lets keep this off the “genetic lines” and more into the consciousness direction. I will write a book at some point, but this should hold you over for now 🙂
Atlantis is a time period and its also a place, there were 3 different “atlantis periods”.
Atlantis began fully parallel to Lemurian times. During Lemuria Earth was populated by earthlings ONLY and some VISITING aliens (like Sirians, Pleaiadeans, etc.) but in their own bodies, not as “starseeds” – there were no such thing as a starseed then (i.e. no one who was NOT an earthling soul incarnated into the human bodies).
Then during the 1st Atlantic period (60k BC) Marcian refugees came to Earth, and some settled in Atlantis. They were telepatically negatively influenced by the Orion Group (which many reptilians, the Ushumgal, Anunna, are a part of, including what is now referred to as “anunnaki” because of the Sitchin’s sumerian mistranslations). Marcians (pre-Adomites) saw themselves as superior to humans (Adomites).
Originally, Atlantis was “populated” by only the Naacal masters (lemurians/humans who ascended and are now in Shambala) on the small islands and Marcians on the large. Then the other Lemurian refugees came (Lemurian island sunk and huge populations of humans were displaced, and some of these people made it to the Atlantis islands). The Marcian group also came, it was small, but very “electric polarity” – high intellect. The Naacals were the spiritual masters that sort of “set the tone” for the lemurian population. The Marcians were the “wrong note”. They alied with some reptilian aliens who were on Earth at the time. Overtime Marcians (with reptilian support) became the dominant power in Atlantis. They used science – originally neutrally, but overtime to control the rest of the population on the island and in the extended empire.
Parallel to this lots was going on on Earth, many cultures (including South American, Egyptian, Thai, etc.) More negative aliens came to Earth. In 50k BC there was an Ice Age and climate change destroyed many cultures. Reptilians and Anunnaki had the tech to move around the planet, so they took over the large island of Atlantis, made a deal with Marcians. They also went to war with Egypt at the end of this period, which ended in stalemate, but also stopped the expansion of Atlantic empire.
During the 2nd Atlantis there was the actual “island empire” that most people think of when they think of Atlantis – an island, navy that had access to many worlds, a rich empire… This came to be gradually. The silicon crystal is the Marcian technology and they were the ones who used the crystals in Atlantis in a negative way (too long to get into here). And there were struggles between 2 “electric” races of reptilians and Marcians, while humans (ex-lemurians) paid the price.
The 3rd Atlantis occurred after the big “shake up” to the 2nd Atlantis (tsunami from a comet, earthquakes). Lots of the lands were devastated in the empire, Atlantis itself was rebuilt. But the negative “male” Marcian/reptilian control was complete. The human/ex-lemurian population became slaves. At the end of the 3rd Atlantic period, there was a human rebellion and a large group of humans took over the navy ships and sailed off the island (they went thru the Mediterranean sea into Middle East and eventually India). The next tsunami series killed over 40% of remaining people (some escaped to Americas, others on ships to north Africa and over Sahara to Egypt). The end of Atlantis.
Then more recently one of the small islands off the coast of Portugal (used to be a part of Atlantis) became a home to a “new Atlantis” – has nothing to do with the Atlantic period. People who lived on it were descendants of the previous real Atlantians – the royal line of hybrids of Marcian-human genetics. These people created a recent “empire” (in this time cycle) and jump-started many continental civilizations from their coastal regions/ports. They are also the “royal lines” of the people who are now seen as the “secret government” who is believing that they control Earth, who made deals with various aliens on behave of our planet, and who instigate the “secret space program”. They are genetically humans with pre-Adomite dna, which makes them white (hence the “white males controlling the planet”). There are other hybrid royal lines, with reptilians for example, but these Marcian-human royal lines go back to that tiny island that was a left-over of the real Atlantis. These Marcian-humans are alive today, very few of them, and they are not public figures of any kind and own most of the wealth of Earth (yes, they are fully “trapped in the 3D game”).
In Antarctica there are 3 Martian frozen ships which had crush-landed onto Earth a very long time ago. One of these ships is huge, the size of a city, and 2 smaller ones. Martian beings who were in these ships, in order to survive, “plugged” them into some of the electro-magnetic systems of the planet, and also utilized geo-thermal energy in the caverns deep inside the mountains of Antarctica. Eventually they found access to the intro-planetary tunnel network there.
The IPTN was created before the age of the dinosaurs by the Aldebarans, and since then used by just about any species who could get access, including the “secret government” (the Martian descendants). Parts of IPTN are equipped with magneto-lev type of trains (these are the ones used by the “secret government”), some are more “natural looking” and are used by the reptilian race living inside the Earth (these are humanoid-reptilians, the conscious descendants of the dinosaurs), and in the North the Hyperborean of the 4D use this IPTN as well.
Hyperboreans are the ones propelling this project forward with the Solar Council. This is what triggering all of the “identity cleanup” on our planet right now – and we in TG are helping them.
We are working with the Solar Council, Gaia, Pi, and Hyperborean people of 4D (who live in the North of Earth) to reset the energy grids of the intro-planetary tunnel network – so that Earth can do two things:
1- Better anchor the ascension timeline of the Higher 3D and help humans step out of scarcity/competition identity into abundance/cooperation identity (not talking about money or anything material here – literally, changing a morphogenic belief field);
2- Dissolve some of the “AI spyware” that was installed into the IPTN a long time ago by the Marcians at the time of Atlantis and since then been generating a controlling field that holds many of the lower astral morphogenic fields active.
The Martian ship is a material literal thing that is in Antarctica in a huge hole it bore when it landed, and now under thousands of feet of ice – so it will remain there. I heard one of the beings at the Solar Council say that “the biggest resolution to Maat project will be by the Earth” (that’s like saying that “the real disclosure will be done by the planet by MELTING the ice and revealing the ancient ship!”)
Moon used to be a part of a planet before it was torn apart and the rock that was left solidified and got caught in the Earth’s orbit. I.e. moon didn’t exist on its own as “alive”, it was a part of a planet that way “alive”, and then it was not. Moon has a being living in it in 4D called Kingu.
Mulge was the planet that existed where the asteroid belt is now because it blown up (it is called many names including Maldek) – the soul group on that planet was genetic cousins of Martians…
Did Mulgeans reincarnated into the “earthling soul group” in the Sun and then came with is onto Earth? – NO. Mulgean souls are NOT part of the human earthling soul group! When Mulge blown up, the huge number of souls were left without bodies and in trauma state – it took thousands of years for many light beings working with the Solar Council to get these Mulgean souls to be able to reincarnate (out of their trama stupor to move on).
They were relocated onto Earth – Mulgeans incarnated into 2D level of consciousness into the bodies of Sasquach on Earth.
Sasquach Nation is its own soul group – but they generously presented some of their bodies (FORMS ONLY) for this Mulgean rehabilitation. For that reason their birth rate went up hugely and they took over the planet as the dominant body-type (this was way before Homo Sapiens existed).
Eventually some Mulgean souls graduated and were relocated to another world, off Earth. Mulgeans were never incarnate in humans (they were here hundreds of thousands of years before humans existed). And Mulgeans blown up their world due to war-mentality so from 3D they could only go DOWN. Sun is 7D so there is no way they could have possibly gone up – that would have mean some crazy mass ascension on unprecedented scale, and they were very far from any harmonious thinking, fully stuck in separation/duality perception at the time.
The current Sasquach Nation is very small again in numbers because the ones left in that form are 80% Sasquach souls now, and only 20% left-over Mulgeans (the orange-fur Asian region bodies). Sasquach are conscious beings with 2D, 3D and some 4D access.
There are MANY hybrid genetic lines in addition to the “regular”/pure human genetic line.
The human line (Adomites) is the Earth’s primate + Namluu + other (mix). There were 5 different times, with Neanderthal and Sapiens as the most famous. This is what is considered HUMAN genetics (it is a mix already but this is “of the Earth” at least in its major part). We are the Sapiens Sapiens line – the next step AFTER Sapiens – we are MODIFIED genetics (by the reptilians). To the contrary belief this does NOT make us slaves, the opposite actually. Z.Sitchin mistranslated so much of the Sumerian tablet material that now we have a whole generation of people who think that “some Anunnaki came from Nibiru and made people”! In truth, there were 2 fractions of reptilians at the time on Earth – both under command of the Ushumgal, that were in disagreement with one anther, and the scientific arm of these people actually wanted to HELP humans wake up so that they do NOT get enslaved by the reptilians (this is the origin of the Gnostic stories of Sabaoth who “saw Love of Sophia” and went against the evil Yaldeboath). Anyway, humans were ENHANCED from Sapiens to Sapien Sapien version. There were attempts to downgrade it later, but most humans are of the “upgraded human” design (yes, by the reptilian opposition who went against the Ushumgal directives!) With protection of Nungal, they allied with the Amashutum (mother lizards) and stepped on the side of Kadishtu.
The most VISIBLE wealthy people might have MADE their money at some point and are usually not the Martians we mean. We are talking about people from so far back – like before the last ice age – these are NOT the visible wealthy people. As for what is it that they “own” – technologies, all of the underground systems, space tech for travel beyond Earth, and oil and gas mostly.
These Martian people “need money” not because of money, but mostly for control. They already have everything they personally could ever want – but they control/manipulate world’ economies to syphon money for the secret programs (including the space programs) – mostly because they are in competition with the Ushumgal reptilians.
Illuminati are the more conscious of this group and none are “innocent” but some want to release humans from limitations while others don’t.
There is NO victim here (besides, it is part of the contract to give power away to learn what power is that humans went thru with Gaia) – we are not victims of anything. Humans were just too young and didn’t know at times. And many of the wealthiest (known) people today are humans who started from the bottom – so we make plenty of our own “good and evil”, no Martians required 🙂
As for the bodies that these Martian hybrids are in today – yes, they are physical bodies – they are hybridized – I explain all of it in the Identity bundle.
The point of TG here is that we are not divisive, there is no value-attachment to anything like this – but clarity and definition are good things to have. There are plenty of conspiracies going on and they are real, but there is also plenty of human paranoia attached to them that dramatizes it all (like “OMG, we are controlled by Martians!”) I’d say most humans are controlled by their own LS – again, no Martians needed! So, stay curious and in the HS!
As for how this fits into my SECRET OF SEKHMET book… There is a mention of “impostors” who came just at the consciousness was falling and Sirians were leaving (and Sekhmet remained on Earth). These “impostors” of the gods played the role of gods. I mention how in Edfu (the place where Sekhmet eventually came out) people were fully under belief that these “impostors” were the real gods of Egypt and forgot the whole Maat complitely.. The “impostors” is how the Shenu called the Ushumgal/Anunna royals (aka Anunnaki). These Anunna (dragon blood lines) became the royal lines of the world (competing with the Marcian-human hybrid lines). In the royal dragon lines of nobility of Europe and Egypt there are some who are from the “Sabaoth line” (the “good guys” who helped to awaken humanity) and many from the negative Anunna lines (I know, most people tend to think that all dragon lines are “bad” – never judge a whole race, it is made of individuals, and we wake up individually!)
The Egyptian period with Sekhmet started in 23,790K BC (the 2nd Sirian seeding of Egypt) and ended with the last fall of 10,800 BC when Sirians left. Sekhmet left closer to 6K BC from what I remember. The “evil camp” were on Earth from 200K BC in various configurations. During the time of the 2nd Sirian seeding they were in Mesopotamia, Iran, and Atlantis, then moved into Egypt as the last fall was happening AFTER the Sirians left.
The Egyptians neters are the consciousnesses of the energies originally (some were people from the stars, like Sirians), then “false gods” (I call them “impostors” in the Secret of Sekhmet book) took many of these neter titles and essentially pretended to be gods to people. And when Greeks took over Egypt, they utilize many of them. The Greek (and thus Roman) pantheon is a slightly modified version of the same story. Most of it actually begins in Mesopotamia/Sumer, then Egypt, Greece, Roman etc. – all same gods – well, same “false gods” talked about in different cultures, called by different names but still referred to the same beings.

Shambala people are not somehow “more ascended” than any other beings who live in 5D or 6D. They still have form, personality, unique views and desires, and “tasks” they perform – to them it looks and feels just like living in a body feels to us. But the DRIVE is very different, every dimension is defined by its own FLAVOR (we are driven by separation and linear time accomplishment in 3D, while 5D is driven by joyful cooperation, and 6D by comprehension of complexity). People in Shambala are PEOPLE but they are more harmonious and do not require 3D material stuff to be alive, they do require 5D materials though! They don’t just sit and meditate all day, they work, have families, create – just like any advanced culture would.
Pulse is activated by 2 large “singing bowls” that they moved up into 6D. There were 3 of these (about 50 feet in diameter) in the caves of Shambala in 3D: one made of metal, one of amethyst, one of some white translucent crystal. The metal bowl is still here (people who stayed behind when Shambala was invaded sounded it to help Shambala move up) but the other 2 moved up dimensionally. They are played now – the combo between 2 bowls creates a very fine pulse of 2 notes. Bowls are activated thru consciousness (not by moving stick around them, although it can be done too).
Is Shambala pulse the same thing as Schumann Resonance? Schumann resonance is an extremely low frequency portion of the Earth’s EM field spectrum that occurs throughout the planet between the surface of the planet and ionosphere, activated by lightning. Shambala pulse is a type of sonic wave that might or might not RIDE ON the Schumann resonance, depending on the spectrum.
For all of us personally, Shamabala pulse is a CLEAN UP. We are clearing anything that doesn’t match our soul expression – this is what the Shambala Pulse is all about. Thus there might be “scary dreams” because they are “scary” to the Ego and the LS – not the HS. The LS fears LETTING GO of ATTACHMENTS – all these dreams of trying to protect someone and you can’t, or get to someone and you cant’ – its all about letting go of projections, taking the energy back, letting go of “Taking care of others” at our own expense (all based on when identity is built on other people’s expectations, or our attachments to them). It’s a cleanup!
This list of “masters” you are the “famous people” who are all from different cultures and don’t even look like Shambalan people – so no, they are not from there. There are many masters and obviously not all are from Shambala. Shambala has peopel who look sort of asian and they are thing and taller than most current population in that area, and they are not “famous” – they are not part of any cultural story. The Naacal masters (as they were known in Atlantis) were famous and their names didn’t make it into current cultural stories.
There are many systems, and I know some Siberian women who live on prana for decades (i.e. they would be considered “breatherians” too). This is not something that people should try – it is something that occurs naturally when one is ready. When one gets to a place of connected-ness while the body is able to hold more Light, one slowly eats less and less. Two components are required: continuous link to Oneness and body-Light calibration. If there is Oneness but body can’t translate this into “food” from prana, the body will suffer (this is why this is not to be attempted unless one is ready and it is natural).
9000 year lifespan is actually not that long! we count based on human current lifespan, but it used to be 2000 years, and the previous version of human (Namluu or Adam-Kadmon) lived over 10,000 years. In many other star systems other types of bodies can live for 100,000 years – in fact, MOST conscious cultures RECYCLE their forms – instead of GROWING a body they just move consciousness from one to the other form and maintain these for a very long time. Naacal are HUMAN people like you and I, of the Asian genetic line. They are not hybrids or aliens, they are ascended humans. They are interested in helping human race, they are “forerunners” – ascended earthlings
Naacal masters ascended through the Tantric exercises a very long time ago, in Lemuria. Tantra is “spiritual technology” of balancing the opposites and harnessing their power for creation. It has nothing to do with worship or projection of power. In fact, if one is not fully CONTAINED with theirs power (a SOVEREIGN AUTHORITY) one cannot do tantra at all. (The rituals that are nowadays labeled “tantra” are just glorified sex-magic stuff – it’s nice, but is not about the journey into internal King/Queen balance).

- This is a complex question but the simple answer is that these are just LABELS.
The typical label of “Council of Light” means a “group of high-consciousness beings united over a particualr cause”. That cause can be to oversee something, to promote something, to manage something, or even some order-maintenance in the lower councils. - Remember that the names of the Councils are labels – that’s how HUMANS call them because we relate their culture to a star system we see in the sky (you know that star systems are actually stars hanging in space, and many are far appart and are NOT part of the same culture at all – they just look close in the sky from Earth’s view point). So the names are relative and just a means to attaching the group of being to a culture to a location in linear space. To me it is not so much the location by the dimension that matters, or both.
- Most of the cultures who are conscious enough to use the Macro-Tubular Network of stargates (in 7D – with consciousness or with technology) are not limited to one star system and are not relating their agendas to only their near-by system or even a galaxy. I.e. a star system can have a gate thru that tubular network to a neiboring galaxy and have more relations with these species than with the solar system next to them! This is how the Andromedian Council became to well known here in our Milky Way galaxy – there is a main “highway” tube connecting our galaxies and it is very well traveled
- There is no such thing as “conflicting agendas” if the Council is non-military – they all fit in with the Guardian Host agenda of service-to-others (this is what people call Christ Counsciousness) – i.e. we are all here to serve God Source and we can do this with free will and harmony. The Solar Council is a group of being united over the Solar System affairs – all of the planets and vacinity of our Sun. Solar Council is in 1D to 7D, but mainly in 4D and 5D.
- Christ Counsciousness = Unity Consciousness = Individualized Oneness consciousness = the overall agenda of the creator-beings called Guardian Host (the ancestors of all of the species in the Universe).
- There are many timelines in the Universe with different paths of learning thru Simulations/environments. The design of the Universe is that the Soul moves away from Source (Oneness) into density, learns individuality (Separation), then returns back to Source (Individualized Oneness/Christ/Unity consciousness)
- There are MANY COUNCILS out there – the Arcturian Council that deals with portals in 7D, the Sirian High Council that deals with the program-engineering systems, the Sirian cetacean Council that deals with the Pleiadean Council on the humanitarian efforts, and so on.
- Most of the “councils” people talk about are in either 3D (like the Rosicrucian Council of Ascended Masters, and Shambala Council of ascended masters, for example), or 4D (like the Venucian Hathor Council, and Aldebaran Council, or some of the Orion Councils). There are “higher councils” of 5D and 6D (like Pleiadean, Sirian, Arcturian, Lyran, etc.). Some are even higher – like 7D Council of Ameli, or even our Solar Council higher levels.
- There is no such thing as “Galactic Command” – the entire concept comes from the 70-s and the a “command” is a millitary term – there is no such milirary organization in this Galaxy. The thing that people label “Galactic Command”, if these people actually FEEL the HARMONIOUS energy (just don’t have the label for it) – in my intrepretation this is what I call the GUARDIAN HOST of the Kadishtu Guardians (I work with them for many lifetimes before I came to Earth – most are non-form beings of 10D and 11D). Something this is also called the Galactic Federation of Light on the lower than 10D frequencies – like in 4D to 9D.
- There are military-type (or space-navy?) organizations in 3D – Alpha Centauri, Zeta Riticuli, Orion Group, our own secret governmental programs, the Ushumgal/Anunna Conglomerate, Urmah Elohim Force, to name a few… These have nothing to do with the “Councils of Light” in people’s minds since they are more military/political than consciousness related. Militant organizations (some people also think of them as councils, but they are not of the level we are talking about) – these do have conflicting agendas and can fight among themselves).
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.
It is about the intention and technique as well. Most people are NOT on the Council, thus we can all “hear” the resonance of the general Council broadcasts by CHOOSING TO TUNE IN – that is an intention. Its like “I choose to offer my support to the harmonizing of the Solar System in whichever way, and I would also like to become aware of anything that is being broadcasted that is RELEVANT TO ME”. It is not going to be, for most people, like a sudden “Radio playing in your mind”, obviously, but more of a gentle reminders or realizations that are APPLICABLE to that person – we are not going to get EVERYTHING, but what is related to anything we can do or are involved in. This is how it works.
For a rare few who are incarnate here and yet have a larger part of them related to the Council, they can get more “direct packages” (like me). Even then, there is no point is “getting everything” because there are just too many things going on (its like getting briefings from all of the governments of all of the countries all over the world every second – why bother?) – we get what is relevant and what is applicable. In my case, a lot is applicable because of the mentoring work I do here, because of the Transcension Gate, etc. – so I get a larger portion of data. But in truth, WE ONLY NEED WHAT WE CAN APPLY – otherwise it is overwhelming and can be even detrimental to the individual. So, choosing to be in the ultimate balanced state when you are tuning in, and then choosing to receive what is relevant. If one is not working with any larger systems on this planet or beyond and instead of focusing on their personal processing, they might not get any data from the broadcast (energy imprint, but not direct data like you are asking) – and that’s ok. One has to be involved in something larger than oneself for any of the actual details to be relevant.
You are confusing “asking for assistance” and “affairs of the Solar System”! If you are asking for something personal and its not related to anything that the Solar Council manages, it is NOT “Sent” to them – why would it be? It would be “Sent” to your energy guides (these are the “ones of the higher power who must respond” – YOUR guides!) Kadishtu do not deal with individuals in 3D. There are some Kadishtu related to the Solar Council but not many – to them this is a “drop in a bucket” of this Universe! Solar Council is made of the entities of this Solar System (1D to 7D, but mostly 3D-6D) and has some Ambassadors from other star systems who are involved with our System. You are talking about some “divine guides” out there – and from that view point – they are so big that its like “playing to Christ Consciousness” – of course IT will respond, but now we are talking not about “a being” but about “a morphogenic field of consciousness”.
As for the first part – who reviews the requests – no one, its “automated” by the type of energy relevance to the larger impact. It is an AUTOMATED system of FREQUENCY RECOGNITION – i.e. the energies that are relevant to the affairs of the Council are received and then resonated into the categories of sub-committees – these are the smaller groups of beings on the Council that focus on a particular area only, not the whole Solar System. Like there is a committee for this planet, and for the 3D bifurcation timelines on this planets, and for 4D, 5D, 6D sub-harmonic, etc.

- The Elementals are the consciousness in 2D. They make up matter. Different kind of matter exists in the 1st sub-harmonic vs 2nd sub-harmonic. We are in the 1st (1D, 2D, 3D) thus we have Elementals assembled into the carbon-based forms that are able to hold what we consider consciousness here. In 2nd (4D, 5D, 6D) consciousness is held by the silica-based forms.
- I.e. inside Water or Fire there are still Elementals – everything, even Air is still them. But that energy might be “conscious in 1D or 2D, but not in 3D – here the consciousness is held in carbon-based stuff.
- Atoms are also MADE of elemental energies – they are the forces that hold the atom together and the EM forces that make matter tapesty.
- 1D is about the space and gravity, 2D is the Elemental realm, 3D is about linear time.
- Fairies are NOT Elementals. Elementals are Fire, Earth, Water, Air. There are 2 kinds – not sure which one should be actually labeled “fairy”… Fairies as nature spirits are entities of Nature – their forms are, like we all, also MADE OF the Elementals. These should probably not be labeled “faeries” since they are “nature spirits”.
- There are also human PEOPLE (Druids, Thuatha D’Anu, etc.) who were very beautiful compared to the local population because they “glowed” – had 4D and 2D access, anchored Light, had wisdom. Local people called them “fair/beautiful” and later term become “fairy”. When the Church (political machine) decided to see Druids as competition, persecution began. After the fairy holocaust these powerful people of Druids and Thuatha D’Anu who were called Fairies and Elvin people were REDUCED in people’s consciousness so “nature spirits” – to minimize their power Church made it look like they never existed, as if they were some nature spirits
The elementals are the consciousness inside matter. Everything we think of solid stuff is made of them – your body, trees, animals, water, air, fire. What we label “chemical reactions” are actually interaction of these elemental consciousnesses. This entire subharmonic (1D, 2D, 3D) is made of the elemental forms that are carbon-based (the next subharmonic is silica-based: 4D, 5D, 6D).
When human beings in 3D did some experiments with matter (at the time of Atlantis and recently with nuclear bombs), we breached 2D. This hurt a lot of elementals because they ended up in 3D, some even in 1D – trapped. There are also lower morphogenic fields that are originated as False God / Victim-Victimizer programs by the negative aliens and then supported and maintained by the confused humans – these fields also trap and exploit elementals. There are also dramatic painful events that are cruelty-based that trap elementals – like wars, tortures, mass-murder, etc.
There are 3 ways for the elementals to get stuck here: scientific arrogant experiment that rips dimensional seals, lower fields of consciousness, and painful cruelty-based events.
The Hyperboreans are working with the elementals who got stuck here in the first 2 ways (from Atlantean times and by the lower morphogenic fields) – that’s what we are helping with in TG.
We are carbon-based (what is called “organic chemistry”) while int he next sub-harmonic the bodies are silica-based -but still are “solid”. This is why a 4D person can show up in 3D (like an elvin Anshar for example) and all they have to do is know how to densify a bit (or have a tech to do it) and they look totally like us. In ever dimension the form FEELS SOLID (or close to it) to the beings of that dimension.
Elementals do not have MIND, i.e. they are not equipped to be in 3D programs. some time half-million years ago there was a tear made by the Marcians and Mulgians in our Solar System – that ripped the 2D and 3D seals and lots of these elementals flooded here and got stuck. Then we further “trapped” them by what happened at Atlantis. The only reason they are trapped here is because they are not meant to be here – so we are “correcting” the negative results of the tear from 500K BC.

EleaNoor is an 8D Dragon being, a winged quadruped from Orion. She is an ambassador of the Kadishtu Dragons on the Solar Council. One of the amazing things tonight about EleaNoor is that you have an opportunity to cleanup victim energy related to the reptilians by tuning into her. Dragons are ancestors of all reptilians, and there are conscious and harmonious descendants, neutral ones, and negative overly-electric ones interested in control (just like any other genetic group, really – there are plenty of “negative mammalian humanoids” out there too!)
Because of history of the negative reptilians involvement (Draco, Ushumgal, Anunna, and the Orion Group) on this planet, and the fact that most (not all) starseeds on Earth right now had (in their own cultures) dealings with the same negative reptilians, there is plenty of karmic fear and victimness attached. It is easy to see any reptilian being as an “enemy”, a cold-blooded killer, etc. This is also amplified by the mammalian genetics of the body-vehicles we incarnate into (snakes and other reptiles are often poisonous to mammals).
Nevertheless, we are God Source – conscious beings, agents of the Starseed Initiative on Earth – and we are not going to use generalizations of judgment. EleaNoor represents the OTHER genetic line – from which came felines in this galaxy, and some of the morphogenic field type dragons that the elementals embody in lower dimensions. She represents the BALANCED reptilian path (vs. the overly electric Control Agendas of the other reptilians). The human tribes of the Druids and Tuatha D’Anu took the title of the Dragon as an honor to collect and stand in the power of the Dragon energy – of the balanced reptilian path (which is really “knowledge and wisdom”!) Remember that Egyptian goddess of mystery schools and wisdom was Wadjet – the cobra?! She represents the Amashutum, the “mother lizards” who are also the followers of the pure balanced Dragon path like EleaNoor – in the 4D and 3D (they initiated many schools of wisdom on Earth to help humans after the fall of consciousness).
Having EleaNoor around tonight is an opportunity to cleanup issues with judgment of the reptilians as a generalization that most humans and starseeds carry. It is very healthy to know who’s who; to be clear on who is choosing to “do evil” and who is choosing to “do good”, instead of just having a general emotions fear/dislike/judgment of all reptilian energy.
Also, because EleaNoor is from 8D originally (works in this system in 7D) her body is not physical, but a 7D body – from our view point it will seem like a schematic of a large, slightly plump in the middle, leather-black winged dragon (she has no scales, her skin is smooth black leather-like). She is beautiful, large (from our linear perspective about 50 feet long), longish neck, glow of the fire elementals of the 7D inside her chest and neck area (this is how it came to be that “dragons breathe fire” 🙂 There is an “igniter” in her throat that, if she wants to, she can “grind” and this activates the flow of the fire element. I’ve seen other Dragon beings do this (very impressive, and the fire can be sapphire blue plasma!)
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.
Dragons and Reptilians are 2 different types of beings even though logically they are both “reptiles”, but when people LABEL them, they mean 2 separate types. There were/are actual quadruped Dragons (with wings) in Orion system – 2 types – black and white.
The black ones are “good ones” who breathe fire and are awesome beings – they begin as an 8D consciousness field (they work with the Solar Council – I will talk about them at some point). They are the descendants of Ghee-Ra Kadishtu, and are progenitors of quadruped Urmah felines (who mostly evolved in Sirius system later). These black Dragons travel thru portals (like felines). Their Solar Council representative is Eleanoor (all Black Dragons are female).
There were/are also white Dragons in Orion (these are the ones people call Draco – when you see “Draco”, they are referring to these) – originally also quarduped, but later became humanoid (bipedal vertical reptilian). They are a mutation of the Dragon DNA that had the virus (overly electric) and they had males and females. Over time males oppressed the females and forced them to produce what they, males, designed. Females developed venom to kill the embryo in their eggs as the only rebellion against the males, they were fully dependent and it was ugly. Males eventually killed all of the females and genetically engineered themselves into bipedal vertical – this is what is now knows as Draco, a negative being who is overly electric and is interested in control only. They do not have females, so they procreate thru cloning.
From Draco came many genetically engineered Reptilians (vertical humanoid reptilian people). One of these branches – the Amashutum, worked with the Solar Council and the Kadishtu, so did some Nungal. Amashutum at some point were also slaves of the Draco (especially the Ushumgal leaders).
The Great War – that destroyed the Lyran and Vegan civilizations and created refugees – was started by these Draco Ushumgal. Pleiadeans are descendants of Lyrans mostly, i.e. Elvin people. Some Amashutum and Anunna (both reptilian people) also moved into the Pleiadean system (different star though). There are no Dragons (quadruped winged) in Pleiades (they are 6D and Pleiades is 5D). But there are some reptilians in Pleiades. Amashutum and Nungal are “good”, and Anunna are “bad” (they are the army of Ushumgal essentially, all clones males).
When Ushumgal and Anunna came to Earth, they were the instigators of the fall of consciousness – the Pleiadeans (elvin descendants of Lyrans) tried to rescue the humans and “got stuck” here (this is all in the 2nd Bundle). The black “real” Dragons never came to Earth – they generally travel thru portals in time-space, individually. So, yes, there were few here and there that visited Earth and interacted with the human masters – I know of one incident in Nepal, and one in Siberia – but mostly if they do visit, they interact with the next subharmonic (4D-6D), not 3D, that’s rare. And remember, they are all female. They serve as ambassadors and are very powerful beings (and large from our view point – like 50 feet long body not counting the tale, black leathery skin that can glow).
The elemental Dragon-beings from 2D, and some 4D access. They are morphoginic field consciousness of the Dragon energy that the elementals enter into and utilize – i.e. a “playful multicolored dragon” is that type of energy . These 2D-4D dragons are energies/consciousness with polarity, can be male or female. They are very different than the reptilian people like Darco/Uhumgal, or quadruped Dragons from 7D and 8D – they are in a form (one form incarnate, just not in 3D) – while the 2D dragons are not incarnate, they are an energy-consciousness…
Amashutum and Shutum are the same species – fully reptilian line, green descendants of the dragon line. They are lizards – i.e. do not eat meat, eat plants. That line originated in this galaxy. There were some Amashutum and Shutum in Orion’s area, but not on Mintaka (the Dragon/Draco star system). Orion constellation is actually a number of start that are very far from one another – they just look like “one unit” from Earth’s view point. So, there are other stars in Orion constellation which are very far from Mintaka – this is the Amashutum/Shutum homeworld…
The Amashutum that came to Earth are from one of the stars in Pleiades. Their genetic cousins Amaargi (who are progenitors of the Earth’s humanoid Nagas) were genetically created by the Amashutum later on specifically for Earth’s environment.
When Amashutum from Pleiades came to Earth, they came as Kadishtu farmers – this, and the planet Mulge that blew up, were the “bread basket” of many species, because Amashutum terraformed it and it produced lots of food stuffs for many races they traded with.
This is the history line:
- The Draco/Ushumgal invaded the Amashutum/Shutum peaceful lizard world (in Orion) and Shutum became the “warriors” for the Ushumgal (enslaved and controlled thru drugs without which they now cannot live, so they are essentially genetically changed species). The Amashutum resisted and eventually fled their planet to escape – this is how they came to Pleiades.
- Later on the Ushumgal attempted to enslave the Amashutum in Pleiades (now without the males present) – but by then the spiritual powers of the Amashutum priestesses grew and they were able to align with the Kadishtu of this galaxy, join in and became the “holy priestesses of Light”. So the Ushumgal couldn’t do what they did in Orion.
- It took time, but eventually the Ushumgal genetically engineered a being (reptilian-insectoid hybrid) called Pazuzu (actually they were called Mugir, I think, by the Amashutum, but here on Earth these things are known as Pazuzu, so we are using that name for consistency).
- The Ushumgal sent Pazuzu onto the Amashutum world. Pazuzu were like “demons” – they had no morals, no mercy, no conscience – they ENJOYED killing and they also ATE things while alive – so they terrorized and ate many Amashutum. It was a horrible massacre on the planetary scale. The Pazuzu were able to move between dimensions – from 2D to 3D to lower 4D, so the Amashutum (who are 3D and 4D) could not fight them very well… About 80% of Amashutum population was killed/eaten by these Pazuzu. This is a HUGE trauma in the Amashutum genetic line (like a PTSD they have with these Pazuzu). Amashutum fought as they could (with “swords and magic”) but they pretty much lost…
- Pazuzu had no individual souls, so there was nothing to “rehabilitate” – they were like one animal predator group soul overlaying many bodies (trillions of them! Ushumgal created whole ships that were like hatcheries to make these things). Because Amashutum were aligned with the galactic Kadishtu, they pleaded for help – and Kadishtu of this galaxy intervened in the last minute – they sent the “army of the Elohim” to protect the last surviving Amashutum (20% of the existent population!) – that “army” was the Urmah warrior clan. Urmah warriors and the Amshatum lizards have a strong comradery after this event.
- In the end only about 12% of the whole Amashutum population survived. The remaining priestesses became known as the Black Madonnas. They were the ones who eventually started to trade with many races, using their terraforming skills. They came to Earth and worked with Gaia and with Mulge planet.
- Later on, the Ushumgal came to Earth. All this time the Ushumgal were holding a grudge against the Kadishtu for “winning” over their Pazuzu and not allowing them to enslave the Amashutum. But Ushumgal by then was also in Pleiades, as were the Amasutum, and they made some tentative alliances. But in my view the Amashutum got tricked… The Ushumgal told them that as a “payment” for the past wrong-doing they will make an army to “protect” the Amashutum from harm, but the Amshutum should feed this army. So, the Amashutum had PTSD from far back in time when Pazuzu destroyed their world, so they agreed to this protection… (wrong move!) The Ushumgal then genetically engineered the army. This was seen as a violation by the Kadishtu, because in their view the Ushumgal cannot be allowed ever again to “create an army”. And so the Urmah came again, the new army fought them and lost. To cover up the fact that Ushumgal created an army again, they “resurrected” the Pazuzu (hatched more of them even though by the previous events this was not allowed) – and then they sent these Pazuzu to kill/eat their own army! (so that the Urmah won’t discover that there were so many soldiers and report back to the Kadishtu and then it would be bad for the Ushumgal). Pazuzu hatched (takes a short time) and were released on a few planets that had the “army” on them, killing millions… Amashutum were farming on these planets, providing supplies, so they got caught in the middle and yet again were faced with these Pazuzu creatures.
- Understand that there were very few Amashutum left. Like there are probably 100 Ushumgal total and maybe 300 Amashutum total – while the “army” was in the millions. The Ushumgal genetically clone themselves, so same “person” lives indefinitely. The Amashutum do die, but they have very very long lifespans.
- This split the Amashutum – some were so traumatized by the past that they wanted the protection of the Ushumgal and stood against the Kadishtu, while the rest joined the Kadishtu and fled to Earth. The Ushumgal came after them with a few of their Pazuzu, but the hatcheries were destroyed again by the Urmah, so no more Pazuzu can be born (unless the technology is recreated again which takes time and resources). This whole mess resulted in triggering further the war between Mulge planet and the Martians in our Solar system, and Mulge blew up. The Ushumgal were forced to be left without control of Earth, while Martians got stranded here on Earth, and so did some Amashutum. The Pazuzu were used in some of the warfare here, and eventually only 9 of them remained alive (long lifespans, so still alive, but sterile so no more new Pazuzu born).
- It was hard for the Amasutum in our density, so they modified some of their genetics, making Amaargi – these had red skin, not green, and tails too.. Anyway, the Amaargi eventually modified the genetic experiment here (dinosaurs) with their own DNA, resulting in the Nagas (the terrestrial reptilian race that lives underground). The Amashutum stayed to rehabilitate the Ushumgal’s creations (their “army” are the Anunna – known to us as Anunnaki, i.e. the “Anunna of Ki” – and Ki is their name for Earth). Amaargi were protecting the Namluu and mostly lost – got killed by the Ushumgal and the Namluu experiment folded.
- This is when the human race began
NO. Most drawing of dragons are incorrect because they are made into hexapods (6 limbs) but they are quadrupeds (4 limbs) – the front arm and a wing are one unity on each side, i.e. there are no arms, feet and then 2 wings also – there are only 2 back paws and 2 front paws with bat-like wings on the arms (hard to explain).
Same BTW with angels – they are always misrepresented as human people with legs, arms, and then wings… obviously it’ll be either wings instead of arms, or arms and no wings… (and you know that Angeli do not even look human, they are Orbs!) Details, details!
In the past though, this was one of the areas where the Druids interacted with the Dragons (yes, black ones!) – the Druids and the Thuata D’Anu tribe of elvin people who actually are not related to the Dragons, did a lot of Dragon work on Earth – they took the “title of Dragon” (like Pendragon and Arch Dragon, and Drakona). Because of the Druids and Thuata D’Anu people England and Ireland has so many dragon-related sites.

- Reptilians (our there in the Universe, as conscious people) are just like human people – “good ones” and “bad ones”. Because reptilian genetics are more electric, they are more intellectual and action-oriented than feelings. But they do have feelings, just not like mammals do.
- Because reptilians are more electric, that genetic branch is prone to the over-electric issues – like over-intellectualizing, selfishness, need for control, perfectionism, override of reality to suit them, etc. These overly-electric issues taken to extreme constitute what we call “evil” – when a Soul is ascending – i.e. it is supposed to amplify its individuality in balance with Oneness – but because of the electric being more about the side of the individuality, they amplify intellect/individuality WITHOUT connecting to Oneness. That is really a definition of “evil” = Individualized and Conscious instead of a Christ Consciousness, or Unity Consciousness, which is Individualized Oneness. All service-to-others beings are awake to the individuality and Oneness, while all service-to-self being are awake to individuality and super-high intelligence but are in Separation perception, not in Oneness.
- Because of this over-electric option, many reptilian people in this Universe got lost in the “evil” direction – i.e. stuck in PERCEPTIONAL SEPARATION (nothing is really actually separate, it is only a view point of that individual that makes it look/feel like that to them). All service-to-other beings KNOW that that “evil” branch is just a virus on the organism of God and it is cured by Love. ALL eventually return into Oneness because all ARE Oneness (even if they forgot).
- No one is “just evil” – that is perpetuated by the Church view that made this “war of good an evil” because to control the population there was to be an enemy to unite against. It is simply a political tactic, not reality.
- The reptilian genetic branch begins with the Dragons. These were amazing balanced beings. Some of them were Kadishtu Guardians (in 8D) like EleaNoor, others were less conscious and split their sexes into 2, males controlled and eventually killed females, and that branch is the one that resulted in many currently known “evil” reptilians like Draco, Ushumgal, Anunna, etc. Many Grays are the genetically engineered off shoot from that branch too. But just like I said in the beginning, not all “bad ones” are bad! There are people inside these generally selfish branches of reptilian species who awaken the magnetic side and rejoined the Oneness (you can say “cured themselves”) – like Amashutum (mother lizards) or Nungal (they look like Scandinavian people with vertical pupils), or terrestrial reptilians (Nagas, they are also called AmaArgi, who I mentioned in the Solar Council videos – they live in the caverns inside the Earth), or Sirian Abgal (humanoid amphibians who a hybrids of reptilian genes), and many more.
Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD. – and do not fear or judge!
Because most reptilian beings are into external technologies, they tend to become powerful war-like fractions throughout the Universe. This is why there is so much noise about “bad reptilians” – most invaders tend to be either them, or related to them, or hired by them (not all, but most).
The branches that went to the side of the service-to-others had to incorporate more magnetic into their genetic make up (some thru the engineering, some thru awakening latent Dragon codes). Amashutum, Nungal, AmaArgi/Nagas, Abgal – they all have INTERNAL technologies above the external (they almost do not use any tech but only their psychic powers – inner tech).
There are incarnate reptilians – these are reptilians who are in bodies. These bodies are either carbon-based of 3D (or 2D for some) or silica-based of 4D, 5D, 6D. Dragons of 8D from out view point are like “fields of energy” but in 8D they are “incarnate” – have bodies. That’s what “incarnate” means – IN FORM – not necessarily in 3D form though. When one is NOT incarnate, one is a Soul, not a Soul+personality+body.
For the explanation of POSSESSION itself please see the Q&A “personal” page – it will help you understand what you can do to always remain in control.
The 4D negative beings (including reptilian races) can influence humans thru a form of “mass possession” – It is less “food” and more work to try to take over one person – much easier to create a negative morphogenic program, have people who disown their issues hook into that – and here you have a whole tribe of humans following orders of these beings. This is how Earth became entropic instead of syntropic, this is why we Starseeds are here, why Starseed Initiative was set up by the Solar Council – to help clean up these lower morphogenic fields (a form of mass possession) – like False God, False Light (favorite of many who want just “love and light and unicorns” and are terrified of their own shadow!), like Victim-Victimizer, and many others.
Kali is a real person (half reptilian Amashutum humanoid + half Abgal Sirian humanoid) and she is known at the Solar Council as Kalimah. She has a sister Luluwa (same genetics, very different temperament) – I think she is called Pavrati in Hindu… Kalimah and Luluwa are 4D persons that can show up in 3D (well, could, probably no more since the fall of energy in 3D).
First of all, why would they desire to harm you? the world generally is not interested in harming anyone – it is humans who tend to want to harm, not other types of beings usually.
Second, the animal part of us that fears other animals who are not like us tends to sound an inner alarm (adrenaline) but this is just the animal response. We are INSIDE the animal body but we are NOT animals – we are Souls inside bodies. I.e. we can have OTHER responses, not only the biological self-preservation ones!
Third, these inner earth reptilian people are NOT the same “big bad Draco” etc. – they actually had a war against the Draco, Ushumgal and Anunna on the side of Earth! They are the “good guys” 🙂 So unless they are provoked, they will not try to harm anyone – their defense has been “cloaking” – they are masters at hiding (not shape-shifting, just hiding).
Fourth, remember that you CREATE your reality – i.e. if you mean no harm, no disrespect, and you are NOT afraid because you KNOW that everything is God Source – they won’t be able to harm you even if they wanted to! Things don’t just happen to you randomly, you create them by your own broadcast.
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.
Siensishar are the stasis chambers that look like they are made of glass (crystal actually) and there are many different types. They are mainly used for cloning – birthing and growing the body (in liquid similar to what is in the womb of these species) so that the consciousness of a person can be deposited into it later.
Some species who only procreate thru this process use Siensishar all the time, others use it occasionally to “prolong life” by transferring consciousness from body to body. These chambers can also be used in transport – some ships of 3D and 4D are equipped with this tech to help people “float” to the destination in the semi-suspended-consciousness state to survive speed and dimensional transit.
Reptilians, Grays, and many human species use this actually, especially in Orion.

Oaum are conscious Kadishtu Guardians who live in the Void and are made of the Void (they are like Void that is coalesced by their consciousness into something that is them). From the perspective of 3D we can say that Oaum are “the consciousness of the Void”, even though they are actually more of a “beginning of the realization of the Void”. This is why in the Oaum bundle I talked about how Oaum are “one foot in the tri-state and one foot in this Universe” – they are sort of half-way still unified with tri-state in the “mother” component (non-individuated) and half-way individuated enough to be here in the Code (the universe as we know it, 1D-12D range).
Nebulas are the in-between consciousness step from Oneness to individuation as a star. Stars are the main anchor points for holographic simulations (they create star systems, planets, etc. – all to support variety of simulations for other souls to learn thru and explore).
Stars are souls – but stars are 12-D down to 7D usually (as the lowest) – that is where the star form is set up further into 1D gravity anchor. The Nebulae Guardians are usually 12D down to 9D. They are a soul group and nebula is like their “body” but they are vast. Many nebulae are “star nurseries” – i.e. stars come from them – the souls who make stars split off from a nebular soul-group.
Other souls who are NOT nebulae can INCARNATE into the “body” (type of form) that is nebulae – these are usually group-mind soul-groups. It is not a very common thing to “be a nebula” (or “be a star”) but it is much more common to “incarnate into a nebula” (or “into an environment of a star” – like all of us here playing in the Sun’s simulation).
Nebulas are FORMS (the “bodies” created by that lineage) that one can incarnate into. I have met beings, and even people who are incarnate as human-starseeds here on Earth today, who used to be a Nebula.
Nebulae “body” in the 9D coalesces into a more “solid looking” form – looks like giant jelly fish and they live in the space between the star systems (although they probably evolved initially on one anchored singularity). These forms are the size of our Moon and connect consciously over extremely large distances – they are not from this galaxy – they are in 9D.

The deep water aquatics like octopus and squid were seeded onto Earth from other non-Earth civilizations. Without going into many details… water on this planet has always been of high interest to many ETs as it has so much diversity of possibilities – the range of frequencies on Earth allow for multitudes of species while on most worlds it is usually limited to only a few.
There were multidimensional beings, and 3D non-terrestrials, working in our waters for a very long time – before the dinosaur age. Some species were seeded, evolved, then taken off this planet (removed to the off-world location because they were not natural Earth experiment but the being who created them didn’t want to kill them off).
There is still one group of humanoid amphibian ETs that is living in the Pacific ocean – they are not very friendly and I have seen them only a few times in the Solar Council (and didn’t like them much). They are higher 3D consciousness, overall they stand for One God Source laws but they are just not very friendly and hard to deal with because they are territorial when it comes to their experiments (i.e. the group I met were the local scientists who are not very friendly, I have no ideal what the rest of their population is like!)
These amphibian humanoid guys are the ones who oversee the last 5 experiments of the off-world DNA in our oceans (and they don’t really like humans). I had seen their presentation once a long time ago in the Solar Council meeting (I think I was 5 y.o. then?) and I remember what their “experimental” creatures looked like.
One of them was like an octopus (but a size of a 3 story building), the other like a squid (about a size of a truck), one more like a “tree” (like coral but not actual coral since it could live under enormous depth – it was able to expand and grow for miles while retaining conscious “mapping” of the area it covered), and 2 more that I can’t even describe – like huge “flying saucer” shape with eyes and many legs (an underwater spider? But the legs were soft… and it was the size of our aircraft carrier, only very deep underwater) – 2 types of these. I have a suspicion that the last 2 types (like “spiders with soft legs”) were actually “ships” – many species use biological ships which are like animal-mind that responds to the person who is flying it. And aquatics use bio-ships to move around underwater, so perhaps these 2 were some testing for a new “denser” species of bio-ships – don’t know for sure.
So, this tells me that the current off-shoots of squid and octopus that we see (small ones) are the DNA branches, probably on some original Earth branch, of these deep-water non-terrestrial experiments. And this means that they all RESONATE to the same frequency (because they share some non-earth DNA). And this is what the visiting 5D aquatics were doing – utilizing that higher DNA frequency to “employ” the octopus, squid and probably the other 3 experiments too, to help out with breaking of the underwater False King anchor grid points.
There are also eel-like 5D beings called Eh-Em that participate in the planetary underwater experiments on Earth. They are of the Quitri Kadishtu Guardian lineage, have a blue-green to black energy and their snake-like skin is iridescent in these colors. They have an eel-like body that can appear in 3D, but most of the time they are in the 5D form. They have a representative on the Solar Council (he is about 10 feet long and 2 feet wide, he swims in his own container when we attends the meetings). Eh-Em are harmonious species.
Abgal are people of the 4D range that are from Sirius star system. The occasionally come to Earth and support our human evolution. They came to the people of Africa, to the people of Mesopotamia – about six thousand years ago. They are benevolent healing masters. They are amphibian humanoid body of gray somewhat translucent skin, they have gills, and webbed fingers.
Look at the Abgal as a type of energy – not somebody you have to “link to” or dream about, but literally energy through your etheric body. So, when you feel ache in your body, go into your etheric level, do your own self-healing (but gently) and then invite the Abgal as advisers – in case they have a different solution that the one you just applied. They won’t “do it for us” – they respect our free will – so we have to “start doing something” without asking them for help – and then they can start adding/correcting. Remember, they don’t heal directly, they match, adjust inside themselves, then our fields match theirs – so gently listen/fee/sense that process.
Abgal are actual people, so no, you are not “calling on them to come and do something” – they are busy and they are not personal guides. It is possible for one particular Abgal to make a contract with a starseed soul incarnate on Earth and become their guide for the time being, but it is rare. I had only seen a few. The Abgal delegation here on Earth has nothing to do with any individual – they are all specialists in what they are currently involved in.
So, if you are using the “overlay method” – that is literally a TECHNIQUE that you’ve learned (or remembered ) and now can utilize for yourself and occasionally for others. But remember to always ask permission of other people before doing any overlaying for them – they might not be looking for any of this (healing means “change” and we gain karma when we try to force someone else who is not ready to change according to our schedule). If on the other hand, the person is your client and is asking for help/healing, then you do not need to ask – by all means, use the technique and see what happens!
Abgal did some work on the underwater currents in Nepal/Tibet/Altai region (especially the Gobi area and Altai plateau) and also in the rift by the California (and Mt. Shasta and Mt. Reinier in WA). Altai is the location of Shambala in 3D; Mt. Shasta is a spaceport in 5D but it used to be linked to the Lemurian energies before the land changes in 72,000BC. Abgal mostly work within our oceans in general, and with the IPTN in particular (tunnels that are filled with water under the continents).
Shiva is a Vegan person, also an actual being, but he is 6D and to my knowledge he never showed up in 3D. He did a lot of work with the Solar Council. He is an ascended master of the Vegan culture, who anchors the Guardian Host energy of the 9D (he is sort of a person and an expanded consciousness – like Jesus is a person that also anchors consciousness). He is not confined to a form but goes have one. With bluish skin like all Vegans. He worked a lot with Kalimah (this is probably how the stories came about that they were “married”). When Kalimah fought the enemies, she, because of her Amashutum reptilian genetics, can become enraged to the point of “trance state”. And Shiva was the only one who could calm her down.
Here is the basic overview – the rest is in the Kihshian bundle 🙂
1- consciousness has to be THE SAME for a group of being to be able to be in the Kihshian-like state. So, a SMALL group of individuals definitely can achieve it if they are isolated from the rest of the population. This has been done many times on Earth in various spiritual communities, communes, temples etc. But every member of that community has to be on THE SAME level of consciousness. Earth is NOT designed to be on the same level of consciousness – that will never happen by design. This is the planet of diversity and people are on various levels of Ascension Stairway – thus Kihshian-type society is not possible here with the earthling soul group.
2- Kihshians NEVER went into separation consciousness – the Kih-Tal soul expansion stopped at 3D but without going into separation – while Earthling soul group did go into separation consciousness (which is already a completely different LESSONS). We are not meant to build here Kihshian type society – it is not possible with humans – we are utilizing their legacy of the 4D harmonious parenting template to HEAL out messy mommy/daddy issues 🙂
3- Because Kihshians never went into separation, there was never any need to “maintain high consciousness level” (by yoga, taichi, meditation, etc.) – that “higher level” is the ONLY level they have known, i.e. there was nothing to maintain! They did have a lot of creative fun though 🙂
4- Kihshians are not earthling souls, i.e. they have been reborn again and again into their own Kih-Tal line of bodies here on Earth. Earthling souls also do this – stay with the same family groups reincarnating over and over. But since we did go thru separation, it is actually much less beneficial and can be detrimental to stay with the same line over and over (even though many souls still stuck to each other because of karmic links). Starseeds do NOT do this “reincarnating into the same line” – we hop around a lot. We might stay with the same family for a few lifetimes, but then we move on.
5- These are the closest in appearance to what Kihshians look like – only the eyes would be larger and rounder. They are not “funny” as in ha-ha, they are inquisitive and yes, look cute from human perspective, but they are not “crazy-frolicking-funny”, they are gentle, spiritually very awake and aware, and creative. (sort of like a creative-buddhist type, calm).
The image is of the people from Stargate show who are called the Nox and I think they were actually built on the idea of Kihshians – someone somewhere knew and remembered 🙂
6- Kihshian incarnated (before they ascended) into their lemur based (lemur-genetic type) bodies in 3D, then ascended these bodies into 4D, then ascended beyond and left earth. There are no Kihshians here on Earth now in any dimension. We are using their 4D legacy that they left as a gift to Gaia a long time ago before they left 🙂
AZURAS existed before the Gods. Azuras are PURE consciousness and no division; Gods are consciousness which divided and made all of this that we call “the Universe). Human beings loved the gods (since we come from them) and saw Azuras as “evil” because Azuras didn’t reproduce – such a tiny little human concept and has nothing to do with reality. Azuras ARE the universe, “gods” are the “this side of the universe” that we live in.
Concept of “power” has nothing to do with this either – all higher dimensional beings are powerful – but some are in Oneness (i.e. harmonious) and some are not. Azuras and Gods are in Oneness. Some of the descendants of Gods (many many dimensions down, like in 4D and 3D) are not in Oneness (overly electric yet able to manipulate and use).
In some of the religious books Azuras called “demons”. The label of “demons” is a human issue. Someone’s demon is another person’s god. It is more about human tribal consciousnesses and “like and dislike” than truth. So we do not need to pay attentions to these labels.
Ahura Mazda is just one of many, and this has nothing to do with Azuras. Ahura Mazda represented a concept of god-like creator. In Persia the Azuras were seen as “good” and gods (Ahriman) as “bad”, and in neighboring India Gods were seen as “good” and Azuras as “demons” – all human tribal stuff, really.
Highlands of Scotland energetically hold the codes of Fomores (they were cousins of Thuata-D’Anu of Ireland) – Fomores had advanced knowledge and some technology from the Hyperboreans – so the mountains hold the imprint of these people. Also, they dealt the Dragons (the quadrupeds from Orion, good ones – females – who came here in body thru opening portals during the time of Fomores) – Dragon 8D codes are also in the Scottish highlands. And the third – the Druids. They came way after the Fomores and Dragons, but they followed these teachings and did many rituals in the mountains there (because some of the dragon portals were still usable at the time).

It is all about AWAKENING to the next level. Knowing one’s history (spiritual lineage and some genetic lineages on this planet too) is how we CLEANUP the entropic mess we got stuck in on this planet – the very reason that Starseed Initiative was formed. This is NOT about entertainment, or simply a “history lesson”, it is about TRANSFORMATION of consciousness. And the knowledge of the other non-human beings who participate in our neighborhood allows us to grow.
Knowing about the “good aliens” gives you support and some remembrance of your own lineage, and also means to TUNE IN DIRECTLY to these beings and FORM YOUR OWN relationships.
Knowing about the “bad aliens” gives you sovereignty-strength and clarity – and without these we just freak out at the first sign of a “dark entity”! And TG builder does not freak out! We are stronger and more conscious than that!
We are here to WAKE UP and this means “knowing the dark” so we can walk thru it. Having knowledge about the historical involvement with the “negative aliens” is a good thing – it is empowering. Being able to support the change – this is WHY we are here!!! This is not about “having someone in your field” but about your KNOWLEDGE so that you can DISCERN the frequencies and how we fall into the negative ourselves (which is how we end up supporting the negative). Also, it is REALLY IMPORTANT to never judge a WHOLE RACE!!!!!!!!! There are a few Anunna who are amazing and are trying to change their race and if we can help – great. Some with some other generally negative beings – just like with humans, we have variety and so do they. We are not going to judge the whole race as “bad” and fear it – we will LEARN about races and learn about our own issues with them, so that we can become self-masterful – and in doing so help the planet.
If we are talking about non-human imprint – YES, if about human imprint -NO. All of us who are in the Gate have to continuously add ourselves in – and then we are in the energy-support of the Gate (but if, let’s say, someone left TG, their energy won’t remain here). On the other hand all non-physical beings we had worked with – including Anshar, Huperboreans, Elementals, Oaum and other Guardians, EleaNoor etc. – they are all imprinted in the Gate and you can access them at any time. This is actually part of the amazing power of what we have created (and a component of the energy-program that I’ve designed as the TGate itself) – it allows you to have access to very complex high energies with easy because you have a “special path” thru the Gate – they are already pre-set here.

The lower astral negative beings you are talking about are NOT conscious. This is why they are not really “players” on the large stage – just like rats or racoons, they just do what they do – they happen to like negative emotional and astral energy and thus feed of it. Overtime, like any animal, they gotten clever (like racoon might learn to open a garbage can lid to get inside) and they can instigate and amplify the energy ONCE THE PERSON IS TRIGGERED into it already. NO ONE can MAKE us feel something – feelings do not come from the outside, they are internal reaction to the experience we are having DUE TO OUR FILTERS. So, if one has a filter of fear, one might be easily TRIGGERED into fear by external life events (because of predisposition due to karmic filters) and some of these lower critters might find this very “tasty” and if they are clever, keep AMPLIFYING this to make the person PRODUCE the energy of fear – i.e. so they can have food. But they are not conscious and more like animals than “beings”, little astral critters, some are more clever than others… The SOLUTION is to BE SOVEREIGN and CLEAN YOUR OWN KARMIC FILTERS so that nothing can trigger you into the states you do not wish to enter, or at least that if you are triggered, you have the power to change your own inner state.
Why do sometimes lower astral critters move into the house? Is this astral pollution? Are we responsible? Yes, in a way we are.
There are 2 reasons: unclear personal space boundary and energetic food.
These lower astral creatures are there because we provide FOOD for them. Thus, figure out what they want and stop giving it to them – then they’ll leave. They feed on the negative emotional charge.
Food = lower astral energy (i.e. fear, despair, anger, resentment, etc.)
We often believe about non-physical reality as if it is physical – like if you literally have an animal in the house you can just “get it out”. But energetically there are no walls, i.e. they do not know it’s your house – and if you provide the food source, they will have no reason to leave. We must CLAIM our space so they are ENERGETICALLY away – because they do not care about walls 🙂
Sage smudging can make them uncomfortable, but just as physical animals, if the food is great, they will deal with discomfort for the access to it 🙂 So, you need to LEARN THE LESSON for them to leave – and that is – stop putting out (broadcasting) “food” – they will then leave on their own.