Questions & Answers
personal development

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If you take responsibility for creating the problem, you already did the main piece of “using your authority” to resolve it. It is important to remember that “asking for help” is only needed when you actually had tried to do it yourself and still require assistance (vs all the time “just in case”).
We ALL have guides but some treat them as literally someone to “guide” them, or “love them”, others more like “advisers” (that is my way if interacting with them), others don’t interact with their guides at all. But we all have them.
In Mission Alpha I talk of many types of guides. But what I call “guides” are really my advisers – essentially other ETs that I interact on the daily basis from the Solar Council and other places I am linked to. Some are “assigned to me” for a duration of a project – then they go away. Like in my 20s I had a guy called Archan around – he was assigned to me by his people (from 6D) and we did work together (one of the projects I was involved with). He wasn’t guiding me anywhere (we disagreed at times, or sometimes he had an opinion I haven’t thought of so that was cool).
Guides are not “always right” – they just have a larger view usually. For most people guides are highly necessary because by working with them, people can open up to a much wider range. Once you are like me with that range pre-installed, the guides are more like “other people who know something” and you can do projects together. Also, when one does healing work, there are planetary guides and some other beings who are involved with that work, so they come around to help. There are also other people’s guides who might be involved in something you are doing – all depends on the level of consciousness and the kind of work one is doing.
Earthling’s guides are usually astral animals, previously incarnate members of genetic family, and angels. Starseed guides are usually either some members of their soul family (where ever they come from) or some people from these places in other dimensions, and occasionally also astral animals and angels.
The key is to NOT give your power away to the guides. This is the New Age problem – they treat guides as if they are “gods” practically – they are not, they are just “people” from elsewhere and they do not know everything – but unless you yourself have a huge range, chances are they might know more than you – i.e. they can be very helpful. But this whole “I want to feel loved” that most people want from their guides – that is just the HS/LS issue and no guide can resolve it for a human – although some personal guides might beam love at their human to help facilitate this self-loving process 🙂
“Angels” as humans label them are pretty much any guide that is NOT an ex-human who died. Most people do not have a vocabulary for it, and because of Abraham-based (Mesopotamian started) religions, angel is an acceptable term – it simply means a “messenger” which is what these beings are.
As to who they ACTUALLY are – this depends on many things. For earthlings most of the time “angels” are higher Earth people like Hyperboreans or Anshar, etc. For starseeds they are usually ETs of some sort. That depends on a situation and a person.
The Angeli are Kadishtu and they are glowing spheres (not blond human-looking people, that is New Age). BTW, the REASON that new Age looks at angels as blond blue-eyes people is because most mystery schools were set up by well-meaning Pleiadeans who do look like that, so the “typical” angel image is actually simply a Pleiadean person from 5D.
The non-physical beings, especially the high conscious ones, are not localized – i.e. they do not have to “stand next to you” to help! They are RESONANCE that responds to your REQUEST (which is also a resonance). From the human view point we can say “they are always around to help us” (even though materially they are not always next to us).
No, you don’t have to. But if you have a particular relationship with an energy being, or an angel, or you need help for the physical body – then you can request by name/title. In other words, the Universe will bring to you who is the best suited to help you – but if you have a preference, state it also (if not, a general request can be fine).
No, since the non-physical beings are not as linked to the linear time as we are. They are in spherical (simultaneous) time – i.e. they are “always here” from our linear perspective. So when we ask, the help that comes feels instant!
DEVOTIONAL PRACTICE is NOT worship. Worship is “giving up your power to someone else”. Devotion is “opening your being fully to someone else” and staying that way no matter what (i.e. it is an exercise in FULL ACCEPTANCE). Devotion is a beginners step towards letting the Ego go. Once we have enough access to the Higher Self, no gurus or devotional practices needed. They are just tools to get one out of the Ego. And yes, if we are talking about the real great entities and gurus, they will never let their devotees to give up power to them because this will forfeit the whole point of the exercise!
Worshiping is NEVER beneficial – it is GIVING UP authority to someone else. This form of connection didn’t exist on Earth until the negative beings came and the consciousness fell. In my Secret of Sekhmet book I talk about the “imposters” who came and sold humans the story of “we will protect you if you worship us” and people made that choice. This choice to give up power and become a slave is a FREE WILL choice and thus cannot be over-ridden from the outside. This is why humans cannot be rescued (Pleiadeans tried ad also got stuck here!) This is why we all are here in Starseed Initiative – to help humans make a different choice – of empowered mastery.
There are 4 conscious levels of “collecting”:
- When people “collect famous deities” it is usually a form of fear – like collecting “protection talismans”. It is a very LOW tribal consciousness thing.
- Then there is a next level of “collecting” when we choose to “worship by putting on the pedestal” but at least one is on the spiritual path – just sees him/herself LOWER than these deities and powerless more or less.
- Then there is the next level of “collecting” which is more about RESPECT. When we TUNE INTO an energy pattern that is REPRESENTED by an entity (or person) we RELATE and hopefully can GROW because of it. We then TRASURE that relationship of growth – and this is why we put SYMBOLS of who we have this respect with on the alter.
- The next level of “collecting” is more of a SYMBOL but it is not linked to the entity or person at all anymore – just more of an energy-tone that you associate with that symbol. At that stage there might not be an alter per se, just a conscious “collection” of “energy-tones” that represent something for you. This is similar to keeping a photo of someone that affected your life in some special significant to you way – no projection of power, in fact one sees oneself equally powerful, but there is LOVE associated with these imprints/symbols.
When people “ask for help” from the “famous beings” – usually this has NOTHING TO DO with the actual being. 99.9% of people praying to Jesus had never met Yeshua and if they did, he would have broken all their illusions and projections of perfection that they placed on him! Same with Mary Magdalene, and Buddha, and St Germaine, and Thoth etc. All these actual people had human personalities and most of the time the IMAGES that now people pray to are just morphogenic fields of group consciousness that have nothing to do with the original entity. It’s like an image in a fairy tale can be talked about so much and elicit emotion, that people begin to FEEL it is a real person. And if that fairy tale is told by a religious institution – you can see how that goes… So, most of the time when we tune into the “famous beings” we just FEEL the morphogenic field that is associated with that (probably the main note in that field is the very reason we were looking to tune into that person in the first place). Like someone looking for “wounded feminine” might tune into the Magdalen field thinking it’s actually her – not knowing anything about the Magda Order, the sacred systems of the priestesses, the powers and history – nothing! They are NOT tuning into Mary Magdalene but the symbolic field of what everyone thinks of her. Same goes for anyone else – including the entities who are not human people (like Krishna being Vegan) and so on.
To tune into the ACTUAL PERSON one has to KNOW THE HISTORY, know the key to that energy-signature, know how to FIND that actual person. Otherwise we automatically connect to the group field. It is not a bad thing – some of these fields are amazing and many wonderful people built them – they are encouraging and supporting, loving. But they are NOT the actual person.
The “simple answer” here is that Meditations = Theta brain wave pattern. There are 4 basic brain wave patterns: Beta=mental; Alpha=relax; Theta=”door to consciousness”; Delta=asleep
If you are not used to it, your brain cannot tolerate the Theta state and goes right past it (from Alpha/relax straight into Delta/asleep). This is why people fall asleep in meditations – their brain is not calibrated to Theta. It takes years to do it.
Like my brain was calibrated to this in the first place from birth so that I can link to the Solar Council and the Guardians. But in 2013 it was time to “step it up” as I ended up doing much more work with the Guardians in 10D. That required my brain to be “upgraded”. So, I spend 2013 meditating 4 hours EVERY day – in that transcended Theta state (yes, 4 hours per day sitting in the chair looking “dead” while my mind was semi-blank and “being upgraded”!) That got my brain in 365 days to the level that now I can do a 6 hour Solar Council meeting or work with the Guardians in 10D easily for hours (I know, I have no personal life!) But just like anything, this takes effort.
The “light headed/dizzy” experiences during meditation – that is simply ungrounded. So if you start your meditation not really in your body (too much energy in your mental body and not as much in the etheric) then as the meditation progresses (especially the TG ones – these recordings are energy-coded) your etheric gets less and less charge while your higher bodies expand. In the end the effect is dizziness. It is not the matter of “re-balancing” – it is the matter of “starting correctly” and then there is nothing left to re-balance. I.e. start from grounding and sensing the body (instead of thinking), don’t overuse the breath – just relax and deepen into the body. Then start listening to the meditation recording… That’ll help a lot. And the rest is practice 🙂
Also, eating a heavy meal before the meditation is never a good idea. You’d think it will get you grounded but a full breakfast will just pull all the energy into your stomach 🙂 Yes, that will get you into the body – but it will also take you way out of the Theta wave! So, having like a banana, or some oatmeal so you are not “low blood sugar” but not a heavy full meal.
When an irrational fear of death arises (it can be triggered by a physical symptom that is not directly fatal but we immidiately go to “I will die!” or even a dream) – it is your Soul trying to make your body HEALTHY. This means not just that you “hope for the best” by saying some mantras and ignoring the fear – because that’s the Ego’s desire to “not die” because it will “End with death”. But to actually step into harmony fully.
Ask yourself, if your body healthy? If not, what does it need? And look at totality of it (not like “oh, my heart needs” or “my liver needs” but your overall system). Does it need a cleanse? does it need to lose weight? does it need to be more in flow and sleep at a different cycle? Does it need some foods taken out of the menu?
Then you are not just trying to “override the fear that you can just drop dead” (which is a LS fear!) but you are investing in your harmony on all levels, including physical. it might help your Ego to feel like it can DO something 🙂

- Have access to more data than others;
- A wider ability to sense things;
- A wider range of perception;
- More tools than other people;
- Sensitivity improves the ability to navigate internally (and externally!);
- An ability to love deeply and care deeply;
- The range of all feelings is wider – can feel the different nuances of all the emotions;
- Sensitivity improves the quality of life in depth of feeling;
- Allows to have wisdom;
- Allows to see the bigger picture and have a different perspective;
- Gives the ability to step back into the Observer (without the observer you can’t have the HS);
- Sensitivity gives powers that most people don’t have;
- A greater ability to create;
- A greater ability to change things for personal spiritual growth;
- A greater ability to see;
- A greater ability to self-heal physically;
- A greater ability to heal the emotional/mental wounded parts (as opposed to other people who can’t deepen in);
- A greater ability to choose and to have and see more choices/options.
But if our consciousness is not in the place where it is happening, we are not aware of it.
So the key here is to find your own way of HOW you “get aware” and then LISTEN to the TINIEST of changes! You do not need to see a guide to know there is one next to you, to feel her or even converse with her! You do not need to see a guide to receive your inheritance. What you do need though is CURIOSITY and PERSISTENCE in asking navigational questions.
There are many ways to perceive non-physical reality.
In this 3D world we tend to be visual and so it is easiest to describe the info visually so that you can imagine it. It does not mean that you also have to see it!!!!! It is just a way to deliver that information to you all.
You must use your NATURAL way of perception.
When we try some other way to perceive that we THINK we should have but it is not our natural way, we just get frustrated and it becomes an ammunition for the Lower Self part of us to dismiss the attempt all together. And we do not want that.
So, use your Natural way and stick to it – all the rest of explanations are just means to help you get the info into your conscious understanding.
For example, I receive direct telepathic conceptual info but I do not HEAR anything almost ever, I am visual and I am able to see multidimensionally energy of different types, but I also SEE all of the concepts and beliefs – i.e. it looks like geometry and very complex shapes and patterns – and if you saw it that way, it will probably mean nothing to you other than a “pretty picture”! I learned to translate it into WORDS so I can talk about it and sound “linear” enough (instead of saying “your yellow thinking is too ocher and it should be more bright over there, so lets bring in this dodecahedron into your blood and it will transmute the green!
) So, find your own way!
1. You might be kinesthetic and naturally sense in your body – you will be able to sense the presence of your guides (that is the Etheric level perception, it mostly relies on the root chakra and Vertical Tube).
2. Or you might be emotional / empathic and feel other people’s emotions – thus you will be able to feel you guides emotionally (this is the Emotional and Astral level perception and relies on 2nd 3rd and 4th chakras usually).
3. You might be more structural and receive your soul lineage guides as a concept that you comprehend but not feel or see anything (this is perceived usually thru the Conceptual level and via the crown chakra).
4. You might hear a sound, feel a resonance, or experience a vibration – that is also a type of perception! (usually in the Truth level and via the 5th chakra or Vertical tube, but others are also involved.)
5. Or you might be space-oriented and sense via expanding and contracting – this is similar to the sonar ability that sharks and dolphins have – you can sense your soul family that way. (This is Etheric and Astral and Crystalline level perception).
6. You might receive direct information packages when you just suddenly know something you didn’t know a moment before. (this is usually Conceptual level via crown chakra).
7. Or you might be intuitive and feel/sense via emotions (this is on the Emotional level and usually using the 3rd chakra).
8. Or you might receive information in symbols – these might not make any sense to anyone else but you but you can learn their meaning based on your own experience. Symbolic perception can be visual, auditory, schematic, geometric, etc. (it generally works thru the Astral or Conceptual levels and can utilize any of the chakras).
There are many many more – but you get the idea.
Trust your OWN way!
Something always happens!
What did you find out so far? We all have some way that is natural to us – we use it every day and don’t think much about it (or our Ego personality might dismiss it because it wants to “see” instead).
You can always tell your energy field (while in the meditation): “SHOW ME!” and more will be revealed to you.
What is your NATURAL perception?
It can be a combination of a few of them too!
Is it possible to have “real” perception just through sound, clairsentience? – yes, it is. Real is what is working. Not what personality thinks will be cool to have 🙂 Like dogs can see but their perception thru smell gives them a much better “real” understanding of the world than their vision (and probably better than our vision!) or sharks who can hear a “sonic map” (like dolphins to, just on a different frequency) that creates a very real and super-detailed perception of reality.
When we see perception thru the Ego personality of 3D here where we think “visual” means “real”. But you SEE energy in your mind all the time – just using it differently.
An example of a “combination of abilities” is using clairvoyance as a “TRANSLATION SKILL” – i.e. you get data in some other way (direct knowing, intuition, sound, vibrations) and then your pineal gland translates it into a visual that your brain then can “see”. It is the most common way to use the 3rd eye and it is actually necessary at some stage of Ascension Stairway – we require ability to VISUALIZE in order to comprehend. But… it doesn’t have to come from direct clairvoyance, it can come from “translation clairvoyance”.
The keys to dealing with sensitivity are: self-care, boundary, self-responsibility, be the HS and so on. The energy work does amplify the sensitivity but that is a good thing – we become aware consciously of the wider range of vibrations (which is what we want – that’s Enlightenment). But one cannot chose which vibrations one becomes aware of – when the range expands, everything in that range you are aware of. One CAN choose which ones one EXPERIENCES by self-mastery, sovereignty of boundary, inner authority, etc. People care about their health, choose a healthy lifestyle – great. But is this done with consciousness or just because they read an article that told that that they should eat healthy or they will get sick? Also, most people who are earthlings are very body-based, their identity is in the body. So the ones who actually have a Self, want to naturally maintain that body… We all are on – one Source, earthlings and starseeds, just consciousness is different. And Starseeds have a much wider range of vibrations and SENSITIVITY (what earthlings do not yet have).
When people say they want to wake up, they actually mean “become more sensitive to the range of frequencies so that they can see/feel/sense beyond the Lower 3D”. And what do you think this feels like??? Exactly as what you are experiencing! The key is MASTERY (what we are learning in TGM).
The sensory overload is one of the most common “ascension symptoms” that starseeds experience. A better boundary is the best solution (while in Oneness, not Separation). And we are NOT victims!
The energy sensitivity we Starseeds have is all about the extra stimuli coming in. The lights at night and the sounds that people think are “normal” are painful for the Starseeds because we feel them as INTERFERENCE patterns to the ALIGNMENT that we are trying to be in.
In 2012 this planet had experience an increase of these “interference patterns” because of the negative being fighting back the creation of the higher 3D earth (in march 2013).
I always found it painful when people leave TV on “for the background noise” – people do this so that they “do not feel alone”, and this is really a sign of a disconnected from Oneness person (i.e. an earthling). The lights in the cities are a type of pollution. The space is also interpenetrated by the other “pollution” as wifi and so on (especially in a big cities.)
It is VERY IMPORTANT to not FIGHT the stuff we do not like (unless you can PREVENT it by choosing to become active in that cause) – because if we fight it, we make it “an enemy”. I would suggest to “ride with it” (i.e. yes, ride the pain) for ONE moment – so that you ADD you awesome powerful sovereign Starseed energy INTO the interference pattern. Then let it go.
The blurry vision is TOTALLY NORMAL for the higher-end work because the brain switches to the “vision inside the pineal” and when you come back to here and physical vision, the eyes and the brain have to be calibrated again. ALL people who do high-end work have this. I literally cannot see after I deal with the Solar Council or some other high-end beings – so I just sit in the dark for a bit and let my brain reset (takes about 5-10 min.) The body is designed for the vision thru the optic nerve stimulation and you are training it to do the pineal-direct-vision. Now, this has NOTHING to do with the bad vision in general, so its not like everyone who does this work either ends up with bad eye sight or all people with bad eye sight have some pineal-vision ability – not related. The effect of re-calibration of the brain after the high-end work takes a moment, then you are are back to whatever is your normal vision (good or bad, but your own). Occasionally there might be some residual photons stuck in the optic nerve root by the pineal, and this will show up as a zig-zag pattern (this ALWAYS last 22 min., I have this often too) – it is not a stroke or anything bad, it is just how the brain resets from the “view up” to “view thru the eyes” forward.
Tinnitus is also related to nerve sensitivity. And when we do any energy work, we RECEIVE data, i.e. stimulate the nervous system. So if it is already predisposed to tinnitus, it might become more apparent. But you are the boss – dial it down if something feels too much – you are always in control. And not focusing on it helps – refocus on some other sounds and it overrides the weird hiss or tone that you don’t want to hear.
Tinnitus interrupts the transmission of sound from the ear to the brain, and the outer, middle, or inner ear are also involved. Tinnitus alter neurological activity within the auditory cortex (the part of the brain responsible for hearing) – the transmission of sound is interrupted, so some of the neural circuits don’t receive signals. Instead of causing hearing loss (as you might expect due to the lack of stimulation) the neural circuits begin chattering/stay active by themselves. First, they chatter alone. Then, they become hyperactive and synchronous. When we experience this deviation, our brains attempt to compensate for the change by interpreting the neurological activity as sound. This can resemble ringing, buzzing, hissing, whistling, or roaring, amongst a variety of other noises.
Even though the most typical causes are listening to loud noised that damage the ear, or allergies, there are other causes.
To my knowledge tinnitus is NEVER caused by any energy input (like Maat resonance or other multidimensional energies) but if someone already has tinnitus, it can become amplified or change the “sound” in one’s head because of the incoming resonance.
Otherwise, someone who doesn’t have tinnitus can experience clairaudience – sound frequencies in their brain directly, by-passing the ears – but it is a temporary situation and doesn’t become the “noise” of tinnitus.
Mold is related to the energy of space (.e. the Void and Creator combination) – these issues are somehow related to not being in tri-state of God Source.
Term “genetic predisposition to mold allergy” (in the line you incarnated into) means that you had to have a karmic issue with “taking up space” and there had to be something in the DNA that also had that (which makes sense why one would pick such genetic line), so by re-aligning yourself with “right to take up space” you can heal your own karmic pattern and also affect the whole genetic line back in time too.
Both Mold issue and the Cancer issue have something to do with one’s SPACE issue. But the energy of Mold spores is about “something moving into the space we are not choosing to occupy internally” and Cancer is about “cells trying to solve the issue of energy coming in but us not giving space for that energy.”
Mold = fear of taking up space, or not giving space to some part of you;
cancer = not choosing to receive a type of energy (like love, or acceptance, or peace, or joy, etc.)
One of the “ascension symptoms” is the heave wave that might go thru your body in any moment as a result of the consciousness expansion process, or in particular in meditation or at night – no matter what gender or age you are! Women tend to mistake these for hormonal hot flashes, but I have seen (and experienced myself!) these occur for women in a much younger than menopause age, and in men as well!
For some people when they expand the fire element activates – and it can be cold white/blue flame (then on will get very cold in the body) or red-orange-gold flame (then one gets hot). It occurs on the quantum level (if the meditation is multidimensional) and can make the physical body feel that temperature change because of the effect this quantum fire has on the hypothalamus gland in the brain (which acts like a thermostat). When it adjusts, there is no sweat (cold or hot) but the temperature can change dramatically.
I personally had experienced it both ways (when I would turn almost blue-while and frozen after a Solar Council meeting, or when I would be burning up – I even measured it a few time to make sure I was not losing my mind – thermometer showed 106F every time (seems to be my set quantum point!), no sweat, just engulfed in fire, then in 10 min. or so it was right back to normal as if nothing happened). I had these for 6 years, until my body transitioned to the next vibrational phase.
The body-processing of the Fire element aspect… We all have issues with different elements, and magnetic people in general have a lot of issues with Fire element. It is judged as “abusive”, “too direct”, and “harsh” when actually that is more of an emotional reaction to an unbalanced Fire.
The Creator component is the blue flame (actually Maat code comes out of it, as do Azura beings) – and that blue fire is the stirrer of life – without it there won’t be any life (we would just have void and some structures in it, but no life!) So, when we have lifetimes of judging the Fire element as negative (because of our own emotional reactions) and in this lifetime we decide that Fire is good and we want it (awesome!!) – the body doesn’t always get this memo…
Thus the body is still trying to figure out if incoming Fire element (God Source Creative charge, and/or MAAT truth codes) is an enemy (because we told it before it was) or not.
Therefore the solution is this: be loving and kind to yourself (Water element!) and keep reaffirming to the body that this Creator fire and MAAT truth – it is what you want, it’s a good thing. Then the body will have a better time with it.
It is normal for the hypothalamus to react to Fire element in general – the hypothalamus is like a body thermostat and it amps the temperature as a means to process cellular fire better – it actually means “it’s working” but it might look/feel like a hot-flash, fever, flu-like or allergy-like effect. Sometimes the body will take in an actual virus to process it (i.e. we might literally have the immune system go thru it) or not (then it’s just ascension symptoms).
Awareness brings not only comfort. Often the INITIAL MOMENT of awareness ignites certain interest in people, and it is intriguing and cathartic and people think – “This is how the Path is!” This is really important to understand – All that is happening is that you are MORE AWARE now of the aches and pains. These are NOT new. You were not in the frequencies when you could notice the pains, and now you trained yourself to pay attention to your body and emotions more, so you notice more. That’s all. Other people who are not sensitive – their bodies also hurt a lot, but they just don’t know about it most of the time. You’d be shocked if you could “walk into” someone else’s body who THINKS that he/she doesn’t hurt! I do this all my life for clients and it is always shocking how much people do not notice about themselves (from physical discomfort to emotional pain!) People who are not sensitive tend to notice only when they are already at the breaking point (usually then they go to the doctor to tell them what is wrong with them!) So all of this is about the stages of awakening. It is not about being super-fascinated with enlightenment – enlightenment is a natural progression. What I see in you is that your LS is scared of the changes and wants to blame the HS for taking it onto this ride, and at the same time wants to “go back to how it was” because it was more comfortable then. This is a normal LS behavior – it is trying to PROTECT you. So, give love to your LS but remain on the path – the way to handling all these discomforts is EMPOWERED SELF-MASTERY.
I have been asked many times about the heart aches, chest pains, high blood pressure, etc. – all in relationship to the spiritual work in general, and TG in particular.
💕The “heart ache”/ discomfort situation is actually a very common one – most people mistake the heart chakra opening for a physical issue – fear of heart attack comes up, people do all sorts of tests, etc. – only to find out that there is nothing physically wrong.
It is your heart chakra opening and resetting the electric pattern, and this activates the flow in the body differently. This means that your nerves react… That can activate some emotional response as well. This is a known phenomenon and there are whole books written about it. I have it mentioned in my Mission Alpha book as well, in most of my workshops, and a few times here in the TG.
The beat of your heart is based on the collections of cells that take on the electric impulse. When we do high-level energy work, it changes this electric rhythm. It can be activated by any spiritual practice that is of a high-level frequency and intensity.
When you are in the TG Monday downloads, you are getting a much stronger electric charge that you normally have. This is great because it helps your heart to switch to the faster electric signal/rhythm – to accommodate Higher 3D Earth vibrations. This is a very good thing.
But if your physical heart is not used to it, it experiences a “jump” – when the old pattern is still there and the new pattern is also there – and the physical heart keeps switching from one rhythm to the other.
This might be physically uncomfortable but NOT dangerous, and there is nothing wrong with your physical heart. If there is a chest pain is it just the nerves reacting to the heart rhythm changes and many people experience that – it can be acute and short, or it can last for a prolong period of time as we are learning to love ourselves better. So nothing to be afraid about – if something, it is a tangible symptom of the change.
If you are too uncomfortable, remember to lower the intensity of the download on Mondays (this is why I gave you all the “controls” to it) and it also set an intention for the heart to shift to the faster rhythm permanently. The less it has to switch back and forth, the easier it is on you. But this is a great thing to have your heart chakra open more, and to move the energy thru the physical heart.
💕Another issue that tends to go hand in hand with this is the high blood pressure. High blood pressure is somewhat common among the star seeds because of the sensitivity that starseeds have.
This is the condition of how high blood pressure is created: we feel anxiety, which then adds acidity into the bloodstream on a constant basis, which the body reacts to by creating more cholesterol to line the blood vessels with to protect their walls from that acidity, and this makes the heart work harder – hence the higher blood pressure.
The high blood pressure is NOT caused by the spiritual work – it is caused by stress/anxiety and can be also genetic predisposition. And if you are going thru the heart activation with heart opening (more self-love) – then your heart is trying to switch to the faster Higher 3D rhythm at the same time as it is trying to push the blood harder because of the stress/cholesterol issue (which is a physical condition, unrelated to the spiritual heart activation). These two situations together might activate higher blood pressure because the heart occasionally is activated into faster speed.
💕The spiritual solution to the heart activation discomfort:
1- let the heart go thru its activation, it’s a good thing – use your intentions, and also limit the download intensity;
2- do not add fear based stress to the already high-anxiety situation – stay focused on harmony and know you are safe;
3- if you have physical high blood pressure issue – get it under control (by combo of de-stressing, diet change, and/or meds).
💕 The main focal point here is that heart opening (and resulting heart ache) is NOT a physical condition, but an energy adjustment with a temporary physical side-effect.
The anxiety is the KARMIC issue about not being safe on this planet. That anxiety can activate by any physical issue but you are the boss of you – the HS can remain in control and you step out of anxiety. The physical heart hurts when the chakra changes (usually either opens more or cleans up a seal).
When you do not allow love in for yourself, you end up in anxiety and in projection of self-responsibility onto the external world (blame). But when you step back into self-love, you are able to hold that self-responsibility and love for yourself and thus reflect it to others. The passive-aggressive pattern is one of the karmic patterns in the heart chakra that many “hurt starseeds” have if they are magnetic type – it is a form of not allowing the love for the self in. And being in a well-boundaries loving space is a way to clean up karmic patterns and open the heart to yourself.
Obviously spiritual work can NOT cause the loss of memory. Starseed who are more magnetic and ungrounded often find themselves unable to recall things… You are not “getting dementia” – you are just ungrounded and get stuck in your mental-emotional loops. So, if you stay present and focused, then you will have access to everything that you need – you can easily pull out from the Universe what is required. The information is not meant to be stored in the brain but in the 11th level of this Simulation and of your own energy field (the inner library – I did a webinar on this).
When we change a brain pattern (go thru an upgrade) then even a normally electric person might experience inability of recall. It will pass – it is just because the brain is being recalibrated to draw from the inner library instead of memories stored (the old way).
As you know, if the brain is “trained”/active and if you allow it to be in Theta often enough, it will remain healthy.
There reason for your exhaustion is an “multidimensional allergy” 🙂 We are working with the energies that are very pure and for some of your the LS sees these are “invasion” (because we are asking it to change a LOT). So, in it is a defense, the LS fights the balanced higher-frequencies – this creates INNER FRICTION. And that friction TAKES ENERGY to maintain. Think of it like this: you are tired because your system WANTS the Light but also does NOT want it (LS) and the struggle between these 2 sides uses a LOT of energy that you normally use for physical activity (or even brain activity if you don’t just feel tired but kind of “drunk”).
The SOLUTION to this is simple: look into where is the energy drain and clean it up. In other words, look for “what am I so desiring to bring in that I want to badly while at the same time afraid of how much change it will create in my life?” – whatever that is – that is your inner struggle of 2 opposing forces. Bringing this struggle into your conscious awareness will help you resolve it. It is NORMAL to feel exhausted when we are changing something huge internally – like one of our MAJOR negative beliefs!
This “exhaustion” doesn’t mean that you are “doing something wrong” – just that you are changing some HUGE belief about reality (or attempting to :)) – so the faster we CHOOSE to go for it, even though that can be hard, the faster we will regain vitality!
So, give yourself some love through the process and keep making choice towards the part that the HS/Soul wants, so that the LS can let go. This resolves the friction and thus the energy-drain.
True Migraine (not a “headache” but the thing that makes you wish you were dead while you can’t eat, sleep, taste food or see clearly) is a VERY COMMON ascension symptom because it is linked directly to upgrading one’s brain. Intensity of the migraines is directly related to the level of what person is changing in the brain (my brain is “highly customized” for the mission, hence the crazy intensity). Less intense migraines are still migraines but some people might just have one in their whole life, or a few.
Oh, I feel your pain! And all of you in TG who have migraines – I know who you are and I know your pain intimately. Migraines… I started to have these at 14, and lived in a hospital (literally) for 6 month attached to various machines as they tried to figure out what was happening to me… This is how we found out that I have a non-neurotypical brain (and I blew up a few of their machines in the process) and that my body doesn’t follow any normal patterns… I spent 6 month being a guiny pig for various medications and nothing worked. I was fainting from pain and vomiting – most of the time they just injected me with something like morphine to make me sleep… Then I decided that this is not going to be fixed, went home, and started my healing practice. More people came and I RAN ENERGY for them – that seemed to help! Puberty activated my mission and the flow of energy that has always been intense thru my body increased a thousand fold – shocking my poor brain… Migraines are electric charges in the brain that sort of “ricochet off the skull”… Running energy helped relieve some of the pain. But migraines never went away… I guess they are the “ascension symptom” on the path to enlightenment… So, I still have them, a lot, and my rule is that on the scale of 1 thru 10, if it is under 6, I will work, if it is 7, I will ‘do less’, if it is 8-10, I will lie down and try to sleep (doesn’t always work, but going into the Void helps). I don’t take any meds. Occasionally I can take a codeine pill but it doesn’t always work.
So, if you can find the meditation that works – you are lucky! Take it! Also, use VOID as a brain-solution – that helps to decrease activity of the pain receptors.
There are many people who do not have the consciousness but have some “magical energy abilities”. This is one thing that is so confusing to most people – it is often thought that is one has some psychic ability, one must be very conscious and advanced soul. NO. That is not how it works.
Ability can be there because of 3 things:
- yes, conscious development,
- karma (yes, something karmically opened up in order for the person to handle life differently or have access, etc.);
- being a “vessel” (when someone is actually not conscious, to the extent that they are OPEN but have no self to interfere with, or very little self).
For example, Amma (the “hugging saint” guru) is in the 1st category. Her abilities are naturally developed by her awakening fully to hold them. People wonder why she has all that weight on her body even though she hardly eats any physical food? It is because Amma has a diabetic insulin issue, this is why her body remains with the weight. If she didn’t, she’d be very very thing – and she was when she started, when they sainted her she was like a stick thin. Then as a guru she took on the “humans not loving themselves” as her issue to work with (hence the “mother of the world” hugging) and this activated her pancreas as one with diabetes = hence the weight on her body.
Many channelers are in this 3rd category – they have no self and thus can be easily accessed by some more advanced beings to channel the energy thru them. (90% of this is of course with permission of the Soul of the person who becomes a channel, and 10% is “possession”) This is why people who are very open but do not have a self (i.e. no boundaries or identity really, just overly-magnetic) they are easily influenced by anyone stronger than them.
For example, J of G is also in the 3rd category. He himself is NOT a conscious person. He is a good “vessel” though – he had a particular configuration that a much conscious group of being could utilize to come into this reality. The beings he works with are very amazing, they are a group consciousness, and they are the ones who did all sorts of awesome work thru his body (while he “stepped aside”). the problems arised when his personality started to take this as “I must be special, I have the power, I can do whatever I want!” – and this is very common stage where the budding Ego has to figure out how to handle that the powers it experiences are not his own! at this point most people fall into whatever the strongest karmic pattern they have – for J of G is was the sexual power – so this is where his Ego went. The more he went there, the shorter his time with the conscious being became, until his karma caught up with him. The lesson is this for you is that nothing is ever black or white – there are amazing healing abilities in a flawed person just like you have amazing powers and a tantruming child LS at the same time!
My view on pain meds is this: ideally you deal with the pain and learn, look for the lesson, process, and this transmutes the issue and the pain goes away.
If, on the other hand, pain is so high that you cannot think/process/look for the lesson – then it’s just needless suffering and that is when you take the pain killers.
My personal rule with migraines is on a 1 to 10 pain scale: I will not even think of taking a painfuller if it’s under 7; 7-10 is when I will take something.
Anxiety and fear are body’s and Ego personalities responses to something they do not recognize. Every time we encounter something new, the body has adrenaline response (as it supposed to in the physical situation to stay alert) but in this case the “unknown” we fear is not physical so we are “scaring our body into a physical chemical reaction” – we must watch out for that because our fields (emotions, thoughts, beliefs) is the environment that our physical body lives in. So, instead of a bear that can eat you, your body encounters a belief that we tell it can harm it (which is an ILLUSION!) but the body doesn’t know we are just being human and reacts as if there is a bear. It is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to give the body a calm message – we do that by looking for our fears PROACTIVELY (instead of waiting for them to show up and bite us!) and clearing them by CHALLENGING BELIEFS that generate them.
Anxiety and fear when we wake up from sleep – that is a response of the body to the message of the energy field about “returning the focus into 3D”. When you do spiritual work, you are traveling a lot when you sleep – you are processing, learning, communing with your guides and exploring yourself on the higher levels of your energy system. Then when you wake up, the mind/conscious awareness has to REFOCUS on the Simulation (this 3D world) and there is some apprehension and “anticipation of difficulty, discomfort, or pain” because of the unclear filters we have about reality (forgetting that we create our own reality!) This refocusing momentarily tells the physical body that it is in danger – when it is not – and the body creates a chemical cascade of stress hormones. To prevent this we must work with the beliefs we have about 3D and us in it.

When we have an intense emotion – its like a flood. In the Emotional body the energy CHARGE takes over for a moment.
This might help you understand it (it’s not literally so, but as a visual should clarify it): Think of this like you have a 100% of “life force energy” distributed over your whole field and every one of the 7 bodies has some “amount” of that energy. Now, when you are focusing or thinking hard, you are pulling a lot of your energy into the Mental body – AWAY from other bodies. Same happened with emotions – when you experience an intense emotion, most of the energy is redistributed from the other bodies into the Emotional body. This is what created the feeling of an “emotional tsunami” for a moment (which the physical body responds to with HORMONS – we cry, or have some other body reaction – sweat, flushed face, chill, fainting, belly gargling, etc.)
The fact that this happens is normal. But, since we don’t actually have a limited 100% of energy but ideally (if you are in your VT!!) there is a constant INFLOW of new life force energy, the field re-sets and the energy moves out from the one body where it was “too much” for a moment. The key is to LET IT MOVE OUT – let the energy be re-distributed. I.e. a momentary feeling overload is ok, but 60 seconds is enough – then one should breathe thru it, return into VT, and it goes away.
If we have an ISSUE with the CAUSE of the emotional reaction – this is when the energy gets stuck. Thus, always deal with the cause of the emotion if you notice its hard to shift out of it.
Yes, it can be very hard to live your life at times, even painful. But such is your life this time. If you assume that this life is about “staying in the HS as much as you can”, then it is a bit easier. It becomes about not judging yourself when you “fall off the horse” but also about not staying “off the horse” too long, not relishing this tantrum of the LS but actually seeing this as your mission – fall off – get back on -fall off- get back on as quickly as possible. I.e. the focus is not on “enjoying” (which is where the LS gets its ammunition) but on the “riding your horse” (living from the HS). You will actually feel stronger and exhilarated by the challenge if you see it that way.
When we are hurt, “feeling angry” feels natural – but it is a DEFENSE from FEELING the PAIN. Anger itself is just FIRE element and we run the EMOTION of anger over the element. It is you trying to protect your heart from the pain. At some point we must feel the pain itself – or it cannot heal.
Blaming others and “wanting to fight” – that is turning that fire against others – which is irresponsible and will make you karma! Nobody owes you anything – ever. We all have to get what we need from the Universe directly, sometimes if comes via other people – but not because they “owe us” – simply because they decided (consciously or unconsciously) to give us something.
“Feeling stupid” or “like a loser” or other forms of self-hatred – that’s turning that fire against YOU – and that makes no sense in the Universal Law view.
You are NOT a victim, but you are also not responsible for OTHER people’s decisions.
Use the fire element creatively to help you burn thru the pain. Creative expression can be extremely helpful in such painful circumstances – so it is ok to “retreat into creative mode” for a while (whatever you do to express yourself creatively) – give yourself time to heal.
Do not make any decisions yet. Accept yourself and know you are loved. Love yourself – that is bringing the Water element to counteract the Fire. Allow yourself to FEEL THE PAIN under that Fire so that you can heal it. And know that you are an eternal Soul and this shall pass.
We have these energies and the hooks to these morphotgenic fields, and your Soul is pressing on these to be released. The LS is fighting back, it doesn’t want to let them go because then it will have to change, it will have to love itself and actually receive support and go into gratitude. It doesn’t want to – hence the feelings you are having.
- Be an Observer of them so a part of you in NOT inside these feelings;
- Be gentle with yourself AND others around you – it is not their job to “fix” you;
- Be in gratitude for what is (you have so much love coming your way!),
- Look at your expectations about how it “should go” (like “should have been healed”, “should have had this experience”, should have felt differently”) – remember that it is you who makes your own feelings – they don’t just happen to you, they are GENERATED by your BELIEFS – thus look into what you believe and change it.
- Have a plan of action – like meditation every morning, playing with your girl, then journaling about your beliefs, then deciding which one you will tackle for a day and doing so, etc. Play-pretend to believe for a day that life is not about living or dying but about experiencing the magic of reality (from either side!) – and focus on that for a day, then another day, etc.
Depression is not something that is a “thing” that “just happens to you” or that you can catch. It is our PERCEPTION that CAUSES us to feel depressed. So to work on releasing depression one needs to look at the cause of it – that is usually something about purpose or lack of possibilities, or not having the right tools to deal with what you are presented with internally or externally (i.e. stuff “feel trapped”, “it will never change”, “there is no meaning in anything”, “I can’t dothis because I don’t know how to do this”, etc). Looking into the causes of depression can shift them and thus less and less of depression will then be generated. Great job on staying in the HS!!
Embarrassment/Shame = conditioned programming of not being good enough (feeling bad about not being what is EXPECTED). I.e. “good enough” socially is equal to “expected norm”!!! And if the “norm” of the tribe is UNCONSCIOUS – we are then CONDITIONED to feel bad about NOT being unconscious!!! Look at the irony here!!!
We tend to mix CARING and ATTACHMENT to the outcome. Caring in Maat means you have a heart connection to something being in harmony – and when it is not in harmony, you hurt. That’s it. You just hurt.
We BARE the pain of disharmony. That is true caring.
But in human terms we link this to “oh, if I can then it has to be CHANGED to match my idea of harmony, so it doesn’t hurt me anymore” – and then that person will act out from this attachment to the outcome place (i.e. the LS/Ego) – that is NOT caring, that is LS throwing a tantrum that the world is not as she wants it to be…
It is VERY HARD to truly care – because it HURTS so much. But nevertheless, that is all that caring is – it is about REMAINING OPEN even them everything in you want to close off, it is about experiencing discomfort/disharmony/imbalance/pain – and yet still staying OPEN. That is because true caring is about ONENESS – connectedness of all things. When we DARE TO CARE, we UPHOLD ONENESS no matter how much it hurts. It has NOTHING to do with action (like “fighting for the truth” or “defending the thing you care about” etc.) – these are actions and if they are do from the HS, they could be applicable depending on the situation, but all actions based on “I hurt because I care and thus I have to fix it!” (or rant about it!) are from the LS and thus are not beneficial and actually get us stuck in the “recycling” of the pain (which creates PTSD pattern in the emotional body and in the brain) – and causes karmic repeats until one has learned to care without attachment.
How not to FALL into grief and pain? Well, stay in the higher perspective so you go into COMPASSION for human’s unconsciousness instead. People who do harm like that, they are “young” – immature.
The rule is that IF IT IS IN YOUR LIFE – then step up and DO something about it (because it is a part of the lesson you’ve attracted), but if it is NOT a part of your life, then DO NOT PUT IT INTO YOUR LIFE! (i.e. if someone is abusing a child or an animal in front of you, you must step up and do something because it is “on your path”, but if you are just seeing news or FB posts, or tv, then STOP looking at this stuff and do not invite it into your life (it only lowers your vibration and creates disharmony). Either proactively make it your CAUSE (like doctors without borders, or animal shelters, so some protests – whatever) or block it (“in between” just drags us into the Lower 3D Earth and then we are no good to anyone!
Full moon activates the fluid energy levels in our fields – i.e. we FEEL more. Thus whatever issues we have (overwhelm, anxiety, etc.) emotionally, they become magnified. So, if you want to have a good time with the moon, make sure you have your “inner navigator” working – i.e. SET INTENTION for what you WANT to feel – then the moon will magnify that!
Remember that people who write books rely on the info that they receive/know thru their own filters. It is very rare when someone originates from a very high harmonious place and is able to hold that all the way down into 3D. This is what we are doing here in Transcension Gate.
For all the books you read, think of them as the higher energies downloaded thru a filter of the author. If the author is very clear and conscious, you will get a clear and harmonious book. Otherwise, you will get “opinions” based on that author’s karmic patterns.
I think books like that are still beneficial because they trigger in us the same filters or something that disagrees with the author’s filters – either way, the point is to STUDY YOURSELF. It is more about what we learn from how we got triggered (subconscious karmic patterns that are brought to the surface) than if the author is “right” or “wrong”. Fear, anger, despair, sadness – they all are defenses to our subconscious karmic patterns.
Lower energy is just that – SLOWER, it is not bad. Higher is simply FASTER. The goal is to make BOTH of them harmonious, NOT to escape into the higher frequencies only – that will make it even harder to be here on Earth!
Also, “floating” is never a good idea because this mean “escape + ungrounded”. We are shooting for being PRESENT and GROUNDED, in the VT and HARMONIOUS in the lower and higher frequencies.
People who are more in the lower energies can be met by us by slowing ourselves down a bit – WITHOUT becoming disharmonious! When you are talking to someone who in the disharmonious lower energy and you meet them in the slower vibrations but remain harmonious, you can help them to also harmonize. If instead you JOIN them and also become disharmonious, then you are not only not helping, you are actually ADDING to the problem! Thus is it essential to REMAIN HARMONIOUS no matter which (lower or higher) energy you are in.
EXTERNAL parenting and INTERNAL parenting are the same – i.e. when we learn to say “no” to the LS tantrums, learn to respect the HS path, learn to love unconditionally while still having a clear boundary – we parent ourselves better, and also externally able to be a better parent literally.
It is beneficial to remember that “mental disorders” are just LABELS and they do not really do anything other than classify experiences one has. In the Lower 3D Earth mental issues are seen separate from the Soul’s path. In reality though there is NO SUCH THING as anything being separate. I.e. everything that occurs, is a LESSON. How one handles (or resists) that lesson can be classified into various categories, and most are simply a set of resistance patterns.
Bi-polar is a RESISTANCE PATTERN – when one refuses to focus on the middle path and draws power to the Ego and LS from dramatic emotional swings. That improperly programs the brain and results in a chemical imbalance.
But ALL can be corrected with conscious living on the Path. Most people are too “weak” to do this (as you all here in TG know, it takes A LOT to walk this path daily) and it might not be theirs to do yet – but all mental illnesses are simply detours from the Path.
Drugs do NOT help the detour, in fact drugs can prolong it (recreational escape type drugs and medical prescriptions meds). Some substance used ONCE or twice in a lifetime under supervision to open up the brain patterns can be ok, but most recreational and prescription drugs are about escape from the lesson instead of learning it. And we are here to learn and awaken.
Bi-polar is not about being a starseed, it is about being imbalanced emotionally. It is true that starseeds tend to be more intense and thus when we are emotionally imbalanced, its like a huge pendulum swinging from excited to miserable. But the actual by-polar mental condition is about being overly magnetic while have beliefs that are black-and-white. So because of these limiting beliefs emotions follow extremes. Starseeds can learn to clean up these limiting black-and-white beliefs and then our intense emotions do not control us but we are the master of them. That’s self-mastery 💗
Feeling the pain of not belonging to your family of origin? Why can’t your family “see” you?? – You are comparing people seeing more of your HS to your family – that’ll probably never happen! Most families will never see us because this is not the contract they have with us, and because families are all about the “tribe” and thus you have to fit into in in the hierarchical order – when we don’t, they want to blame us. It is normal human unconscious behavior. When people grow up, they stop doing it, but most of the time – expect that from the family members and definitely do NOT use them as a measuring stick for how well you are doing! (Hey, my mother still is convinced that I was a “completely normal child”!?!)
“I don’t belong on this planet” statement is based on the LS desire to fit in and be like everyone else. From that standout – yes, you don’t belong. None of us do. We will never fit in. But we are NOT MEANT TO! We are meant to stand our and LEAD – we are here for THAT purpose, not to fit in with the people who we came to help!!! So make sure you tell your LS when it says this “oh, you just want to be safe by being normal, don’t worry, we are extraordinary and we are just fine!”
Not fitting in and “feeling shame” are NOT the same things. Fitting in is about being of the same range of energy, same type – as none of us are! But “feeling shame” – that is the LS JUDGMENT of the fact that you are not in sync with the people in your family or others. It is ok to not be in sync with some people, it is not ok to see it as a “personal failing” – it is just a fact.

Honest introspection as an Observer – i.e. with NO self-judgment – is a pre-requisite to any true transformation! When we hear what our LS is really saying or is afraid of, sometimes we are appalled and want to “kill it” but the solution is always to love it.
This is the same approach with negative entities or the “evil camp” beings – we can still draw the line and choose not to be controlled or manipulated, but if we judge them, we fall right into their trap!
So BOUNDARY and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE are the solutions – for the LS and for anything external negative too.
To be an Observer all of the time, you must have it PARALLEL to other experiences (fully being a neutral observer will mean you can’t have a human life, so since you are here on Earth, it is an add-on that goes parallel to the rest of us).
Boredom = no desires FROM THE EGO. This doesn’t mean that there are no desires from the Soul! When we get bored it is a very good sign, it means that we are atuning more to the Observer and the HS part of us. But the I-am-ness of the identity is still in the Ego, thus the Ego feels bored. Ego always wants “stimulation” which it sees as “entertainment” – and when there is no LINEAR entertainment, the Ego gets bored. The Soul is NEVER bored because life is amazing and we can explore it with curiosity and creativity. If you are feeling bored, this means that you are progressing into the PERCEPTIONS of the HS and Soul, while at the same time still keeping your I-am-ness in the Ego. The more you BECOME the HS/Soul, then less boredom there is.
Ego is threatened by true freedom, even though it thinks it wants freedom. This is because Ego’s idea of “freedom” is “do what I want when I want”, while Soul’s idea of freedom (true freedom that is based on higher truth, Maat) is “do what serves all”. Thus the Ego personality wants this limited idea of freedom, but when it gets the true freedom, it gets bored (a defense mechanism from feeling fear).
Boredom is always from the Ego, it is a sign of transformation – that the power is moving out of Ego into the HS and the Ego is “pulling the blanket towards itself” by asking to be stimulated (i.e. entertained).
We are meant to DIFFERENTIATE well. This is the power of Observer. It is neutral observation. When we don’t differentiate, we become confused and unclear, and quickly lost in our emotional/karmic perceptions. The electric/structural is when someone NOTICES the difference and magnetic/fluid is when someone GOES WITH THE FLOW and sort of ignores the difference.
None of this is about “judging” so it is a MISLABELED term to call it “judging” – it shouldn’t be called “Judger” as it is simply “labeling”. Judging is ATTACHING VALUE to the DIFFERENCE that you see. There is nothing wrong with seeing the difference (most electric people naturally notice them) but it is a LS thing to attach value to it (i.e. “one is better than the other”).
For example, when you observe that you are different that other people, but then attach value to it, you are judging, not just neutrally observing – the issue here is simply that you forgot about the Ascension Stairway. What you are noticing is not that you are “better than others” – is that you are more awake and aware than others around you – that is actually true. The only issue here is that your Ego adds a value to it, so the “I am different than them” because “I am better than them because I value my more-awake traits and I judge their less-awake traits”. So, the key is still – stop judging! We are all ONE. No one is better – some are just more awake. And it is our duty to be kind and patient with the “earthling children” 🙂 While at the same time be a neutral Observer who is still TRACKING the differences – that is very healthy.
One of the ways of dealing with the jitters about making a choice is to be the Observer, which is neutral view of that occurs, then use the electro-magnetic approach: electric = strategize and be smart about what you do + magnetic = let the outcome go, stay unattached and curious, while know that no matter what happens, you will learn something 🙂

Remember that you all are NOT used to this level of work and that you are the BOSS OF YOU – i.e. use the conscious intent to dial it down if you need it. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to manage your level of intake! I provide the flow, the Kadishtu Guardians work with the Gate – you decide how much you want to be a part of it and you choose the AMOUNT of energy flow into YOUR system (it is personal). You pre-set it – i.e. tell your field “I want you to regulate this – we will start at 60% and if it works well, amp it up, if we need to slow down – lower or even pause”. TRUST your field to do this.
An exhaustion must be OWNED. We tend to want to blame something outside of us for it – but it is our creation.
Now that you own it, you can CHOOSE what you do with it. No one/thing is at FAULT for your exhaustion. Think of it as a FRICTION – when you feel like “life is too much” this means “too much stimuli” is coming at you. Now, there is some stimuli all the time and you know you have a low tolerance for it because of your fear – it is ok, just breathe, KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOVED and TRUST that you are IN CONTROL. From this place, CHOOSE what you want.
It is NOT about the TG in particular, it is about you feeling overloaded by life in general. Its a lifetime issue of Sovereignty. You are loved and supported and no one is trying to do “anything to you” (which we know is fear, and thus the reaction by protection thru exhaustion). Instead, remember that you are loved and that you are the BOSS OF YOU, thus you have a free will CHOICE to allow any amount of energy into you that makes sense. Logically, any amount is just normal flow, but for starseeds, because we do not begin at zero level, even a little feels like too much (this is the karmic wound of invasion) – we have to work on this karmic pattern and choose Sovereignty of ourselves.
You are in control. Always. Knowing that, the Gate is just another stimuli! Of course by being a part of this TG, you are automatically being SUPPORTED by the energies that are very powerful. But your system MIS-TRANSLATES this support into “overwhelm” because of the Sovereignty issues (good stuff to work on).
the “work” occurs when we DO SOMETHING with the teaching, apply them. If you are awake or asleep during the download doesn’t really matter, but if you apply or not what you are learning, dig deep or not, courageously changing internally or not – that is what matters. When someone is on the level of consciousness when they want to consciously interact with energies, the Solar Council, the planetary events – then it might be good to stay up for some of the download (I stay up thru all of them always). Some people do more work in a Delta state (i.e. asleep when personality is out of the way), others (like me and some here in the Gate) thru Theta state (i.e. deep meditation while still awake).
When you fall into the LS and it becomes your only reality, you tend to ask but “no answer will do” – because the LS is not looking for the answers – it WANTS to stay stuck, small, rebellion and alone (i.e. “off the horse”) it will do anything to not get back on that horse! So it asks but it doesn’t want to listen, so it asks more because it is still dissatisfied, and then it gets more answers but is still dissatisfied (since it didn’t want the answers in the first place), so it wants to use this experience as “see, no matter what I do, it just doesn’t work!” or “I just don’t get it” – these are just LS strategies. Your place is ON that horse! And there is nothing you can say to convince me that you cannot ride that horse! It is a process, but be the Observer when you fall off (observe the LS, don’t become it!)
All this “feeling off” is simply the LS resisting the identity changes. We are committed to the change, the LS doesn’t want to change, to step out of the comfort zone of how it thinks about you (identity). It is not even an action – just how you think about yourself. That is changing, but this change anchors in the body – hence the body discomfort or other “not feeling good” scenarios.
Have the correct attitude about it and discomfort/dissatisfaction will move on into transformation!
When someone says they are procrastinating, there are 2 THINGS TO LOOK FOR:
1- what are your afraid of;
2- why are your afraid of it.
Dear Gate builders. Please remember that we all are UNIQUE and thus experience reality differently – even though we are all on the spiritual path here, we might have different skills and abilities, different range of perception.
We are here to learn and grow, to be in the HS and to see ourselves as POWERFUL no matter what.
Re-read the Manifesto again if you are wobbling – this is why we have it. Stand up and read it out loud to yourself. Your LS might not believe you in that moment, but it will be a way to FIND the HS voice and make it louder.
It is our job to FIND the inner HS voice and PARENT the inner child who is scared (about not fitting in, comparing, being inadequate, etc.) The LS does NOT want to change but we must be WILLING to see ourselves as powerful nevertheless.
Working on your IDENTITY means you have to BECOME the one who is WILLING to experience something you want to experience first in order to actually experience it!
For example, if you are feeling like you are not perceiving energy, the LS wants to say “I am doing it wrong”, or “I am not good enough”, or “they are making it up and there is nothing there!” etc. But you still have to be willing to be the person who CAN experience energy – and from that new identity LOOK for your OWN perception!
Perhaps your perception is through the body – and you feel body aches, adjustments, tension or relaxation, etc. Or its intuitive and you feel very subtle shift in spaciousness, etc. In my Mission Alpha book there is a whole chapter about different chakras perceiving reality differently.
If you cannot relate to “dimensions” then don’t = exercise your authority and just know that at this point “dimensions are not relevant to you” because you are focusing on mastering chakras in this body in this dimension! For the ones of you who experience dimensional changes – great, you find that applicable to your journey. TG has a range – from beginner to adept, there is NO value attachment to where you are – we are all progressing.
This is why I usually have the “simple version” of assignments for you if this is what makes sense to you. For the advanced version you can simply intend and that pure honest intent will add your HS to the mix, but this doesn’t mean that your LS will have “proof” that “something happened” – even though the HS participated. This is because in order to know what happened consciously, you have to be conscious of the part of you that it happened to!!! I.e. we are back full circle to YOU HAVE TO BE YOUR HIGHER SELF!
In other words, GO FOR IT instead of taking yourself out of the game when your LS tells you that IT didn’t feel it.
SOMETHING ALWAYS HAPPENS – the key is to pay very close attention to very subtle changes inside you – and LEARN more about yourself.
The work we do in the Gate is PERSONAL – it is “service thru empowered self-mastery”. I.e. you step into power of your HS to parent your LS (mastery) and from that place you serve just by the fact of being here! But we MUST be the HS first. And TG is an amazing support for this. 💗
So, good job all of you, thank you!
Do we CATCH an infection from the outside of ourselves to process something? Or do we CREATE it to process something? The confusion here is in the “either/or” view… EVERYTHING is energy, thus when we INTERACT with a being (may that be a bacteria/animal, virus/program, or a fungi/negative space) we are interacting with ENERGY. I.e. if you got sick or not, you still interacted with energy, and if your body did end up with an infection – it will USE that infection to process something. I.e. we do not “invite” infections in order to process (that is rare), we end up processing via the infection that we have.
Let’s say you have a little kid who picks up germs all the time, and you have an immune system that is not as strong because of your physical history – even if it was super strong, most moms get sick all the time – because you are exposed to a higher number of germs than most. That’s just ratios.. Now, what happens when we did “pick up” an infection? This means that your physical immune system has to deal with it but your whole energy system will UTILIZE this infection as MEANS TO PROCESS something. It can be processing grief, fear, individuality – there are many ways how we utilize infections to do this. Depending on the organs involved the infection will bring up EMOTIONS. Have you noticed how one cold can bring up fear and panic, while next cold might bring up hopelessness, and the next cold can bring up anger, etc? This is an indicator of WHAT you are processing by the fact of having a cold. Feel better soon though ❤️
Do we decide for others when we make choices that affect them?
it is worth remembering that any huge life-changing choices are “options” which are pre-set in one’s Soul Contract. I.e. you making a decision that impacts another person – you have the RIGHT to make it, but that other person also would have had this “option” in his Contract with you – i.e. they have a lesson connected to it.
For example, if parents get divorced – obviously it is a choice of 2 people to do it or not. But the child who is born to these parents would have had in his Soul Contract that “parents might get divorced and this will activate Lesson X”. The soul of that child, prior to choosing these parents, would have seen that “there is a possibility of divorce” and if this was NOT needed for this soul to go through, it would not have chosen to incarnate into these parents!
Clearing ancestral line karma?
When we clean “ancestral lines” we are clearing genetics of the BODY we are in – i.e. not OUR karma but the body’s PTSD from what that genetic material experienced before. We can clean up something in the body’s genetics by teaching it to see reality differently. That affects all FUTURE generations. It also affects the INITIAL TRAUMA point – i.e. the one ancestor who experienced that trauma that got encoded into the genetics in the first place.
But we NEED TO FOCUS on clearing only our own karmic patterns – it is pointless to focus on cleaning someone else’s mess 🙂 It might end up being cleaned as a side effect of what we are working on, but not ever as a result of direct focusing. Direct focusing on someone else’s issues (like some genetic ancestor’s pain) only detours us from the Path.
Can you influence your “future self” by making choices in the now?
“Future self” is a completely different concept – it is about YOU – the SOUL, not the body. So, yes, you can influence your self by linking up to the future-you – even in the future incarnations thousands of years ahead. But this is NOT about the body in any way – it is about the consciousness of the Soul-Self.
How would this be modified for the genetic alchemist soul mission?
Same, but deeper and more intense/precise. your own are perfectly coded to match the genetic ones that need to be cleaned up – that’s what genetic alchemists do – they come into bodies of the genetic lines with a karmic pattern that they themselves will be cleaning up and in doing so clean it for the line (but it is more body-based processing that most other missions).
Do not confuse the “how” (personality preference) with the soul mission 🙂 One can be an alchemist and teach yoga or build houses, or be a scientist – but one’s process of what one’s Soul does can be the alchemy in the body (or whatever your mission is) no matter what you do. We all are resonators – this is the whole concept of “broadcast” and self-mastery. But the ones who’s soul mission is Resonator – they deal with specific resonance that they “deliver” here to Earth.
We are meant to become Sanctuary Spheres. Sanctuary Sphere is NOT a mission – it is an side-effect of being syntropic. So, when anyone, starseed or forerunner, becomes syntropic fully (VT, self-sourcing, etc.) then one is naturally a Sanctuary Sphere. Any soul mission can go parallel to this.

I have been a vegan for years and my body has gradually let go of any cooked food (warmed up maybe a bit, but not really cooked) – so almost completely raw vegan. I do not taste food, so for me it has always been more of a necessity than pleasure of any kind. I always saw food as “efficient supply” – and since most of the food my body would reject, I ended up with this type of diet naturally.
I am not opposed to eating meat and I believe that until there is consciousness in the body that can synthesize proteins properly, one actually should have meat – the protein that has been synthesized by an animal. But once we move to a different consciousness level, there is so much more clarity and it feels like a high-energy crystal that is vibrating, and the cells like that do not need animal protein at all – they can make their own (from prana) or utilize plan proteins as efficiently. When someone is on the lower frequency (no judgment here, just a level of conscious development), they cannot utilize plant protein efficiently and body will suffer – hence they need the meat.
But once you don’t – you never want to go back to anything animal because it feels amazing not to! Body meant to have the right for its consciousness level building blocks – but still clean (i.e. no sugar or processed foods), then it can advance.
As far as sugar goes… Honey doesn’t trigger pancreas to release insulin like normal sugar does, so honey is a great food. Maple syrup – don’t know but I suspect it is fine if in small doses since it is natural – if nothing is added.
We have such a huge populations of bacteria inside us that live in a relationship with us. If we are conscious, we have a balanced harmonious relationship – bacteria supports us and we crave correct foods. When we have a messed up relationship with our consciousness, we over-grow bacteria, which then demands food that will feed it (and are not beneficial to us) – like craving sugar, baked stuff, etc. We are programmed to think it is “pleasure” but it is not, it is us being controlled by the over-population of the internal bacteria! Eating something that tastes good in a small amount and rarely can be pleasureful, I guess (don’t know, since I don’t taste) but it is not beneficial to stick to the same “pleasure button” because it triggers the bacteria overgrowth and we then essentially give power to it.
The “flavor” of commercial honey is SUGAR – there is almost no honey in that honey! Natural organic honey has a flavor of the flowers that the bees pollinated – and every type of honey is different depending on which fields the bees used. The best honeys are the local ones where the bees use organic medows, and new Zealand’s Manuka honey (it has the strangest taste, not like any honey – the flavor of trees/flowers there is very unique and something that is usually extinct everywhere else in the world but still alive and well in New Zealand). So definitely try it. As for amount – a little teaspoon per day (NOT in hot water/tea but by itself, although you can have tea with it) is all you need.
In Ancient Egypt bees were seen as “one with God” and a “tears of Ra” – and used not only as sweetener but as medicine (antibacterial properties of honey) and beekeepers were like priests – they didn’t use any protective gear, they moved “with the flow of life” and the bees weren’t alarmed and didn’t storm or bite.
Most of the bees in ancient Egypt were seen as “males” and left picture is of that male bee. There were also Queens – females, but they are rarely pictures on the walls. I agree that Egyptian bees look like a hybrid of dragon and a bee 🙂 Anyway, they are not, just look it 🙂 On the right is a picture of the female one (I think there are only 4-5 of these found):
The BIOSPHERE evolution is the evolution of FORM – not the spirit 🙂 So, there are developmental stages that multi-cellular organisms go thru, and they at some point learn to build complex proteins. Then, to speed up the evolutionary process, it is easier to inject that protein already “formed” – i.e. eat meat that is someone else’s flesh. That way the multi-cellular organism evolves itself faster – it doesn’t have to spend time on building that complex chemical, it just takes it ready-made by another multi-cellular organism.
ALL forms on the planet are ONE biosphere, i.e. there is no “one eats the other”, it is more of “one transforms oneself” (it only looks separate because we are in material-based Simulation that has separation perception.) When the spirits begin to INHABIT forms, they begin to experience what happens in these forms.
Like there is only one Cow spirit and it is in ALL the cows, and one Rabbit spirit in all the rabbit bodies, and one Wolf spirit in all the wolfs (domesticated dogs are part of that same Canine spirit but they split off and began reincarnating separately, building individuality – same as the other 5 I mentioned before who are learning self-hood). Otherwise, it is one material being with various spirits in various forms. So, when a wolf eats a rabbit, from the matter-view it is biosphere consuming itself (giving the multi-cellular body of a wolf more ability for higher function) while at the same time the spirit of wolf feels the hunt and the spirit of rabbit feels the fear. All learn.
Once the entity evolves its form (biological ascension), that species does not behave as it does now because it is individuated and can make choices. Humans are “evolved” enough to make choices, thus we can eat ready-made animal protein or not. Wolf or Cat doesn’t have that choice right now.
6D Urmah, like most beings beyond 3D, do not eat food as we do (and surely do not hunt anything – that concept would be incomprehensible in 6D). Urmah live on energy-diet (prana). Felines on this world had evolved as carnivores, but this is only because on Earth this is the turn that was the most efficient for the biosphere of Earth to take to evolve that form. On other planets same blueprint of feline didn’t evolve as carnivore but as something that eats grass, or even swims.
On this planet biosphere in this current cycle we live in, there are some species labeled “obligate carnivores” – this means that they moves along the evolution path quickly and thus didn’t form a long digestive tract (needed to digest vegetable matter) and they require pre-build proteins and other nutrients – i.e. they need the flesh of something else. These species are: wolfs, felines, most amphibians, snakes, some lizards and all crocodiles, all birds of prey, polar bears, penguins, seals, walruses, toothed whales, dolphins, octopuses, squid, ferrets, marsupials, many insects. This is NOT a complete list, obviously, but the main examples.
Humans are NOT obligate carnivores, thus we do NOT have a soul contract with a cow that provided us with its flesh if we eat its meat. We are conscious beings and we can choose to eat it or not. When we kill something not out of necessity but out of vanity or limited beliefs, we actually make karma.
So, we know that the dolphin genetics are linked to the Sirian Cetaceans – and these 5D beings to not eat each other or any other flesh, but in 3D Earth dolphin/whale genetics evolved faster by being carnivores. Same with canine and feline species, or bears etc. It is only HERE and it is about the FORM based on the evolution of its digestive tract.
Species who are in 4D but are NOT on the side of conscious connectedness (the “evil camp” species like Ushumgal and some other reptilians, insectoids and even people) – choose to eat flesh – and choose to build their bodies for it. Most of them clone or genetically engineer their forms, so they could easily engineer this out of their biology but they choose not to because they enjoy it – enjoy the suffering, the fear energy released, etc.) Some do not have to eat meat at all – they just like it. The conscious species even in 3D all move beyond eating flesh – it actually slows down one’s system. So none of the conscious races on Earth eat meat. The reptilian race underground does eat meat but they have an honor system (sort of a “hunter code” with rituals of blessing the flesh they will consume, etc.) and most of their diet is plant-based.

- Ego is the “operating personality” – the face we show to the world. The WHOLE personality is the character we have in this lifetime – i.e. a combination of the HS, Ego, and LS.
- The Soul starts out in Oneness and its “individuation” is only by the fact of UNREALIZED UNIQUENESS – i.e. it has its own path. But as it EXPLORES this path, it GAINS WISDOM and this is what BUILDS the Soul-Self (individualized Oneness).
- HS is the COMPONENT of the Soul’s wisdom we BROUGHT INTO this lifetime – each lifetime can be a different wisdom, i.e. different HS. (we talked about this in the Soul Superpowers).
- Self is individualization. Most earthlings do NOT have a self in that sense – they are tribal, i.e. it is a “tribal self” not “individual self”. Once a person steps out from tribe onto their own path of DEFINITION OF REALITY, they become a Self. We continue BUILDING that Self thru many lifetimes.
I hear often this: “I don’t want to expand my Ego identity, only my Soul identity”. This is the Lower Self STORY!! It is all the illusion. The Ego identity naturally expands with the Soul identity if they are aligned and this is how we TRANSMUTE the Ego ❤️
Think of an “identity” as a “outfit of belief about reality”. So, who is the main “believer”? if someone is not conscious, their main “believer” could be the LS – and thus his identity will be very limited and karmic (based on all the unlearned lessons). if someone is more of a Self and has an Ego, but not much link to their HS, their “identity” will be like an outfit of belief that his Ego believes. As this person awakens, they might change their identity based on how their understanding of reality changes. If someone is more conscious and has access to the HS – now for that person ID is more about “who do they choose to believe?” – their LS fears, their Ego personality, or their HS/Soul? all 3 components have some “beliefs about reality” and the most prominent ones are the ones that this person will see as “his identity”. I.e. identity is not ego, but it can be based on Ego, or the LS, or the HS etc.
Craving definition is actually about PARAMETERS of PERCEPTION. Starseeds often have such expanded range compared to the reality that the Earthlings live in, that “everything is possible” feels normal for a Starseed! I.e. we HAVE to limit it to some extend – to land that ship onto some perceptional range that defines the parameters in which we are perceiving (i.e. defines the “classroom”). So wanting people to define themselves better is a need for safety thru knowing what parameters they are coming from! Obviously people do not know how to define themselves well (or we would not have the Lower 3D!) thus we, the Starseeds, can just get very good at self-definition and at defining other’s parameters of consciousness (this is why I teach about the Ascension Stairway! – learn to notice where the person you are talking with is so that you know how to position your interaction with them).
Pride energy is actually a healthy self-acknowledgement. There is NOTHING wrong with pride if there is no value attached to it!! – i.e. one can be proud of themselves and as long as he doesn’t think that he is somehow “better” because of it – it is very healthy to be self-proud. The reason pride is so poo-pooed, is because most people cannot separate that value from it.
“Healthy pride” is Authority+VT+unique Brilliance. When we are in “good pride” it doesn’t come from the Ego (“I am better then so and so because I did this!”) but from the Soul (like “I am an amazing brilliant and unique being that just did this” or “understood this” etc.) So it is in all the chakras – because it is actually more VT+core star than any particular chakra.
There are 12 archetypes out there that are pre-set components of this planetary Simulation (other Simulations have a different number of archetypal programs). Archetypes are what our Soul contracts for each lifetime are based on – an exploration of a particular quality of human nature. They are energy-program blueprints (I taught a whole day-long seminar on this – I might make it available at some point again).
Twelve Archetypes on Earth are: Innocent, Romantic, Nurturer, Ruler, Hero, Humanitarian, Alchemist, Maverick, Jester, Sage, Artist, Explorer.
The archetypes are polarized, so some are more on the magnetic, others more on electric side. We are not all “supposed to become magnetic” or “neutral”, or 50/50… We are supposed to be what is the best solution for the lesson we are meant to learn in each lifetime. I.e. someone can pick archetype of Explorer, which is definitely more electric, and be a woman (like me for example) but the soul strategy here is about “exploration” – not about “becoming magnetic”. Someone who is a Nurturer, which is more magnetic archetype, can be a man who is learning boundary and love balance, for example. So, we all have lessons and the archetypes CHANGE every lifetime BECAUSE they are linked to the lessons (soul contract) of each lifetime. I am a Ruler and Explorer, and both of these are pretty electric – but this is why I am so good at definition, strategy and empowering others 🙂 Just because I have 2 more electric archetype, doesn’t mean that I do not have magnetic energy though – this is why my version of Ruler/Explorer will look very different than any other Ruler/Explorer out there 🙂
There is no competition for you being you – there is only one YOU. That’s how you remain in abundance. Instead of thinking you are competing for the job, think “if this is the right place for me, they are waiting for me” – and then do your best to show up and be brilliant (i.e. without the scarcity fear since that broadcast sabotages options).
How we handle ourselves during crisis is the measure of who we are. You had an emotional reaction and got overloaded, then over-reacted – that is “the lesson set up” by your soul. You could REACT or not. Not reacting means you have the time to process it internally and then respond from the Higher Self. Reacting means that the initial response is from the Lower Self. What happens next is the actual lesson – here is where you need to handle it correctly (from the HS) to show TO YOURSELF who you really are. All these fears and insecurities – that is NOT who you are – these are LS beliefs.
As you deal with repercussions of responding too quickly without thinking, be the HS you and handle whatever comes with grace, dignity, wisdom, power… Blaming yourself here for responding too quickly makes no sense because even if you took your time and processed, you still would have had a lesson in it, just a different one! So, you didn’t “mess up”, you just “picked a different lesson”. They ALL are lessons and how you handle it NOW is ALL that matters. Love yourself – you’re worth it! ❤️

This is a typical magnetic starseed wound – “we are not safe or happy until everyone around us safe and happy”. I.e. you need to be ok with other people not being happy and still feel safe yourself (boundary). But when you push down emotions and the pressure builds up – you eventually lose the boundary and it feels like you are not ok, not safe, not able to breathe, until there is no conflict (because conflict = danger = low energy).
The only solution is not so much about speaking up (that differs on situations) but to reclaim inner space, let other people as miserable or in conflict as they want to, and yourself realign with higher harmonious energy – so that you are ok. From that place you will naturally have more room emotionally and won’t need to “fix the conflict”. The nervous/fear about conflict is just fear of “war” – i.e. FEAR OF DUALITY!
You should never be afraid – in fact this is the antidote to any possible negative influence which is INVITED by our fears!
Possession is a means of controlling another. There are 2 types of possession.
One type is when a person is in form, and a negative being is also in form – i.e. 2 people but one is much stronger psychically than the other – and so one CONTROLS the other completely. Humans do this to each other sometimes in marriages or parent-to-child. And negative beings (of any dimension) can do this to humans if human is weak (not Sovereign, no Self, etc.) – they exploit that weakness.
The other type of possession is when a negative being is NOT in form, and it takes over the person who is incarnate – i.e. takes over the body/personality and uses it for its own needs. A person who is being possessed that way can be aware of it and even enjoy it (like “getting high” on the power of the entity) or not aware and “blank out”. People who enjoy it are the ones you hear who claim to “have a power of…” some demon, or god, or vampire, or whatever… Hitler comes to mind as a great example of this type of “conscious possession”. Most of these are “willing participants” because the personality is weak and misguided and is looking for false power (not realizing its false of course).
Now, don’t go thinking that any one can just possess you, please! NO ONE CAN MESS WITH YOU WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION! So, if you are a Self, boundaried and Sovereign authority, and you OWN your inner negativity – you are fine. The means of possession is PROJECTED / DISOWNED negativity.
First of all, real witches and wizards are amazing kind and knowledgeable people – and it is the politics of the church at the dark ages that made them into “evil souls” image which they were not.
Second, there are some unconscious selfish people who think that because they have some psychic abilities they have the right to use these for personal gain (like to make someone love them, or to curse someone). These might call themselves witches/wizards, but they are not, they are just not-yet-evolved selfish people who happen to have some psychic abilities (or not and just are good at lying!)
True support, guidance and healing comes from God Source and it cannot be used for personal gain. One can be paid for the service, but the service has to be in INTEGRITY of God – otherwise it is selfish and is guided by the lower desires. True healers, wizards, witches, wise people, medicine people – they would never use their skills or knowledge for selfish reasons – that would go against God Source.
Oneness is not “good”, it is “everything” – it is ALL. So, all good and all bad live inside the Oneness. We can choose to serve the God Source or serve our personal lower desires (selfish) – that is what determines the path to God or away from God. Psychic abilities are not linked to being “good” or being “bad” – they are just abilities. Someone could have earned the right to open one (like psychic vision, or healing) in a previous life, and so in this one it is active – but this person still has to use this ability with HONOR and INTEGRITY of God Source. If they do not, they just make karma for themselves.
No one can change or destroy someone’s destiny. We have OPTIONS when we incarnate – like a “set of possibilities” that we can use, paths we can take inside that lifetime. And if a person is strong, they will choose the best path to God Source inside their lifetime. If the person is weak, they are playing victim and are NOT navigating their life – these people can be manipulated into some path by others (and these manipulators can be a well-wishing-parent or a selfish person who wants it for their own reasons). I.e. the key here is not to protect or hide from some “bad witches” but to become strong and un-manipulatable (which is what the Sovereignty is all about!)
Everyone has a different lesson. For some people the lesson is to let it go (this is the “college level of Ascension Stairway) – i.e. let go of ATTACHMENT to these people changing, or understanding you, or becoming conscious/considerate, etc.
For other people the lesson is to “fight for it” (that is “higher high school/causes level).
For other people it is to simply notice they are being mistreated (this is the “middle school/ tribal level”, etc.
You are on the college level (most starseeds are) thus when you try to “stand up for yourself”, it comes out of Ego (high school/cause level) and this your Soul doesn’t want. The key is to KNOW that you stand up for yourself by letting go!
There are plenty of manipulation happening by the secret government and by the non-so-good entities, and the morph-fields. Most people don’t have enough Self power and no link to Oneness – thus they can be easily manipulated (basic psychology here). But the main thing to remember – if you are in the Higher 3D and are vibrating with Oneness (law of ONE God Source), then none of these “manipulations” will affect you).
The “deals” we make with people can be “unconscious karmic”, “conscious karmic” or “new” (which might result in karma).
- Unconscious Karmic: these are the ones we all make when we are just going on the autopilot because we are unaware, the LS naturally will plug us into some lower morphogenic field and there we go. These are the deals that we can resolve/cleanup by simply becoming aware and making choices from the HS instead of the LS.
- Conscious Karmic: these are the ones that people make KNOWINGLY – choosing to serve a dark entity, choosing to give your power away, choosing to step into self-sabotage, choosing to control someone else, etc. (most of the deals made by the more-conscious-than-human yet still not in Oneness entities, like Marcians or Ushumgal, etc. are of this type.
- New deals: these are the ones when we are AWARE that this might not be good idea and still choose to do it even though there is actually no karma compelling us to – these are usually based on curiosity being high-jacked by the LS.
- when LS is unaware of the bigger picture, it tends to take everything personally and thus – judge. So if you notice judgment – step back into HS.
- trusting people is insane (people change!) thus you must trust your own HS (that everything is a lesson, i.e. focus on curiosity)
When someone is on the lower level of the spiritual development, they had NOT FORMED the HS yet. So, when a person like this begins to “hear the voice” of their Soul or something “larger than them”, they do not have any spiritual framework or inner wisdom, or experience, to make sense of it. To their personality this feels as an INVASION of their inner space – thus they think that the voice must be FROM THE OUTSIDE of them. Depending on the person, some start to think it is “the devil” or “God” or “aliens”… It is simply an IMMATURE spiritually reaction to the internal activation.
Most people see themselves so separate from reality that when they “hear a voice”, they assume “it must be God” (because from the limited view of this person, who else could possible break into their mind from the outside!) Some people have fears of conspiracies and aliens because of their own LS paranoia (“explained” by the movies or other junk they see) – these people might think that “aliens are invading their mind”.
If someone is super-religious, and the “voices” are telling them something negative – that is usually simple one’s DISSOCIATION from one’s negativity. That person couldn’t figure out how to incorporate their own LS desires (and without OWNING them we cannot clean them up!) so they PROJECT them onto the external. So when someone like this hears their own LS voice, they might think it is “the devil”.
All of these are immature reactions to the INTERNAL experience of awakening. It can take many lifetimes for a person to get over it and realize that there is MORE to THEM than what they think (body + personality). Many of these immature spiritually people can be very advanced mentally, have a “scientific mind” – and thus freak out even more when they realize that they do not control reality as they thought 🙂
The “aluminum foil” many “crazy people hearing voices” tend to want to put onto their head – yes, a stereotype but based in some reality… The aluminum foil as means to “protect from aliens” is actually a modern version of the 1909 publication. My previous life was ending right about that time and I remember actually reading this in the newspapers at the time. This is when the electricity became a NEW very cool thing and many people were scared of it. Some so-called psychics were claiming that “electricity is bad for your soul”… It was known that foil blocks electro-magnetic signals to some extent and somehow this made its way into the “psychic seanse” world as a way to “protect from evil telepathy and evil spirits”. This nonsense was wildly published by street newspapers at the time and many people who were scared of the fast-changing culture believed it. Since then the “foil defense” as a “foil hat” made it into science fiction (1920-s) and from there into movies – and from there into the planetary morphogenic fields. So it became a subconscious “if someone is trying to read my thoughts or control me, I have to read a foil hat and it will protect me” belief that many mentally-off paranoid people plugged into… The recent “protect from aliens” is just another nonsense, based on what I said earlier – someone’s immature reaction to the voice of probably their own LS!
Speaking of “voices” – these are usually not actually voices. I mean there are people having auditory hallucinations because of the brain malfunctions, but these are super rare. Most of the stuff people call “vice in my head” is more of an INTERNAL IMPULSE – a desire, a thought-form that feels very real. If someone has a lot of fear attached to it, they might “give it a personality” so it begins to FEEL as if it is a VOICE in their head…
Most cultures have some variant of “can’t become the prophet in your own village” saying – this is because people who are related to you will forever see you as how they formed their mind prior and their range (usually) won’t change past that group dynamic. So when one of the tribe “wakes up” and becomes a “prophet/healer/seer” etc. – the rest of the tribe won’t recognize it.
This energy parameter is very hard for starseeds because we tend to “begin different” – from the start of life – and thus usually do not fit into our family tribe from the beginning… So, we learn to fit in my creating a self-imposed limitation (from childhood) and by this limitation our family recognizes us. When we move away as adults, we often shed this self-imposed limitation and show up as who we really are – but then when we visit family, we have 2 choices: either put the mask back on (which hurts like hell!) or remain yourself but risk not fitting in (or not even being recognized!). Obviously when we choose to “go without the mask”, we are not seen by our family. The struggle of “handling the family” for the starseeds is often about “should I just wear a mask to fit in and hurt or should I not rear the mask and hurt?”… Choice to remain yourself is the only “Soul-based” choice though.