Quantum Impact
Divine Certainty Impact Code



This Meditation is energy-coded all the way through its entire duration. The music with binaural beats is meant to help you go deeper into the experience and integrate it into your body. Please DOWNLOAD IT into your device, it is not designed to be streamed from here.
Journal Prompts

Activating your Divine Certainty Code
To activate and maintain the Divine Certainty Code, you must connect to the 6th dimension.
This Code is linked to the Sacred Geometry of the Universe and higher alignments, providing a sense of certainty beyond the human personality.
It can be continuously activated to enhance the other three Impact Codes.
This DCIC is about being plugged into the higher templates of the overall blueprint and 6D geometric structures that holographically affect the Solar System, Planet Simulation, and individual. Within this hologram, you can shortcut from the present moment all the way to the origin point in 6D, providing a deep sense of knowing and Certainty.
Remember, it’s not about Ego certainty, but rather connecting to a higher Certainty that exists beyond the human self.
Understanding the Divine Certainty Code in 6D requires the ability to observe yourself and participate in events simultaneously.
Without developing an Observer Self, this Code may not be an option for most people on Earth.
Humans tend to project your Certainty onto some external divine force and hope for guidance from outside of themselves, but when you expand your consciousness and access higher frequencies, such as Forerunners or Starseeds, you have the ability to observe yourself within events and gain access to the Certainty Code.
The manifestation of the Certainty Code is the feeling of being in the right place and knowing what to do and how to do it.
For some, this sense of knowing comes a split second ahead of time, while for others it comes a split second behind. This split second delay is due to linear time in 3D, but as you become more familiar with your own way of playing with the Code, you develop your own sense of Certainty based on your own geometry from 6D.
Ultimately, the Certainty Code is like a “lie detector”. It allows you to detach from the outcome and observe, providing a deep sense of inner knowing and Certainty about the Higher Truth, Maat.
- Go through the entire bundle;
- What is your experience with the DCIC?
- How can you rate yourself on being an Observer in your life (of yourself and others)? – 1 is “not at all”, 10 is “always have some part of me observing”
- How was your experience in the 6D during Meditation?
- Are you a “just before” or “just after” type of certainty perception?
- Is there anything you want to ask the Solar Council for support?
If you are called to also do some work with the Solar Council, we welcome you!
Join us un the work with the False God, False Goddess, and False Savior fields.
These fields are around the planet and do not have a localized placement, but there are some “anchor points” that hold and maintain them.
The False God fields are the “jealous temperamental father that has to be pleased” idea, the Patriarchal God is usually a sub-set of this field. Some of these fields are very old, thousands of years (like all the ancient “gods” that demanded sacrifices, including of animal and human flesh!), others are more “recent” (like radicalized Islam).
False Goddess field is the “fake magic” – this is the “harry potter scenario” of candle, staff, clock, magic “tools” etc. Log time ago many of these “instruments” were used by the people who were true Witches and Wizards, the Magi, the Druids – but then it was not fake, it was actual contact with “goddess” as in Cosmic Root Substance/Quantum Field, and co-creating with it. Later on when people lost any connection to the Goddess, the imagery of the Druids and their rituals, tools, outfits – all of that became seen as the magic (like a child waving a plastic sword thinking he is a warrior). The more people practiced the rituals without knowing the true meaning of tools, words, gestures, the more they got connected to negative entities who wanted to syphon their energy or control them. Over time all of this got consolidated into a False Goddess field that spans the planet.
The False Savior fields are the “fake Jesus” stuff, when people “get high” on “loving Jesus” (which is very different from actually experiencing ascension-like energy when resonating with Yeshua or other masters). Also the “born again” typically connect to this field. Doesn’t have to be Christian either.
I want you to remember that it is NOT about the actual Jesus, or a true rapture experience of God, or playing with “magic tool” while either knowing that this is more about “enjoying playfulness and magic of life as possibility” vs actual Magic, or using Druid and other ancient tools in a correct way.
Someone can be “born again” Christian plugged into the False Savior field, but be the person who is actually aligned not out of fear but Higher Self, and they can expand beyond the False-Savior field and actually connect to true God THROUGH that field (I’ve seen that, although its rare).
Someone can be worshipping Ganesh with devotion and still be plugged into the False God field! Why? – because they are WORSHIPPING – aka “giving power away”. While another person, wo also loves Ganesh and follows the cultural rituals of Ganesh, might truly be linked to God because they by-pass the self-minimizing and are aligned, uplifted, empowered through connection.
Someone can be praying to Allah in the most heart-opened way and truly be receiving God into their heart and body, while someone else can be praying to Allah to “give him something” – i.e. seeing themselves separate and Allah as “father” and thus be plugged into the False-God field.
Thus, it is more about the factors like:
- Does the person have their Higher Self formed? If not, they are automatically more susceptible to these False field;
- Does the person connect, aligns, upholds the connection – or are the worshipping, following a ritual without understand;
- Are they speaking to, allowing to speak through/receiving, praying into being, manifesting through intention – or are they praying for someone to do it for them, give them, rescue them.
Use your discretion to apply the DCIC to any of these field – start by picking ONE field, or even smaller subfield (like a specific type of people or a specific church, etc.).
Or you can focus on one of the larger fields – False-God, False-Savior, False-Goddess.
Comment here what occurred, and if there is anything you need the Solar Council to support you with.
Thank you for your work of helping the human collective find Truth!
Be Love.
Be Free.
Be God.