Quantum Impact
Starseed Mission Impact Code



This Meditation is energy-coded all the way through its entire duration. The music with binaural beats is meant to help you go deeper into the experience and integrate it into your body. Please DOWNLOAD IT into your device, it is not designed to be streamed from here.
Journal Prompts

Every Starseed automatically has this Code already preinstalled.
It might be dormant in you because you turned it off due to some issues, or pain, or trauma, but you could not have entered this planetary Simulation and incarnated here without going through certain process of being accepted by the Solar Council as the Soul from elsewhere that has a Mission on Earth.
Every Earth human has this Starseed Mission Impact Code as well, but it will not be fully assembled unless the person is actually doing their work and is fully connected, and if they have their range expanded to the 9th Level (because that’s a prerequisite).
Even if an Earthling has this Code and only can expand to the range of 3D (not even 4D and 5D but just 3D and at least to the 9th Level) then they could have this Code activated.
We are all on a mission – personal evolution, planetary evolution, Source expansion and experimentation.
We’re all from ‘somewhere else’ essentially but for Earthlings, they are designed for this planet. Their way of interacting with the world and the density of their body is perfectly calibrated for this Earth; for the duality extremes that exist here.
The Starseeds, we are not perfectly calibrated for that at all. In fact, we’re literally calibrated for something totally different that is Dimensionally higher and much more harmonious. So, when we come here it’s often a shock and difficult to some extent to function within this reality, which we do in a sense have to learn because we’re on the Mission. You know, you come here to do the job. You have to figure out how to handle the density and still serve humanity and this planet.
Transcension Gate is one of the many Starseed Mission portals on Earth so we serve as the anchor point for Starseed Initiative.
- Go through he bundle;
- Activate your Starseed Mission Impact Code;
- What is your Soul nature? Are you a Starseed? Are you an Earthling Forefunner? Fully claim the power of this realization!
- What does it mean for you to be that?
- What else could it mean if you remembered that you’re here to “do the job” one way of the other – to serve Source, elevate consciousness of species, embody more abundance and joy, be a role model/mentor/teacher/leader/healer in your own way?
- What is your mission on Earth in this lifetime? (specifically yours, based on all the lessons and experiences you’ve had)
- What do you know in your heart-of-hearts to be true about who you really are?
- Do you want to focus on yourself this time, and/or choose to contribute to the human collective as well?
If you want to support the larger transformation and work with the Solar Council:
- There is a specific Solar Council representative that is assign to you for your Mission – that being has many “earth missions” that he/she/it monitors and advises on (you are not his/her/it’s only focus, but nevertheless you have a specific “case worker” assigned to you).
- Once you activate the Code, invite the Solar Council representative into your field – who is this being? You might just sense their energy, or feel/smell/hear. Get acquainted with the vibrational signature of this SC advisor.
- Knowing your own history of lessons, you have an idea of your Mission – ask how can you start implementing it? You might be given a procedure to do to anchor the energy (like “do this for the next 3 days”, or “notice every time you think/feel __”, or “have that conversation”, etc. – go do it! You might be given energy-instructions – go do that!
- All this work is one way of the other is linked to helping clear the control of separation-perception, and thus ultimately is all about embodying and anchoring on Earth the Unity Consciousness.
Write here what experience did you have of the process, what advisor showed up to help you from the Solar Council, what else happened?
– and what further support you would like from me and the Solar Council?
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.
Practicing SMIC
- Go through the Mediation (and refresh any other info you need);
- Activate your Starseed Mission Impact Code;
- How did you apply your Code in regular life?
- What are places in your life you can now see you could have applied it? Do so now – what revelations do you get?
- Do you want to apply this Code onto yourself right now? And/or you’re called to serve human collective?
- The “Control of Abundance” field (keeping populations in poverty materially and mentally);
- The “Hierarchy Control” field (keeping people “in their place” – i.e. illusion of limitation based on perceptional parameters: some people are good; some are not; some are worthy; some are not worthy; men or women or different color of the skin or different religions have different value);
- The “Patriarchal Suppression of Goddess” control field (this is “masculine domination” field that hurts both men and women of Earth).

Calibrating your Soul Mission
- Living from the Lower Self and letting it navigate you. That means being reactive to life instead of responding to life. This means living from the past pain and past experiences. Past referencing all the time.
- Bitterness and resentment. When we are in resentment about past circumstances, about what has happened to us and even about what’s happening to other people. That’s a thing that Starseeds invented!! We can have resentment and bitterness about ‘this’ group of people who hurt ‘this’ group of people and we’re not part of either group! We’re just watching that, but we have such a resentment about it.
- Rejecting what comes to you because you’re trying to be selfless.
- Go through the Mediation (and refresh any other info you need);
- Activate your Starseed Mission Impact Code;
- Going deeper into your Starseed Mission on Earth – how do you relate to the Starseed Initiative project? What is your role on Earth?
- What sound/vibration do you experience from your Crystalline body when the Code is active?
- Allow this vibration to amplify and interpenetrate your whole field – and be the fuel for your Mission on Earth. How does this feel?
- What is your habitual way of self-sabotage that blocks this Code? (out of the 3 above)
- Ask your Solar Council advisor to give you a practical way to notice and end this sabotaging habit
- Are you working with yourself today? And/or called to support the larger collective?

Embodying your Mission
We can only impact someone when we have embodied it ourselves.
The key to using the Starseed Mission Impact Code to help humanity is to BE the Mission!
Your Soul Mission is not a conceptualization or mental exercise, its not some vague idea you hope one day to experience.
It is something that you ARE.
You are designed with it in your DNA.
The goal here is to activate it by:
- Focusing on the actual SMIC and working with the 10D Crystalline body;
- Clearing any sabotaging habits that might be in the way of you running this Code active all the time.
- Go through the Mediation (and refresh any other info you need);
- Activate your Starseed Mission Impact Code;
- Have you worked with your Solar Council advisor to implement strategies to stop self-sabotage? (any perceptional separation distortions of self-worth, value, either/or thinking, etc.) If yes – how did is it going? If no – why not? Are you committed more to your Soul Mission or more to your own BS?
- What does it feel like to embody your Starseed Mission Impact Code? To BE your Mission?
- What must change in your Mind, your Emotions, and your Behavior for this to be your reality every day?
- Have to applied this Code onto the collective Separation Fields yet? It is time to do so – step up into embodiment of this Code, BE your Mission, and from that place – follow the call to do your part. Humanity need you right now.
What experience did you have of the process?
What advisor showed up to help you from the Solar Council, or your own guides?
What else happened?
What further support you would like from me and the Solar Council?
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.