Sleeping for Enlightenment 2018
You will receive 8 energy-programs – each takes about 3 months to design and build (so about 2160 hours of linear time in each compressed into 7 hours of the actual download at night). You will receive one of these energy-transmissions per week in a precise sequence to be layered into your energy field – all contained inside the holographic field – a concentrated focusing environment to support your evolution into multidimensionality. It is designed to set parameters for your energy systems to remain in the Higher Self resonance and to enhance your energy-perception and integration of the Light-coded energy transmissions.
- Sunday of each week a new video (homework) becomes available (these videos will remain on this site forever, so you can go back to them as many times as you wish);
- Wednesday night of each week is the energy download (related to the video-homework of that week);
- Thursday night of each week is a deadline for asking me questions about that week’s homework (the answers (called “Extra Help“) will be posted on the next Sunday each week – don’t forget to RETURN to the PREVIOUS module to view them!!);
- The entire week on the Facebook group we can connect, and share the progress, experiences, lessons.
Or CLICK ON THE PICTURE to watch this information in video (again)!
Click HERE to purchase Self-Love Meditations (optional)
The list below shows your progress in this course. On each week’s page there are boxes to be checked – as you progress through each week’s assignment, please CHECK them. When you do, a COMPLETED check mark shows up on the list below – whoo-hoo!
(You won’t be able to check off this main list – it is automatically updated as you check off the boxes on EACH week’s module).
Ideally you proceed with the course by watching the video each week, then practicing these steps (homework), sharing in the Facebook group how you are doing, and if you have any questions for me about the homework, you can ask me before the end of the Thursday night of each week.
If you do nothing, the energy download will still do its work and slowly lead you (subconsciously) to the steps to work on. If you apply effort at de-coding and integration (journaling, homework, meditations, etc.), you will have more conscious comprehension of the energy.
Enlightenment is a Path, not a destination 🙂 Enjoy the journey!