Recognize your


Q & A

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Below is the Facebook Q&A thread from Module 3


There is one spiritual “mission” for all living beings – to evolve, to comprehend, to create, to serve the God Source. Thus, first and foremost we are all here to LEARN and to SERVE the propagation of divine blueprints into forms. This is the mission of all the Earthlings/Forerunners and all the Starseeeds – the OVERALL mission of all living beings.

Soul mission is the mission of your whole time on Earth. So, for the starseeds the Soul mission is about the original intention as to WHY we came to Earth. There are always two of these: one is the “humanitarian” mission and the other one is the “personal” mission.

The humanitarian mission to Earth for all Starseeds is spread over these topics:

  • to help awaken Earthlings;
  • to clean up False God programs;
  • to free the planetary host and the souls incarnate on Earth from the oppression of Mind Control Agendas (human and alien);
  • to recode the DNA blueprint to facilitate multidimensional access;
  • to activate the universal transcension templates and grids inside this planetary Simulation;
  • to modify negative timeline influences.

The personal mission while on Earth is the ONE reason you came to Earth (if you are a Starseed). It is NOT the “soul contract for a lifetime” – think of it as a “contract to get the visa to incarnate on Earth” – it is the larger overall presentation of what you wanted to learn/teach/experience while being incarnate on this planet.

Each lifetime we make a Soul contract – a plan for that life. In that plan we focus on particular lessons, karmic issues, etc. But overall there is ONE REASON we got here in the first place (other then natural desire to help) – and that is the “soul mission” we are after in this week.

Here are some examples of the “personal soul missions” (they ALWAYS relate to your overall soul lineage choice of exploration of reality):

  • to gather intel for your home race (reconnaissance to facilitate change);
  • to clean up your own past difficulties with duality and Separation perception;
  • to have a direct experience of being controlled in order to comprehend it, and know how to prevent it;
  • to experience extreme duality as a dynamic interplay of opposites and gain knowledge of Self inside such conditions (personal achievement);
  • to activate the Unity Christ Consciousness at this level of density and disharmony (personal achievement);
  • and many more.

Eugenia Oganova Chris Luke – We HELP by EXAMPLE more than by directly doing. So, you do not have to actually start working with animals and make it into a healing practice unless this is something that you want to and ready to do. If not, you can still be “healing” by being in a healing energy. I cannot reiterate enough that we help this world by becoming Sanctuary Spheres! We HOLD the harmonious resonance of “healer”, or “teacher” or whomever, and is what they is broadcasted thru our field into this world. This is how we affect it. Very few people actually make a business of healing, or spiritual teaching, or mentoring, or animal communication – these are business personality decisions. But one can be a “healer” as a “broadcaster of healing resonance” !

We do not help other’s karma – that is impossible because it is theirs to deal with. We clear our own issues by learning our lessons. In doing so we become EXAMPLES to others – and that means that others can clean their own karma (learn their lessons) because they see in us a point of reference of a solution.

Eugenia Oganova Elizabeth Lee, you are definitely a Genetic Alchemist! We have ONE mission for all our lives here on Earth and this is for sure how you process. It is not so much about your current human genetic line in particular, but about the overall process of “taking on a genetic line with karmic limitations” and then transmuting these by being incarnate in it for that lifetime. Then the same in the next lifetime, and so on.

Eugenia Oganova Bobbie Wells, there is only ONE mission that covers all of the lives you had on Earth. So, you need to step back from the material life as Bobbie and look over ALL your lives from the moment you came to Earth. You are a natural Catalyst, so I suspect that that is your overarching mission – you trigger people with your truth codes and inner strength 🙂 This would also explain so many lifetimes of persecution and pain due to something that feels so natural to you like “being yourself” that you can’t even explain… All points to the Catalyst – but do tune in from the expanded view and check it out!

Margot Stevenson Sometimes I am so passionate about certain things that matter to me that I am emotionally reactive. I feel I’m defending something deeply sacred and important. Yet, it’s uncomfortable to get so angry about this thing that matters to me when others disagree. I am conflicted over whether such anger is the LS or HS. 

Eugenia Oganova Margot Stevenson, you are responding to the fact that all people are on different levels of ascension process. We are not meant to all believe the same because we have different lessons. So, what you need to learn is to see on which stage of development is the person you are interacting with and if they are on the stage where they still need a cause to fight for, or need to prove their power by dominance to feel secure – you won’t agree with them. And it is ok, it is supposed to be that way. But getting angry about it means you are projecting onto them that they “have to grow up” and they don’t have to! They will do in in a few lifetimes from now maybe, but not immediately. So, we must learn to honor the path of others and walk away from trying to explain something that will not have any soil to land on… (I teach thing in depth in the TG membership – if you join us, you can have so many of your questions answered!). The HS is a place of inner awake-ness. So if the person you are talking with it not aware of their HS much, there is no one to talk to! You will be talking with their Ego – and that part of them will not be able to grasp higher concepts – so it is better not walk away from wasting your energy in such manner 🙂 When both people have the HS already, then yes – conversations go much smoother if both are working on staying in their HS and not sliding down into fear-based LS/Ego defenses. And “anger” is NEVER the HS – HS is only non-judgment and unconditional love.

John Latta  I’m still not clear on karma and “Learning the lesson”… If a big black dog bites my hand under a full moon there are dozens of potential beliefs around what the “lesson” was and all have at least some validity (Examples: Dogs bite. Black dogs bite. Big dogs bite. Big black dogs bite. Don’t put your hand in front of a strange dog. Dogs bite on a full moon. The dog was having a bad day, etc. – you get the idea). Inevitably virtually every conclusion I draw about the “lesson” is really just a reflection of a belief system and nearly every single conclusion is only a partial truth. I get that Source learns but in terms of the individual soul I’m still not clear on who learns and how one would know is the lesson was learned.

Eugenia Oganova John Latta none of these listed are Soul Lessons – they are your mental deductions based on limited mental logic…

How to know the Soul lesson here? What were you FEELING and THINKING and DOING when the dog bit you? If you were afraid and acted out of that fear and the dog responded to your fear then the Soul lesson is to “be aware and become masterful of your broadcast” so you don’t project your fear. If you were in your head and suddenly the dog bit you – the lessons is “learn to be grounded and present” and the dog was guiding you back into your body via the pain of the bite.

John Latta In this case I was a kid who loved animals and walked up to pet a neighbor’s dog. I was shocked that he bit me. He did seem to be a bit sleepy and maybe I ignored his boundaries (as he was lounging on my neighbor’s porch) and I was aware that the neighbor was a crabby old man so my conclusion was to “let sleeping dog’s lie and that weird neighbor’s might have weird dogs”.

Eugenia Oganova John Latta that is definitely NOT the soul lesson – it is the “LS conclusion”! This is how we form karma, we elevate these LS conclusions into beliefs about reality and they limit us. The lesson in this case was “be respectful of animal’s boundaries” and “good intentions do not automatically translate in good experience – look for context”.

Eugenia Oganova Victoria Jimenez, yes, you understand correctly. The Acupuncture Needle travels to bring the energy into a particular place where it is needed – that place can be a morphogenic field, a intersection of lay lines, a portal, a place, even a “thing” or a “person” (like deliver an energy message to someone). While Resonator is more about actually all the time resonating frequencies into the planetary and human morphogenic fields. You are definitely the Acupuncture Needle type 🙂

Eugenia Oganova Sherry Washburn, it makes sense that you are the Imprinter of Water mission and you do have a link with the Quitri aquatics and some humanoid amphibians, especially Abgal – they are Sirian people of 4D, a mix of amphibian, Sirian humanoid, and reptilian dragon genetics – so perhaps this is where the dragon link is – via the Abgal. (We will have them in TG bundle in June!) 

As for the application of it all – EVERYTHING you are investigating right now in the course is applicable directly onto your life. This is why you are filling out the workbook – look at the #5, 6, 7 in the Week3 PDF. Everything you are applies. Like being linked to water and being linked to Quitri, and some abilities you’ve looked in the previous modules – all comes together in perhaps working with your own inner-body water (in the molecules) to change the configuration of it (imprint it) as you do your work, which then affects water on Earth because we all are linked via water here.

Eugenia Oganova Anger is NEVER the HS. Margot, you are talking about the Fire element that burns thru you when there is pain – that can be healing. And if we are responsible with EXPRESSION of that Fire element, then it is good elemental re-set and it doesn’t express outwards. Anger is an EMOTION that RIDES ON the Fire element (other emotions that can ride on Fire are passion, hate, desire, sexuality, pleasure, rage, etc.)

Eugenia Oganova Sarah Gramm Wolf, first of all, the toroidal field always existed – it is the syntropic system. But humans forgot how to use it and most people do not run it properly or at all because the consciousness is non-existent. But this is a natural field that everything in the Universe has – you know this. It is also in my Mission Alpha in the “boundary” chapter, and in a webinar “Boundary for Emotionally Sensitive people” (not sure if you took that one? Its available here: and this is also the breathing we talk about in TG – the toroidal field is the syntropic system. The reason we are practicing it now is to REMIND ourselves to use this CONSCIOUSLY – so that we are in control of it, instead of letting it happen or not depending on our emotional state. Instead of this natural boundary most people have the artificial shield (that is in my webinar).

Second, you cannot be “behind” because it is your life, your journey, so you do what you can when you can. And you are in the energy of the course with all of us even if you haven’t watched any of the videos because you are in all of the multidimensional programs/downloads and you are still getting so much opportunity for your soul lineage to link up more with you. Even if it is not all conscious. And considering that you have watched the videos and did the meditations, you are right where you need to be! So truth your pace and do your work, the answers will reveal themselves.

Third, you are definitely Teacher mission, so you got that correctly! The fear has been blocking your natural ”teaching” expansion, so definitely look for the answers to “who will I be if fear didn’t matter to me anymore?”

Carole Mitchell Eugenia  Thank you, I feel really happy and relieved to hear this. There is so much misinformation out there … So we can’t be manipulated by beings of less than light to keep incarnating against our will or by being “duped” into it? Do we understand the rules of the game when we are outside of it?

Eugenia Oganova Carole Mitchell reincarnation is not a punishment – it is a divine choice. We do this because we desire to play with matter. No one can make you do anything – you are a sovereign being with free will. But if we have karma when we die, we have to reincarnate to finish the unfinished lessons – once there are no unfinished lessons, we can choose to not reincarnate on Earth. But we will still want to play with some form somewhere – i.e. incarnate on some other planet 🙂 Earth is VERY HARD to get a visa for, so it is a PRIVILEGE to incarnate here!

Margot Stevenson I have a burning question about the week 3 material. I like this meditation very much. Can my soul lineage empower me and remove the blocks to the manifestation of my soul purpose? I understand that claiming my soul inheritance may serve energetically to empower me to carry it out, thus dissolving these obstacles?

Eugenia Oganova Margot Stevenson, Soul lineage will not /cannot remove the blocks that you put on your own path. We generate issues as we incarnate. Thus whatever issues that are in the way of your perceived mission – they are self-created. This means that you are the one that also has the power to un-create them! This is why KNOWING your true Self (this is where the Soul Lineage link comes in) and FREE WILL action based on the spiritual mastery are so important. 

How do you remove the blocks on your path? 
    1- you look at the BELIEFS that generated these blocks (these are karmic lessons unlearned);
    2- you “learn these lessons” (i.e. you let the resistance go and focus on REPLACING the negative beliefs with positive soul-based views);
    3- you keep moving along the path (even if you can only see one step ahead) – because the Soul (and our Soul family) can only help us if we are MOVING!

Eugenia Oganova Jane Dignan, you are looking at all the lessons and karmic patterns you’ve been in and worked on during this lifetime. These are more of Soul Contracts of what you were learning. The Soul Mission is the one DESIRE because of this you came to Earth. So tune into that. What is that you WANT the most in your heart of hearts from this reality? What do you love about here? What fascinates you about being in the 3D linear time etc.? Put all the pain of the past incarnations aside – pain is linked to karma – and look into the excitement and curiosity that brought you here – what do you care about? That will point you to your Soul mission.

Eugenia Oganova Gulden, Label=definition (non-judgmental). So, if you are having a feeling of “something cold and negative” – figure out more DETAILS – do not assume automatically it is an entity, for example. It can be your own fear response to something being processed via your nervous system, for example. Most of your reactions to your experiences are mistranslated as “entities” – but entity=living non-physical being. And most of these you are feeling are energies themselves, or your own reactions to these energies, but most are not actual entities (living beings). This is why CLARITY via labeling is so important. Use questions, do not assume, let the feelings tell you but watch for your fear (so it doesn’t cloud the lens of your perception.) When you tune into something multidimensional and that is linked to your soul lineage – it feels like what? follow that feeling and let it teach you more. If there is a sensation in your body – that doesn’t mean that something is touching you or is IN your body – it simply means that your etheric level is translating the energy-data into a physical sensation via your brain/nerves. This is why I always say that you do not want to use your body to feel the energy that is high in frequency because it is NOT in your body, so you will end up with a mis-translation (or interpretation based on your fear). Keep exploring, asking questions, listening for more answers from your HS ❤️

Eugenia Oganova Donna Ashton, remember that there is a difference between the personal lifetime issues and the Soul contract vs the Soul lineage mission. Teacher makes sense. Stuff like physical processing in this lifetime – that is only in this lifetime and has nothing to do with your mission. Genetic Alchemist processes genetic morphogenic field karma of the species to help anchor the light. You are working on your own body and personal lessons.

Eugenia Oganova Jessica, the eel-like beings are actually aquatics from the Quitri line – so you linked up with your Soul family and they are connected to water 🙂 These particular ones you had seen are called Eh-Em. They are from 5D and their energy is blue-green with black. Sounds like you got your link there 🙂 And the reason that the 2nd meditation was a bit harder for you is because it is about boundaries and that is something you are learning in this lifetime. if you can do this tube-torus bubble well, it will help with the boundaries tremendously. Crickets are the energy of “integration”. So, perhaps this is why that sound showed up – to help you integrate the new experiences? Great job! Keep going 💙💙💙

Eugenia Oganova Robert Carlson-Moeller, great job figuring it out! Yes, your natural overall soul mission is the Acupuncture Needle – makes sense. Inside this lifetime you are working also on some personal lessons that are about alchemizing energies and this is your personal interest for many lifetimes – which occasionally spills into external world here and there. But these are individual soul contracts for individual lives – the overall soul mission for all incarnations on Earth is the Needle. And yes, you have to be in the tube-torus and use the natural boundary (Week2 meditation) in order to run Universal energy thru your system (instead of using your own, which can lead to a burn out).
     Our soul mission is something that we DO NATURALLY – it is so basic to us that we might not even know we do it – but it is automatically occurs via our energy system (and for you it is being that Needle).
     Overriding the natural flow by will – that is because of the VALUE being placed on that electric/male side stronger than the magnetic/female. The chakra linked to that is the 4th on the back. Most people who are spiritual have that chakra too weak – they need more active will actually. But occasionally we end up in a fear-based reaction to life and build up that will as a “LS solution” to that fear – this is the “overriding” you are talking about. Thus holding an electro-magnetically balanced power (where the will is an integral component but not the only force) is what you are learning.

Eugenia Oganova Mira Akins, totally makes sense that you are a Catalyst! And as you step into that power – while learning to be softer in how you do it, so that your “catalyzing” is not abrasive to people – you are also shedding some past live imprints of when you used that catalyst power more actively and it didn’t go well (like the witch lifetime). But these are just negative old echoes of what occurred that you are shedding so you can step into a more harmonious version of that power (still powerful, but softer, smoother) 🧡

Eugenia Oganova Karl Uselman, the personal mission that is archetype-based – that is the Soul contract for each lifetime, different life to life. You beings Alchemist/Hero is what you are learning in this lifetime. The Soul mission is the overarching idea of why you came to Earth. I would agree with the Resonator – there is a natural resonance that your system produces (when your Ego is out of the way) that is calm and peaceful, fun even, and harmonizing – i.e. you can harmonize environments (and you do at work when you are aligned). 💛💛💛

Eugenia Oganova Carol Lynn Schafer, you are on the right path! The issue here is that when you felt disconnected from the higher dimensional energies because you ended up exploring density and Separation, you still tried to “belong” – but to the wrong group! To the human “tribe” instead of to the Universal energies. We are meant to open that vertical flow and bring the Universal energies thru – that connects us to everything, including our soul group. But when you felt like you couldn’t find this connection you went for the “human substitute” and that didn’t work out well. 
    Thus your LS formed as a “solution” to the problem of “wanting to belong/fit in” by trying to “be helpful” in order to be included in the “tribe”. This developed into limiting yourself and making yourself into something else that others will like – just so you can be a part of the human group. Now you are shedding layers of this “control via helpfulness” so that you can claim your connection with the Divine by being in alignment with the Universe (the VT and tube-torus).
    It makes sense that this karmic pattern is here – since your soul lineage is Pleiadean. The word “unraveled” means “detangled” – like you got entangled by the fear and pain of Separation and now you are returning to the state of connection with the rest of your soul group, and thus become “unraveled”. Awesome!
    As for the mission – the Grid Worker definitely fits. The soul mission is the reason we came to Earth for originally – and I would agree that for you it is lined to working with the consciousness systems etc. You do this naturally when you are working on yourself! You are connected to many morphogenic fields – and some your whole personality formed on and they are not harmonious (like scarcity!) and as you are detangling yourself from them (unraveling!) you are also changing the grids themselves – living your soul mission. (Inside each lifetime there are sub-missions that are more personal and linked to that particular life lesson – so you acting catalyst-like is one of these sub-missions). 3 steps to take to anchor the mission: can be “choose to become aware of which belief fields/grids I am subscribed to”, “use my consciousness to change my beliefs”, “wear no mask”.

Eugenia Oganova Tatiana, hands resonating with energy is usually specific to the humanoid species – like Lyran/Vegan descend, but it can be USED for ANY of the mission. Laying-on-of-hands as in traditional “healing” is a Pleiadean action, while using hands in teaching is a Vegan/Sirian (I have that too – this is why I “talk with my hands” a lot! even though I’ve also used my hand for more directive healing as well).

Eugenia Oganova Diane Grupe Marshall – The mission – you are definitely the Acupuncture Needle. The Needle person is someone who is called to locations to do the work – but what KIND of work depends either on the location itself or on the unique skill of the soul lineage, or both. Your Soul lineage is linked to the working on grids – elements and their arrangements, patterns in Simulations. So, it makes sense and as a Needle you will end up doing some grid-work at various locations you are called to 💛💛💛

Eugenia Oganova Robert Carlson-Moeller, Angeli do not have free will as we do – they have only Divine Will – i.e. their personal and the universal creative will is the same. So, when the Angeli beings choose to descend into density – usually via many insectoid forms – they always have trouble with the personal-will-power (either use too little of it, or too much of overcompensating). Because of this most beings of the Angeli line in lower dimensions have some boundary issues and some will issues. So, it totally makes sense that you are of the Angeli line. The soul is ONE lineage (you can’t be in many lineages) – but we can be in various forms. You’ve been in many insectoid forms as you descended, and then in hybrid insectoid-humanoid and insectoid-reptilian, and eventually in humanoid – and then here on Earth as a human. All Angeli are natural harmonizers, so it can be Healer or Resonator – whichever one feels strongest to you.

Eugenia Oganova Milena, you did a great job in deepening-in and going beyond the mental level into feelings and sub-conscious currents. The Soul mission for ALL of your lifetimes is the Imprinter of Water. That is something you do naturally and it can be applied via various means – from yoga, to harmonizing internal water molecules, to creating products that are water-harmonious, to just being in alignment with the planetary Water element codes (i.e. PRESENT in the moment, and flowing/inflow). Other “missions” (like Needle, Healer, Teacher) are particular soul contracts for a lifetime – based on something you are learning or karmic patterns you are clearing. Interesting that you were thinking of a Teacher mission, and yet you felt that you were un-selective in who you “preached” to (instead of actually teaching selectively the ones who wanted it) – this is very much the Water Imprinter – water is “commonality” and there is a natural desire for creative harmony, and being a starseed you naturally subconsciously feel harmony and want others to get there too – hence the “preaching” 🙂

Eugenia Oganova Sherry Washburn, you only have ONE soul mission. Everything else is the personality off-shoots for specific lifetimes. You are not from Earth so you will naturally trigger people and catalyze awakening – we all do it just by being starseeds. It doesn’t means we all have a Catalyst mission. If you’ve been on Earth long enough, you will feel all of the missions as something you’ve experienced because chances are you did one way or another in other lives. But there is ONE overarching mission. So, no, you are not a catalyst, you are an Imprinter of Water. And when you trigger someone it is ALWAYS a good idea to not respond and be an Observer – this is how we learn 🙂

Eugenia Oganova Great job at self-research, Dana Guinn! The Eagle constellation is called Aquilla, and there is also a Swan constellation called Cygnus, and they both are right next to Lyra constellation (with its brightest star being Vega). So you are correct about coming out that region of space as your Soul lineage. It is probably Lyran 5D – then as a refugee to Pleiades 5D – then lived there long enough to be seen as Pleiadean – then 4D Earth – then human form here in 3D. 

Stars Altair (of Aquilla), Deneb (of Cygnus) and Vega (of Lyra) form the famous “stargate triangle” that is a widely used path to get around this galaxy and beyond.

There is only ONE mission!!!!! The soul mission is an overarching one – no matter how many others you feel you might have had – these are just personality sub-missions of various lifetimes on Earth. You are a Healer mission (as most Pleiadeans are).

Eugenia Oganova Great realizations, Chris Luke ❤️ Yes, you are a Resonator and harmony means “no fixing” – instead of “duality” (taking sides/fixing) you stay in the neutral harmony so that the other person can have a point of reference of non-judgment and perhaps change themselves!

Eugenia Oganova Donna Ashton Is Akashic Records the same as Universal Intelligence?  I’ve answered this in 3 different places… I have no idea what people mean when they say words they say, but to my knowledge all of this “Akashic Records” is a poetic name using the “goddess Akasha” to simply talk about the 11th level of your field, or of this dimension – i.e. the inner library place. 11th level is the library in ALL dimensions, and in your own field – just different “access pass” depending on dimension 🙂 And Universal Intelligence “lives” on these 11th levels in each dimension.

Eugenia Oganova Great job, Claire Peckham! I see that you are a very particular Needle – most Needles anchor ANYTHING that needs to go thru and are drawn to the places where that is needed, but you have a very specific spiraling thru your VT pattern that you BRING into the location you are drawn to, and than ONTO that spiraling energy is added whatever else needs to be anchored there. Like for example, Robert Brady is a Needle (a classic one) so he go to locations and anchors whatever is needed there – he doesn’t bring anything of his own, even though he can choose to add it if he feels like it. You always bring something of your own – that spiraling energy – and then onto that something else is added location-specific. Interesting!

Eugenia Oganova Betsy Burbank, great job on the “huge bubble” and self-research here. The hiding is a side-effect of “fear of persecution” from the past lives, and the LS inner male wants the “fake power” as a way to protect you. But in Maat you already have an amazing power and you KNOW it! it is just the matter of “coming out” with it 🙂 And the acupuncture way is a self-kind process of “coming out” that you designed so that you can do so in a way that slowly clears up that “persecution karmic fear” and you can show more and more of you power. When you (as a medical doctor) look at a patient and then in a few minutes not only assess his situation and know what he needs to do without even looking thru all his history, but manage to present it in such a way that that patient can understand and not resist you – what do you think you use?!? YOUR POWER!! And when you put only 4 needles in instead of prescribed 25 that acupuncture technique says is necessary for this patient, yet your 4 needles have even better result – what do you think you use?? YOUR POWER! So, time to show up and sparkle, girl! ❤️❤️❤️

Betsy Burbank Thank you Eugenia! I think I tend to not recognize those abilities as ‘using my power’ because they are effortless. I don’t have to think. It just comes. Remember when I said no one ever accused me of overthinking stuff? And you replied that that is because thinking is not how I receive information! That comment was transformational! Just reading your post put things in totally new alignment once again-I already am the thing I want to be😊.

Eugenia Oganova yes, Amena Siddiqi, you are correct – the Soul family does NOT guide – it is … well, family – like someone you can merge with and relax with but not someone who will direct you on your mission.. You are the one ON the mission – they are not here. Think of yourself as an “agent undercover on Earth” while you are sending info to the “agency of the operation” – that’s the soul lineage group. But they are not directing you literally – you have full free will here “on the ground” (sort of “carte blanche” trust that you will fulfill the mission.) But they are not the ones to help you – they are NOT here, and they do not know about here – we are here and we enrich the soul group by our experiences.

The personal non-physical guides are beings who are linked to us by a Soul contract inside a specific lifetime for a particular reason – i.e. they KNOW something that will help us here while living this live. So the guides are the ones to interact with more on the every-day basis. When we graduate the LS games, we end up with Advisers instead of Guides (like I have Advisers and no guides to guide me – I guide myself).

Who are the guides? – they can be people who had died and related to us (like a grandma or someone even from a past life – and earthling soul) – these are the most common type of guides (all earthlings have these and some starseeds too). The other guides are people from the higher dimensions of Earth (if one’s missions is related) or someone not from Earth at all (usually only the starseeds have non-earthling guides). Personal guide for a starseed person can be from their soul lineage group, or not – most usually not actually…

But this course is about the Soul lineage – and the reason we want the link to our soul group is because this gives us the sense of purpose and reminds us that we HAVE the needed tools and wisdom to do the job here, and that we are not alone.

Eugenia Oganova Leon Belokon, 
1- PERCEPTION is not about seeing or hearing – it is about EXPERIENCING something – and it can come thru seeing or hearing, yes, but mostly via many other ways – various perceptions from kinesthetic to inner knowing. These are AS VALID as anything visual or auditory. We are NOT after seeing/hearing, we are after SOME perception – whichever one is natural to you.
2- The beautify golden-white sphere is probably you shifting into the higher levels of your field – like 7th and beyond (and you tend to usually feel closer to your body). So this was a great imprint – you can use that memory to activate the experience again – think of it like an “overlay” – you can imagine yourself as you are, then add over you that image of the sphere – and see what happens – you field my start matching the sphere “picture” and naturally shift you into it again!
3- The Soul mission is the Imprinter of Water. You definitely work with the Water element – that whole thing about “seeing various points of view”, “don’t have to agree but can expand” etc. – that is all water element. You do that naturally. It is not so much about the physical water, but about the energy-consciousness of the Water elemental and all the connectedness that goes with it. This is why boundary has been hard for you. This is also why your body is so sensitive and feels via nervous system (influenced by your own thoughts/feelings or external). Water tends to flow where there is need to connection and harmony – so this experience of “needle-like” bringing energy into space, or “catalyst-like” activating – it is all Water based for you.
4- The courage and “resist nothing” – also very Water by the way! – are the natural state that is magnetic – and you had build so many mental structures in this life as a means to create boundary. Now you are working on the natural boundary so that you can let the mind relax more.
5- And all your guides/symbols were back to balance you out and anchor this new understanding! Great job!

Eugenia Oganova Dusty, receiving vibration from the meditations is already beneficial, and receiving the downloads is awesome – all of this is SUPPORT. You do not have much of any kind of support in your life so this is an “energy support”. Ideally there is also a conscious understanding to go with it, but if not – enjoy the energy flow and know that you are loved. For you this is one of the main things that is missing – slowing down enough to just be – and that means that being loved is huge! 
So think of it like this: 
     1- there is a group of energy-people who loves you; 
     2- they want you to do well in life;
     3- your mission is all about FAIRNESS, INTEGRITY and RESPONSIBILITY – this is what you do (work on yourself and try to convince others to step into);
     4- in all this “perceptional hardship” you are loved and supported, and there are non-physical beings cheering for you!
     5- And when it gets hard (which I know if daily!) you can remind yourself that your “soul family” is present and supporting you (even if you can’t see/feel them yet).❤️❤️❤️

Be Love. Be Free. Be God.