ongoing support

Claim your Worth
so that you can
Step into Self-Enoughness
Your CLAIM YOUR WORTH WORKBOOK is now fully filled in – it is here to guide you further in recognition of your negative and positive patterns, and PRACTICING what you have learned. It is essential to continue the work you have started and walk this path consciously every day. This the only way we REMAIN in the HIGHER SELF view of ourselves, and make these new positive patterns become habitual.
Practicing this by yourself can be hard.
And staying in the Higher Self view all the time can be even harder!
Do you want to have constant ongoing support for this?
Do you feel that you want to pierce through the illusion of your limitations more than anything and you just need guidance, clarity and accountability to do it?
- I want to help you gain CLARITY on how to walk your path;
- To simplify your spiritual practice and make it very efficient and effective;
- And keep you ACCOUNTABLE to yourself every step of the way!
And I have a very SPECIFIC WAY of how to shortcut all of this for you that has proven to be the most EFFECTIVE, EFFICIENT, and SIMPLEST to further your consciousness.
Would you like some help here?
If your answer is “yes”, let me share with you what this opportunity is right now and why it’s so important to not slip into thinking that you have all the time in the world to do this. I want to give you all the tools to succeed!
- You want to start walking your consciousness path WITH EASE today!
- To know what you can do to simplify your learning and shortcut to the correct steps with ease and grace;
- You need to know what to focus on and step out of overwhelm;
- You need a conscious Higher Self Community to belong to;
- And you want someone to champion you as you walk your path!
TRANSCENSION GATE is system, energy-portal, and a community for SERVICE of consciousness through EMPOWERED SELF-MASTERY.
I am so proud of the ones of you who already chose to WALK THE PATH by becoming members of our awesome Transcension Gate community!!
I work with the SOLAR COUNCIL my entire life. They and many other conscious multidimensional beings like Pleiadeans, Sirians, Lyrans, Arcturians, etc., and the Ascended Masters, are participants of this Transcension Gate project – and you get to work WITH them! How cool is that?!
Let me give you a quick overview
of what awaits you:
♦ Weekly 8-hour ENERGY-ACTIVATIONS to keep you ALIGNED with the Higher 3D Earth and multidimensional Source templates of this Universe;
♦ A monthly Masterclass Bundle to train you in specific techniques of decoding your Soul messages;
♦ MENTORING from me, and many multidimensional beings on how to walk your life PATH with CLARITY and EASE;
♦ Specific MEDITATIONS from the Solar Council to SUPPORT you through the planetary adjustments, so that you remain in your HIGHER SELF no matter what goes on around you, and walk your path with CONFIDENCE & PURPOSE;
♦ ET SPOTLIGHT showcasing a particular Star beings’ involvement in the SOLAR COUNCIL MEETINGS each month, guiding you to how you can do your part & become a SOULFUL BUILDER of a harmonious world!
♦ A MULTIDIMENSIONAL COMMUNITY of non-physical conscious Guardians & currently incarnate energy-similar and like-minded Starseeds and Forerunners of Ascension on Earth!

This is what a recommend you do right now
CLICK the button below and JOIN your support team!
It will cost you LESS that ONE CUP OF COFFEE per day!

I believe that you taking this CLAIM YOUR WORTH course is not a coincidence but that you have been GUIDED HERE by your own Soul – because it is time for you to fully live your MISSION on Earth.
And I believe that TRANSCENSION GATE is the best, most awesome opportunity for you to participate in the planetary events, to upgrade yourself to the highest level and to truly serve the Universe.
I want you to be is someone who says:
- I want to FULLY LOVE MYSELF and wake up to my highest potential;
- I want to BE EMPOWERED and empower others;
- I am ready to say “yes” to my MISSION on Earth and REALLY GO FOR IT!
If this is you, then TRANSCENSION GATE MEMBERSHIP is absolutely perfect for you! And will love the Transcension Gate holographic syntropic field!
CLICK the button below and JOIN us!
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.