Homework #1
Hey there, my gorgeous TG Souls! Let’s talk about the often overlooked but oh-so-important Water Element and how it impacts your unique Health Blueprint. This is where things get juicy…
We’re diving into the depths of hydration, tissue repair, stress tolerance, and circulation to unlock the secrets of your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Get ready to ride the waves of transformation!
Hydration is the lifeblood of your body. It’s like a magical elixir that keeps everything in harmony.
When you stay properly hydrated, you support your digestion, eliminate toxins, and boost your immune system.
And let’s not forget about the hormonal dance – staying hydrated helps keep those bad boys balanced and happy (male and female).
It’s all about finding that sweet spot of hydration, so you can ride the waves of vitality.
What is it for you?
Now, let’s talk about tissue repair and regeneration.
Your body is a miraculous creation, constantly renewing itself. But it needs the power of water to make that happen.
When you nourish your cells with hydration, you give them the love they need to repair and regenerate.
It’s like giving them a spa day on a tropical island – pure bliss!
But wait, there’s more! Circulation is the superstar here. Water flows through your blood, carrying essential nutrients, oxygen, and immune system support to every nook and cranny of your beautiful being. It’s like a river of life, ensuring that every part of you gets the nourishment it deserves.
So, let’s keep those rivers flowing!
How is it for you? Anything in the way? Loving the flow?
Now that we’ve unraveled the magic of the Water Element, it’s time for you to take charge.
Reflect on your own relationship with hydration, tissue repair, stress tolerance, and circulation.
How can you honor the power of water in your life?
What practices can you embrace to optimize its gifts?
Get creative and let the Water Element flow through your intentions.
Remember, you are the creator of your own Health Blueprint (in this case, “you” is not your Ego in this lifetime, but your Soul!)
Embrace the transformative energy of the Water Element and let it wash away any barriers that stand in the way of your vibrant well-being, and ride the waves of vitality, while you unleash your inner power.
1. Are you prioritizing proper hydration in your daily life? How can you incorporate more water intake to support your overall health and well-being?
2. What are some emotional and psychological patterns that may be hindering your ability to balance the Water Element? How do you cope with stress? How can you address and release these patterns?
3. What is your state of hydration? Do you drink enough?
4. How can you enhance circulation in your body through intentional movement, exercise, or practices like self-massage to facilitate the delivery of healing imprints and support tissue repair?
5. Are you incorporating relaxation techniques that involve water, such as baths, showers, or simply listening to the sound of water?
6. How can you create more space for water-based self-care rituals to promote emotional balance and align with your Health Blueprint?
Listen to the bundle and write in your journal your insights and experiences with healing the Water imbalances and addressing water-issues – and what support would you like from me and the Solar Council on this?
Homework #2
Water Alchemy
Hey, Gorgeous Souls! Let’s dive deep into the realm of Water Alchemy today. You know, the kind of magic that transmutes one thing into another.
Now, what’s the biggest issue with water? Can you take a wild guess? It’s none other than the infamous “not enough-ness.”
You see, water is the epitome of abundance, overflow, and sufficiency.
But when we encounter issues with water, that sneaky not enough-ness is often at the root of it all. It hides in our emotions, beliefs, and even our identity, lurking in the shadows of misalignment.
We’re talking about transmutation here! So let’s explore what we’re truly transmuting.
Our focus today?
The lungs.
Yes, those magnificent air-transmuting organs that hold deep meaning.
When our lungs face challenges, they often carry the weight of grief and sadness.
Grief is about holding on, refusing to let go of what was lost.
Instead of accepting the natural flow of life, we find ourselves stuck in the “but I didn’t want it to happen” phase.
That lingering grief then affects us long-term, taking residence in our lungs.
And sadness, oh that heavy energy of melancholy, also finds its way into the lungs.
It’s as if we’re tuned into a world where sadness is the base note, when in reality, it’s far from the truth.
This sadness is another manifestation of not enough-ness imprinted in our lungs, hindering us from embracing the beautiful abundance that awaits us.
Too much water in the lungs leads to a state of stagnation, where sadness and grief take hold. It’s an overwhelming deluge that often feels like drowning in depression.
“There’s so much happening, I don’t know what to do. It’s all too hard and heavy. I feel so sad.”
Ah, that’s when the Water Element within us is out of balance, stuck and unable to circulate.
On the other hand, not enough water results in dryness, a sense of being trapped and devoid of freedom.
If you often find yourself trapped in those suffocating feelings, desperately trying every direction to no avail, it’s a clear sign that your lungs are craving more water.
Yet, even in this imbalance, the underlying theme remains— not enough-ness.
Now, let’s shift our attention to our beautiful skin and the magnificent dance of tissue repair and regeneration within our bodies.
Our bodies are designed to regenerate, to maintain youthful energy and vibrant appearance, regardless of age.
But when this natural process falters, we encounter issues with our skin and repair mechanisms.
Skin problems and the lack of tissue repair are undoubtedly intertwined with the Water Element.
When we feel a scarcity of supply, our internal boundaries falter. They become either overly protective, tightening and restricting, or nonexistent, leaving us merged with everything around us.
Our skin serves as a boundary, naturally capable of repairing itself. It’s designed to heal scars, mend damaged cells, and even soften wrinkles. Aging may slightly affect cell replication, but it’s far from the end of the story. Our skin yearns to maintain our bodies and foster regeneration, allowing us to radiate vitality beyond what we perceive as conventional limits—well into the golden years. You see, it all comes back to boundaries, whether it’s the skin or the cellular level.
The underlying problem, the one that throbs within, is not feeling like you have enough. It’s a lack of trust in your needs being met.
When you habitually carry this energy of insufficiency—when you repeatedly utter, “I won’t get it,” “It won’t work out,” or “What if it fails?”—it creates a ripple effect that permeates every aspect of your life.
It impacts your relationships, your health, and even your interactions with others.
But here’s the truth, my darling: we all deserve healthy, supple skin.
We all deserve balanced boundaries throughout our entire being.
We all deserve an abundance of the Water Element, flowing through us and nourishing our souls.
If you find that your tissues aren’t regenerating as they should, if damage seems to linger without healing, let’s explore further. I’m not talking about extreme cases where bones have vanished or irreparable damage has occurred.
No, I’m referring to those instances where inflammation persists, like an eternal flame, despite your efforts to extinguish it. Often, this indicates a lack of Water Element within you—a scarcity of the very essence needed to quench the fire that the Element of Fire brought forth. And at the core of it all, it circles back to that familiar internal not enough-ness. When we don’t feel that there’s enough fire within us, enough fighting spirit, our sense of sufficiency dwindles.
So, my beautiful soul, let’s embrace the journey of Water Alchemy.
Let’s address the imbalances and misconceptions that hinder the flow of abundance.
Let’s release the grip of not enough-ness that holds us back.
By nurturing the Water Element within us, we open ourselves to the magnificent dance of transmutation, transforming scarcity into abundance, grief into acceptance, and dryness into liberation.
Now, go through the Meditation again, and review the rest of the bundle.
1. Where in your life do you notice the presence of not enough-ness? How does it manifest in your emotions, beliefs, or identity?
2. Reflect on a loss or grief you’re currently carrying. Can you find a way to shift your perspective and embrace acceptance? How can you release the grip of not wanting it to have happened?
3. Explore your relationship with sadness. Is there an imprint of not enough-ness, where sadness becomes a default state? How can you infuse more joy and abundance into your emotions?
4. Consider your boundaries and the state of your skin. Do you feel excessively protective or merged with everything around you? How can you cultivate a healthy balance and nurture your skin’s innate ability to repair and regenerate?
Remember that the journey to Water Alchemy is a gentle and transformative one. Be kind to yourself as you unravel the layers and uncover the radiant abundance that awaits. Embrace the power of enough-ness and let it flow through you, nourishing every cell, and reminding you of your innate worth.
It’s time for you to share your insights and experiences on healing the imbalances within the Water Element. Take a moment to dive deep into your journey and let your wisdom flow through your fingertips as you type away in the comments below.
Have you discovered ways to address the not enough-ness that taints your relationship with water?
How did you transmute grief and sadness into acceptance and abundance?
Perhaps you’ve unlocked the secrets of nurturing your skin and revitalizing your body’s regeneration process.
Journal on your stories, let your words become whispers of inspiration for others on their path of Water Alchemy. And what support do you desire from me and the Solar Council? How can we join hands and guide you further on your journey?
We are here to hold space for your growth, to illuminate the path ahead, and to shower you with love and divine wisdom.
Homework #3
Kidney Magic and Lymph Alchemy
Hey there, my beautiful Soul TG tribe!
Today, we’re diving deep into the exquisite realm of the Water Element within your divine Health Blueprint. Our focus this week?
Your awesome and so-hard-working, magnificent kidneys, and the flowing lymph.
Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment!
Let’s begin with the kidneys. These magnificent organs are mostly water, energetically processing fear. And yes, physically, they handle toxicity and other yucky stuff. When excess fear and anxiety flood our system, it weakens both our kidneys and adrenals. And trust me, that’s when things can get a bit messy. Lower back pain, frequent urination, infections – those are just some of the signs that our kidneys are craving some serious love and attention. But here’s the secret sauce: it’s all about finding the balance within ourselves – and the Water Elemental relationship.
Imagine this: you are an abundant being. You are infinitely connected to the limitless supply of the Universe. Even if it’s not physically present right this moment, you know deep down that it exists and it’s meant for you. Whenever you’re in need, you can simply ask. Ask God-Source, ask your Guides, ask your body – it doesn’t matter. The supply is there, waiting to shower you with its blessings.
When we embrace this mindset of abundance, our kidneys become stress-handling superstars.
As long as we don’t push ourselves to the brink of exhaustion all the time, our kidneys are designed to handle the waves of life.
But the moment we shift into scarcity mode, thinking “I don’t have enough, how do I get it? It’s missing, where can I find it?”, we disrupt the perfect balance within our kidneys.
Here’s the truth: the Universe speaks in frequencies (not in English or any other language). It hears the energetic vibrations we emit.
So, when we send out a frequency of lack – “I don’t have it” – guess what we attract more of? You got it, more of not having it!
It’s crucial to make this important adjustment if we desire healthy kidneys, the ability to handle stress with grace, and the power to manifest our heart’s desires. We must embrace the energy of abundance and enough-ness. And here’s a little secret bonus: when we utilize the Water Element, it magically plumps up all our cells, leaving us feeling radiant and vibrant.
But beware, for dehydration can wreak havoc on our precious kidneys. They need ample hydration to function at their best. Without proper hydration, our kidneys struggle to eliminate waste, which can lead to the dreaded kidney stones. Trust me, you don’t want those little buggers crashing your party. Kidney stones are often a sign of not enough Water Element due to various underlying issues (psychological, karmic, or simply physical!) So, it’s essential to pay attention to our hydration levels and ensure our kidneys receive the love and care they deserve.
Now, let’s shift our focus to another dazzling aspect of the Water Element – the lymph.
Picture it as a beautiful yellow river flowing throughout your body.
When we don’t feel supported, our lymphatic system can become congested. This imbalance disrupts the Water Element within us, resulting in a buildup of toxins and waste.
Not only does this weaken our immune system, but it also increases the risk of infections. And let’s not forget about the swelling that can occur when excess fluid accumulates in our tissues – yeap, the dreaded puffiness… It’s like a not-so-fun cycle that we want to break free from.
But fear not, my loves, for healthy lymph is all about transmuting enough-ness.
When the lymph flows smoothly, carrying its precious cargo of vitality, we align with the abundant energy of the Water Elemental life force.
Dehydration is the ultimate embodiment of “not enough supply.” It stems from the belief that there isn’t sufficient abundance in our lives, whether it’s regarding food, emotional fulfillment, or even money. But let me remind you of a secret: all these perceptions of scarcity are nothing more than illusions we create. Yet, when we hold onto the belief of not being enough, our bodies become dehydrated. It’s a physical manifestation of an emotional state.
And here’s the kicker: even if you guzzle gallons of water, it won’t quench that inner thirst.
Because true hydration starts from within.
It begins with embracing the energy of abundance and sufficiency.
So it’s time to shift the mindset. We need to release the illusion of lack and step into the glorious truth of our innate abundance. When we do, our bodies become vibrant vessels of hydration, radiating with the harmonious energy of the Water Element. And let me tell you, that’s when the real magic happens.
But remember, healing isn’t just about wishing for miracles and begging the Health Blueprint to fix us.
Oh no, it’s about claiming our power and embracing the lessons that lie within our challenges. If there’s a chronic issue bothering you, it’s time to explore the underlying elemental balance or imbalance. Take a moment to connect with your Guides, tune into your intuition, and journal your thoughts and revelations. And if answers aren’t immediate, set the intention to receive clarity, and watch for signs from the Universe. They’re always there, just waiting for us to notice and listen.
And here’s another nugget of wisdom: healing can only occur when the lesson is learned.
Let’s say you intend to heal a specific area, and through the divine alignment of your Medical Team, that healing manifests. But if the underlying lesson remains unacknowledged, it might simply resurface in another part of your being.
Have you experienced this ricochet effect? It’s a gentle nudge from the Universe, reminding us to uncover the deeper lessons and embrace true transformation. So, if you desire permanent healing, where the issue is gone for good, open yourself up to the wisdom and growth connected to that specific area. Break the pattern and liberate yourself from the ricocheting cycle.
And finally, let’s honor the vital role of hydration and circulation in our magnificent bodies. When we fully embody the energy of abundance and enough-ness, our cells become drenched in the life-giving waters of the Water Element.
We gracefully navigate the waves of stress, knowing that we are divinely supported.
It’s time to reclaim our power, and remember that the keys to healing are already within us.
Go through the bundle again, especially the meditation.
1. Reflect on a time when you felt a scarcity mindset regarding a specific aspect of your life. What were the emotions and beliefs connected to it? How did it impact your overall well-being?
2. Tune in to your body and ask yourself, “What lesson is my Health Blueprint trying to teach me through this particular condition or imbalance?” Allow your intuition to guide you as you explore the Water elemental aspects and their significance.
3. Set the intention to receive clarity and guidance from your Guides or the Universe. Journal about any signs or synchronicities you notice in response to your intention. How do these signs support your healing journey?
4. Embrace the energy of abundance and enough-ness in your daily life. How can you honor your body’s need for hydration and circulation? How can you infuse the energy of abundance into your self-care rituals and daily routines?
Trust in the wisdom that resides within you.
Embrace the dance of the Water Element, allowing it to harmonize and restore your well-being.
Remember, you are a vessel of divine abundance, and the power to heal and create resides within your sacred being.
Write your insights and experiences with healing the Water imbalances – and what support would you like from me and the Solar Council on this?
Homework #4
Healing and Renewal for Blood, Skin, Connective Tissues, Digestion.
Let’s explore the profound connection between our bodies and the Water Elemental consciousness. Water, the element that permeates our planet and our very beings, holds the key to healing, restoration, and abundance. By tapping into the Water Elemental consciousness, we can activate our Health Blueprint and synchronize our body’s intelligence for profound rejuvenation and support.
Working with the Salt crystals in the ocean water allows your blood to be recharged again so you feel rejuvenated and renewed.
The water energy resonating within each cell, nourishing and plumping them up.
You are supported by the blue field, your Health Blueprint, surrounding every cell, organ, and DNA strand.
Tune into the aliveness of your HB and its role in sustaining your body.
How does this awareness impact your perception of your body and its well-being?
- Go through the meditation again.
- Activate the salt crystals in your blood. What do you notice? How does this environment make you feel?
- Focus to your skin and notice its sensations as the activated blood flows through the skin cells. Notice how your skin absorbs the healing Codes from the salt crystals, distributing them throughout your entire being. As the salt’s healing light permeates your skin, allow yourself to fully embrace the presence of the Water Elemental Being flowing through your body. How does this connection make you feel? What sensations arise within you?
- Bring your attention to your digestive tissues, starting from your mouth and moving down through your throat, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Visualize the Water Elemental charging these tissues with rejuvenation and repair. How does this energy affect your digestive system? What sensations do you experience? What do you need to change?
- Focus on the connective tissues. Feel the Water Elemental Being flowing into these internal structures, providing support and healing where needed. How does this support make you feel? Can you sense any specific areas that require assistance?
- Feel your Medical Team. How do you perceive their presence? Are there any specific areas of your body that they are drawn to or assisting with?
- Is there a particular area in your body that you desire to heal? Direct your attention to that specific concern and allow the Water Elemental Being to address it. How does this focused healing energy affect the area?
Journal about your experiences and what support you’d like to have from me and the Solar Council.
Homework #5
Healing for Lungs, Kidneys, Bladder
Take a few moments to reflect on your journey with the Water Elemental consciousness.
Embrace the deep connection you have established with the Water Element and carry its wisdom with you as you continue your path of healing and transformation.
What have you learned?
- Go through the meditation again.
- Focus on your lungs and kidneys, along with your adrenals. What is the balance of Water and Fire elements there? Too much water in the kidneys feels like depression or survival terrors, too little water in the kidneys feels like bitterness and disappointment. Too much water in adrenals feels like exhaustion, burnout.
- Shift your awareness to your bladder and scan for any areas that require support. How’s your Water/ Fire balance there? Too much Water element in the bladder is victim energy, and too much Fire is resentment, betrayal, suppressed rage. Visualize the Water Elemental repairing and healing these tissues. How does this process feel to you?
- Turn to your Medical Team. Are there any visiting specialists offering their support? How does their presence resonate with you?
- To establish a stronger connection with your Health Blueprint, focus on the structural levels of your Energy Field, expand your field to encounter your Medical Team within this expanded awareness space. Invite your Medical Team, and regular Energy Guides, Angels, and any other supporting entities to help you release any ancestral patterns or files that may have contributed to your current concerns. What happed for you?
- Is there a particular area in your body that you desire to heal? Direct your attention to that specific concern and allow the Water Elemental to address it. What changed?
Comment below about your experiences and what support you’d like to have from me and the Solar Council.