MerKaBa Mastery
Manifesting Alchemy of Amun & Aten
~ Vibrational Signature Source Beyond the Mirror ~


The Meditation below is specifically energy-coded all the way through its entire duration for your Merkaba. The music with binaural beats is meant to help you go deeper into the experience and integrate it into your body. Please DOWNLOAD IT into your device, it is not designed to be streamed from here.

Journal Prompts

Manifesting Alchemy
How we actually alchemize reality to create what we desire, the dreams that we have about the internal state and the external state?
Through the magic of Amun and Aten.
Specifically, we are going to look at the vibrational signature of the Source beyond the mirror.
From the Egyptian standpoint it’s like two worlds: the one here on this side of the mirror and the one beyond the mirror.
We know that beyond the mirror there are actually different dimensions. We have 5D, 4D, 6D, and 3D is this world. It’s this side, the illusion, and anything that is outside – we’re talking about 4D and beyond – would be outside or beyond the mirror.
Egyptian culture bypassed 4D. They connected to 3D and 1D, 3D and straight to 5Dm then with 6D and on.
We have played with many different MerKaBa spins and to create a harmonious life for yourself and for humanity you have to continuously communicate with the other side.
We’re talking about these other dimensional layers on the other side of the mirror.
It is absolutely essential because without that we are breaking the connection. It’s sort of like you’re intending something, putting your focused intention there, and then it gets interrupted because you’ve separated, you’ve fallen out of the connection with Source.
As soon as that happens it’s like a break in the pipeline.
The whole Universe now has to rearrange again because there is an interruption.
If you then, after the interruption, went back to connect with the Quantum Field, did you then find exactly the same anchor?
Maybe. Maybe not. Most likely not.
It’s somewhat off so now the next time you’re reconnected it’s a little bit off.
The next time it’s a little bit off even if you’re supposedly going for the same thing.
That creates a lot of micro-distortions that then sabotage manifestation.
Being able to bring something into this reality requires consistent holding of the line.
It’s sort of like you have to be on hold with the Universe on the phone the whole time 😊
You can’t hang up and then call back.
As soon as you do that you are creating those micro-disruptions (like as if you were on hold, got frustrated, hung up, then called again – you’ll never get the same operator in the call center! You’ll someone else to whom you’ll have to explain everything all over again).
Communicating with the other side is the Source outside or beyond the mirror. This is the magic of Amun and Aten. This is probably the most primary magic in Egypt.
- Go through the entire bundle;
- What are the most prominent revelations you are having?
- How was the mediation experience for you? what have you discovered?
- What support would you like from Amun and Aten?
Journal about your experiences and how Amun, Aten, or the Solar Council can support you.
Your unique blend of Magic.
Amun is the ‘hidden Light’. That is the Light that comes from within. That’s internal. That’s our creation principles and powers and everything that are all internal, under the surface.
Aten is the ‘visible Light’. That is the energy of our externalized creation. What you see in your life around you.
Those two together hold the entire creation spectrum.
Being able to bring something into this reality requires consistent holding of the line between you here in 3D and the Quantum field – the non-linear.
In other words, you need a consistent intention.
It’s like you have to be on hold with the Universe on the phone the whole time. You can’t hang up and then call back. As soon as you do that you are creating micro-disruptions. Communicating with the other side – the Source outside or beyond the mirror.
This is the magic of Amun and Aten.
- Go through the bundle, especially repeat the meditation.
- What is your experience with Amun – the hidden light? (your innate powers, worth, wisdom, access, etc.)
- What is your experience with Aten – the visible light? (your capacity, decision-making, actions, etc.)
- What have you learned about your own unique blend of Amun-Aten magic?
- What do you choose to claim from now on?
Journal about your revelations, and support you’d like the Solar Council, Amun and Aten.
Frequency Match and Commitment
We live in an active Simulation – everything is vibrating at all times, nothing is standing still.
There is always movement, birthing or collapsing, and anything in between.
Everything is a vibration – it already exists, it already vibrates, it is already in motion.
If you want more of what you have or want to create something else – you must change your vibration to match that thing you want.
Really get this – it is ALREADY there – what you want exists as vibration already – just not in your current “location” in the Quantum Field yet.
When you adjust your frequency – you adjust your perception of reality.
Nothing disappears from existence and nothing new created – it is all vibrating and your own vibrational signature determines what is WITHIN your reality and what is not.
This is the Amun-Aten magic!
- Go through the bundle;
- Are you clear on the vibrational signature of the thing/experience you desire to attract into your reality? Have you practiced holding that energy consistently in your field? What does it feel like to have it already in your life, pulled from the other side of the Mirror?
- What is the level of your commitment to your creations? Do you change your mind often and “hang up” on the Universe, or are you “staying on hold” despite inner fluctuations?
- What support do you want from Aten, the visible Light? How can Aten enhance your awakening?
- What support do you want from Amun? How can Amun enhance your deepening and transformation?
Journal about your experience and how the Solar Council, and Amun and Aten can help you.

- Go through the summary for the Merkaba course;
- What are your 3 biggest takeaways?
- What has been created in your life (event, person, connection, material thing, energy state) since you’ve activated your Merkaba? How does it feel?
- How did your self-awareness increased using the meditations – and how did this affect your life?