MerKaBa Mastery
Peeling Back the Veil
~ As Within, So Without ~


The Meditation below is specifically energy-coded all the way through its entire duration for your Merkaba. The music with binaural beats is meant to help you go deeper into the experience and integrate it into your body. Please DOWNLOAD IT into your device, it is not designed to be streamed from here.

This meditation is a daily practice, ideally performed at least once a day, perhaps before bedtime.
Its purpose is to guide your energy system seamlessly into the parameters of the 5D Merkaba.
By doing so, we aim to minimize the need for mental calculations regarding its location, size, shape, rotation, color, and other intricate details, allowing you to immerse yourself more fully in the actual experience.
Simply follow the meditation, and your energy field will naturally respond as needed.
Journal Prompts

Exploring Your MerKaBa.
Our journey will dive into the profound mysteries of Isis, while simultaneously igniting the activation of your MerKaBa in the fifth dimension.
The meditation presented in this course is a daily practice, ideally performed at least once a day, perhaps before bedtime. Its purpose is to guide your energy system seamlessly into the parameters of the 5D Merkaba. By doing so, we aim to minimize the need for mental calculations regarding its location, size, shape, rotation, color, and other intricate details, allowing you to immerse yourself more fully in the actual experience. Simply follow the meditation, and your energy field will naturally respond as needed.
For this initial transmission, our focus is directed towards nurturing a deeper connection with your own MerKaBa.
- Engage with the bundle of videos and diligently practice the meditation.
- Reflect on your personal experience with your MerKaBa. Take note of its shape, size, how it envelops your body, and its rotational aspects. Were there any adjustments you needed to make when you began practicing the meditation, or did it align smoothly from the start?
- As we begin to unveil the mysteries of Isis, consider your relationship with your intrinsic worthiness. Is it a high, internally-rooted sense of self-worth, or do you find it skewed towards a lower, externally-dependent valuation? Likewise, ponder your connection to Oneness – is it an overwhelming sense of unity, or do you feel disconnected and distant from it?
- How would you like your relationship with your MerKaBa to unfold? Why? What drives this desire? Contemplate “what if it was already so?”
- Contemplate the support you may wish to request from Isis.
Write down in your journal all your experiences, detailing your journey and any additional assistance or guidance that you may seek from Isis and the Solar Council. We shall facilitate the further activation of your MerKaBa into the fifth dimension.
As Within so Without
In the Ancient Egyptian Mystery School, Isis imparts the profound teaching of “As without, so within.”
This principle serves as the cornerstone of the Isis Mystery School, guiding us in unraveling the enigmatic essence of Isis herself.
But who is Isis?
The answer is remarkably profound – she is YOU.
This is the crux of the entire mystical teachings: each of us possesses an innate, divine worthiness, an unbroken connection with the Source, which we may call God.
You are, in essence, an expression of the vast, multifaceted whole.
Thus, if you shift your perspective inward, you will discover that you are eternally deserving of this connection, for you are, in fact, the connection itself.
You simultaneously encompass the grander cosmic tapestry and the individual threads within it.
When you choose to live your life from the vantage point of your Soul or Higher Self, you naturally resonate with higher vibrations.
This alignment facilitates the harmonious vibration of your Merkaba at the fifth-dimensional level.
Conversely, if you find yourself predominantly operating from the Ego or Lower Self, it becomes impossible for your Merkaba to maintain a fifth-dimensional frequency.
One way to gauge your alignment with Isis and her fifth-dimensional mysteries is to examine the filters through which you perceive life:
- Are you viewing life through the lens of scarcity, constantly ensuring your basic needs are met? This reflects a lack of trust in your intrinsic worthiness and your connection to the Oneness.
- Alternatively, are you adopting an abundance mindset? Regardless of life’s challenges or deviations from your desired path, do you recognize that you are always cared for, and that even difficulties serve a purpose? If you view everything as being “for you,” then you are naturally harnessing the mysteries of Isis.
- Revisit the teachings and diligently practice the meditation.
- Contemplate your relationship with the concept of Oneness and your role within the Universe.
- Reflect on your self-identity. Do you perceive yourself as an integral part of the collective, equal to or even greater than the individual inhabiting your physical form? Are you primarily operating from a Soul/Higher Self perspective, or are you predominantly driven by the Ego/Lower Self?
- Consider the support you may seek from Isis.
Please write your experiences in your journal, detailing your journey and any additional assistance you desire from both Isis and the Solar Council.
Dissolve subconscious unworthiness, embrace your true essence.
Isis’s timeless mysteries hold the power to dissolve the lurking subconscious sense of unworthiness that often lingers within us. This transformation occurs when we reconnect with our own existence on a grander scale and develop a profound love for the essence of who we are.
This process necessitates a complete immersion in our Divine Worth, free from the limitations imposed by mere human concepts.
In the realm of 5D, true abundance is defined by the boundless nature of unconditional love.
As we embrace our true essence, we find that self-acceptance is not synonymous with complacency or stagnation.
Isis imparts the wisdom that genuine self-mastery arises from an unwavering love for the divinity within, while simultaneously undergoing a continuous process of refining the outer “shell,” which comprises our personality and its relationship with our physical body.
In essence, this journey leads us to a profound sense of “enoughness.”
It’s an awakening to the understanding that everything is interconnected, a paradigm shift that humanity is presently navigating.
This shift in perspective transforms the way we perceive reality as we adjust our frequency.
Humanity, in its current phase, is liberating itself from the old collective agreement of scarcity and inadequacy. This transition involves questioning the prevailing distortions and reevaluating everything we once took for granted. It can be a disorienting and tumultuous process, as it challenges our understanding of what’s real and true.
Ultimately, humanity will emerge from this dark tunnel into a space of love and interconnectedness. It doesn’t imply that everything will always be perfect, but it does signify a collective realization that our perceptions and actions have a profound impact on the world. When we reach a level of consideration for our unique perspectives without imposing them on others, harmony becomes the norm.
- Revisit the course materials and practice the meditation regularly.
- Reflect on your relationship with humanity. Do you find yourself entangled in its turbulent perspectives and shifting filters (by resisting or fighting them), or do you stand as a beacon of stability, offering a higher, holistic view of reality?
- Explore your ability to self-accept while actively upgrading, transforming, and mastering yourself. Are you balanced in your self-love, or does it sometimes lean towards compensating for inner trauma? Or do you push yourself relentlessly, with self-judgment when you feel you fall short?
- Consider the support you may wish to seek from Isis.
Write down your experiences in your jornal, and don’t hesitate to request additional guidance or support from both Isis and the Solar Council.
Entering the Kingdom of Isis.
Entering the Kingdom of Isis marks a profound shift in our understanding and connection with the Merkaba, which is activated in the fifth dimension, giving life to the reality where we can manifest our dreams of eternal lovability and interconnectedness.
In the ancient Egyptian mystery school, this journey is likened to ascending to the higher rooms, a metaphor for entering the Kingdom of Isis. This ascent signifies a transition from mere existence in the realm of Oneness, God-Source, and the Universe to a more elevated state, your personal penthouse or the abode of your Higher Self and Soul. From this elevated perspective, you have a CONSCIOUS relationship with Oneness/God-Source, you truly step into the Kingdom of Isis, where your creative powers come alive. This is a core tenet of Egyptian wisdom.
The secret unveiled here is that at this juncture, creation becomes less about “me” and more about “we.” This shift in perspective is vital for humanity, as it marks a transition from the long-standing focus on “What do I want?” which often stems from a sense of lack and scarcity.
As we come to understand that there are no ‘Others,’ that every individual is merely an alternate lens through which reality is perceived, we realize that we are all One. This realization transforms the way we approach creation. Rather than solely seeking personal gain, we naturally inquire, “How does this fit into the bigger picture?” Of course, personal desires still matter, but when there are no existential gaps to fill because abundance abounds, our focus shifts to the collective good.
This is when individuality harmoniously aligns with the greater good, selflessly enhancing the whole.
It’s an alchemical process of anchoring inwards instead of grasping outwards. When we grasp externally, it often stems from a sense of insufficiency, a misunderstanding of the Mystery of Isis.
From Isis’s perspective, one cannot grab from the outside; rather, you recognize what you desire externally, then journey within to find it.
When you align with it internally, it naturally manifests in your external reality—a magnetic principle.
This is a fundamental aspect of 5th-dimensional Merkaba activation—understanding the need to go within, arriving at the state where “we” and the desired reality become intertwined, adhering to the principle of “As within, so without.”
Every time you find yourself in darkness, you reach for the light. Subsequently, when you descend into darkness again, you remember the light because you’ve anchored yourself in that higher state. It’s akin to a rubber band preventing you from descending too far into the abyss, propelling you upward once more. This is the essence of anchoring in.
The Mystical Teaching of Isis can be likened to a slingshot, propelling you ever higher with each iteration.
- Embrace the wisdom of the bundle and continue your meditation practice.
- Reflect on your personal journey towards entering the Kingdom of Isis. What have you experienced along this transformative path?
- Are you harnessing the magic of manifestation and skillfully Anchoring in the Light each time you navigate the depths of darkness, making it “less dark”? Or are you unintentionally using this anchoring technique against yourself, inadvertently “anchoring in the darkness”? Consider what changes are necessary based on your newfound understanding and decide on your course of action moving forward. What do you decide from now on?
- Consider the support you seek from Isis.
Write down your experiences in your journal. What guidance and support are you asking from Isis and the Solar Council?