The Conscious Future Mastery

Welcome to the Client X-Ray module. This is one of the key modules in CFM.
1 ♦ Start by quickly filling out the “Client Message Selection” workbook that will give you the 7-part framework for premium messaging. Shouldn’t take you more than 20 min.
2. ♦ Then dive into the “Putting together MMM, Expertise, and Niche” video training – it will give you another perspective and prevent issues down the road.
3. ♦ Now you’re ready for one of the most important workbook of CFM – the “Content Creation Process” that will introduce you to the magical 5-part framework for the “What & Why” content.
4. ♦ At this point, if you need more clarity and have more time, study the bonus workbook: a fun exercise in the “Combined Cost of their Problem” .

putting together mmm, Expertise & Niche