The Conscious Future Mastery

As we dive into the Conscious F.U.T.U.R.E. Method that will help you grow your business in a Soul-led way, and scale into multi-6 or 7-figures without having to force yourself into unnatural-for-you strategies, let’s start by unlocking the secret key to your success: your Soul Design Strategy. This internal map will help you leverage your unique badass inner magic and finally let go of the pressure and friction in your business.
Even if right now you are already succeeding and doing mostly what you love, chances are you want to add fuel to that fire and scale, right? By clarifying your Soul Design, you’ll gain the secret navigation key to avoiding burnout and stop forcing yourself into strategies that don’t align with your true self.
The simplest way to do this is by uncovering your Archetypes.
Your Archetypes are a shortcut to your Soul Design Strategy, and when you embody them, then you’re living and breathing your true purpose, that’s when the magic happens. Your message becomes crystal clear and converts well, your confidence soars, and you’re not just doing what you can do, you’re doing what you were BORN to do. That’s when you stop playing small and unleash the ultimate version of YOU!
Now relax, take a deep breath, and TRUST in YOURSELF. You’ve got this!
Below is the Soul Archetype Assessment in PDF – print it out and fill it out. Take a photo with your cellphone of the LAST page and email to studyvault@transcensiongate.com (if you have some number-doubles I will be able to tell you which archetypes you are, and if you have a shadow).
What are these Archetypes?
They are the way that the human collective organizes personal story patterns. When your Soul incarnates on Earth, it has a specific contract that is a combination of gifts and lessons that you are meant to experience in this lifetime. To activate your gifts and learn your lessons in the most efficient way, your Soul utilizes the pre-existent parameters of this Simulation. These parameters can be thought of as Archetypes – an energetic range or collective pattern that is pre-set inside the Simulation.
There are 12 Archetypes divided into 4 quadrants: Mastery, Authority, Sovereignty, and Love. Each Archetype has its own unique strengths and characteristics.
- Mastery: Sage, Artist, Explorer
- Authority: Alchemist, Maverick, Jester
- Sovereignty: Ruler, Hero, Humanitarian
- Love: Innocent, Romantic, Nurturer
Print your Archetype Cards:
Scroll to the bottom of this page – you will see the Archetype Cards. Click on the picture – it will open more information about that Archetype. AFTER you take the Assessment and find out your two Archetypes, print YOUR Archetypes Cards (you do NOT need all of the cards below, only yours two, or three if you have the Shadow too).
Explore your Archetypes:
Watch the video training below, journal on the questions in workbooks below.