Self-Love Challenge

Why self-love is essential to Enlightenment? When we don’t love ourselves, we end up in Separation perception. This Universe is made of the Love Resonance – it is like a connective tissue for all Life. Everything is interconnected and is made of the Love energy. When we believe ourselves to be unlovable, we reject the very fabric of this Universe! This leads us into feeling defective, not-good-enough, hungry for the love that we cannot get and abundance that we cannot find… All of the distortions in our lives are related to this Separation perception.

We are here on the planet Earth in the 3D (3rd density counting from the bottom!) – this is a place permeated by the Separation perceptions. We have forgotten that we are parts of the Loving Universe. One of the pathways back, in order to remember that we are connected, is through the experience of Love Resonance directly within our systems.

This means we have to ALLOW ourselves to BE lovable. We must give ourselves permission for it.

The 5-day Self-Love Challenge is designed to help you do just that 🙂

The list below shows your progress in this course. On each day’s page there are boxes to be checked – as you progress through each day’s assignment, please CHECK them. When you do, a COMPLETED check mark shows up on the list below.

(You won’t be able to check off this main list – it is automatically updated as you check off the boxes on EACH week’s module). 



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