Implementation Week
The materials inside the Study Vault will be available until the end of 2018.
The Facebook group will close on Sunday May 20th, 2018
This week is for you to go back and complete anything you skipped, to interact with each other and share in the Facebook group, to check out any of my answers that you’ve missed, etc.
Now that you’ve received all of the energy-downloads, they are permanently in your system, available for de-coding and integrating. The homework (videos and PDF summaries) are meant to be the means to de-code (make conscious) the energy that your system has received. You can practice this homework in any order, as many times as you like – they are layered and will keep revealing more information for you. All of the videos will remain here in the Study Vault till the end of 2018.
You will understand components of the energy-downloads and feel their effect on your life as the time unfolds. If you do nothing, the energy download will still do its work and subconsciously lead you to the steps to work on. If you apply effort at de-coding and integration (journaling, homework, meditations), you will have more conscious comprehension of the energy.
Either way, good job, to all of you, on completing the course!
We will have a Graduation Celebration on 5/17
because I love you guys and because you are freaking awesome!!!
I will post a graphic on Facebook and you can comment under it the answer to this question: What was your biggest “aha” or “personal victory” from this group course?
Think about the answer to this question please so you are ready to post it on 5/17. Don’t make your comment too long please, but it can be a couple or more sentences 🙂
During the Celebration we will claim the victories and celebrate ourselves. I will also reveal more about the upcoming Transcension Gate membership – cosmic support for your Soul! I am so looking forward to sharing the Kadishtu Guardians’ wisdom and my Solar Council experiences with you, so we can build up the Higher 3D on this planet and support our own journeys too.
By now you’ve also gotten an email with the mini-course-review (4 simple questions) – please copy and paste these to an email to me eugenia@transcensiongate.com and answer them. This is for me and for you – great completion focus. Please email me these 4 answers (don’t post them on the Facebook).
It is one thing to apply a particular technique for a day – it is a whole other thing to do this for a lifetime! It takes practice and personal work – without applying effort we slide back into the negative habitual patterns – so stick to the self-loving techniques! I know you can do it!
Self-Love Guided Meditation series is a group of ten 20-minute audio files with recordings of my voice guiding you through the steps of connecting to the Universal Love Resonance, clearing your sabotaging self-love patterns, and upgrading your lovability 🙂
Here is the list of meditation topics in this series:
Self Worth Code
Self Forgiveness Patterns Activators
Personal Truth Alignment
Acceptance in Love Resonance – Water Elemental
Safety in Love Resonance – Earth Elemental
Inspiration in Love Resonance – Air Elemental
Passionate Caring in Love Resonance – Fire Elemental
Violet Flame
Expanding Possibilities
Self-Sourcing Love
The recordings are energy-coded – this means that they are imprinted with the energy that I am guiding you through. It is like being submerged in the energy of the Universal Love Resonance as you are learning how to hold that type of charge in your own energy field.
If you had purchased the Self-Love Meditation series already, you will get a separate email with the reminder to go check them out (or you can click on the Self-Love Meditation icon in the Study Vault and it will take you there).
If you want to purchase them, you can get the Self-Love Guided Meditation series here (if you haven’t yet!)
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.