Quantum Evolution
Cycle of Individuality & 2027
with sovereignty
& the solar council



This Meditation is energy-coded all the way through its entire duration, but it is recorded open-ended. When the voice ends and the silence remains, the energy will continue to run for you.
Journal Prompts

Homework #1
Homework #2
Homework #3
Homework #4
Homework #5
Homework #1
We will work with the individuality, how it connects people in the positive sense, and how disharmonious individuality leads to struggle and wars (internal and external), and what we can do about it.
- Go through the entire bundle;
- Describe for yourself your individuality – what is its main “flavor”, what kind of person are you? What are the main traits – positive ones and karmic ones?
- Where in you is the inner war/struggle (usually the friction between tribal “what you should be according to programming from the outside” vs individual “who you truly are”)?
- How can you be a “warrior of Light” in this struggle (i.e. stand for the Higher Self position vs conditioned “should”)
- How do you see your own specific individuality struggle reflected in humanity right now? How can you apply your “warrior of Light” solution to the external humanity struggle? (we are all one hologram )
- What support would you like from the Solar Council for yourself and your efforts to bring peace and harmony to humanity?
Homework #2
Let’s focus on helping you and humanity overall to make this shift.
- Go through the entire bundle;
- Where do you feel yourself not wanting to let go of the “Survival by Planning” Age? Why? What’s the hook?
- Where are you excited to let it go? Why?
- Where do you have anxiety about entering the new Age of Individuality? Why?
- What do you personally look forward to in that Age?
- What support do you want to request from the Solar Council for this transition?
- What support do you want to offer humanity at this time?
Homework #3
We will look into the material and non-material values and individuality.
- Go through the bundle;
- Where in your life are you measuring your value by the material parameters? (money, career level, relationship, location, stuff, etc.)
- What value are you producing for the world? What do you contribute personally?
- Is your self-value individually-based and true? Or is it socially-based and skewed?
- In you tune into your Higher Self, what value do you have, non-materially speaking, for humanity in this lifetime?
- What support do you want from the Solar Council?
Homework #4
Let’s focus on compassion thru the lens of Individuality.
- Go through the bundle;
- What is your level of self-compassion? (100% is “unconditional” and anything less is more “human” )
- What are the areas where your compassion energy is influenced by the tribe? (i.e. where you either over-merge, or feel guilty saying ‘no’, force yourself to connect when you don’t want to, feel shame if you’re separate, etc.)
- Where do you feel guilty about being an individual in your life?
- If you could let yourself fully be YOU, what would your compassion look/feel like? For yourself? For others? For humanity in general?
- What support would you like from the Solar Council on this?
Homework #5
Letting go of the Age of the Survival-by-Planning Hooks:
- Go through the bundle;
- Are there any places in your life where you’re still trying to fit in? What do you need to let go of?
- Are there some areas of your life where you’re hiding or minimizing yourself in order to fit in? What must be let go of here?
- Is there anyone that you have given your Energy away to? given your Authority away to? given your Power away to?
- Who/what do you need to forgive (including yourself!) and take that power back?
- Is there anything you’re trying to prove in your life? Where do you need to let it go and honor your uniqueness and individuality instead?
- What is the unique energy frequency that you are bringing to humanity? To the planet? (can be the same or 2 different energies)
- What support do you want from the Solar Council on any of this?