Quantum Evolution
The Expansion Phase of the Cycle



This Meditation is energy-coded all the way through its entire duration, but it is recorded open-ended. When the voice ends and the silence remains, the energy will continue to run for you.
Journal Prompts

The Expansion Phase of the Quantum Evolution cycle is about Mastery. Mastery of who you are, who you are meant to be, and who you really are.
Not the ego personality, not all these ideas about whatever you think you ‘should’ be. It is about the true sense of who you are and what your Soul’s purpose here is, your contract here for this planet in this lifetime. This is the next step of you.
This is about truly becoming the leader of yourself. This is Leadership. Mastery is Leadership.
Our own internal self-leadership, as in Personal Mastery, goes through different steps of evolution. Within a lifetime you will be arriving at different levels – a next one, then the next one and so on – of your Leadership every 11 years. It will happen on the planetary scale and then whatever your own pathway is and whatever your own cycles are. It could be 20-year cycles, it could be 1-year cycles. Everybody has kind of their own internal sub-cycles in addition to the larger planetary ones.
- Go through the entire bundle;
- Look at your own Expansion Phases – track them thru your lifetime;
- How has your “inner leadership” was activated in each of these moments in your life? Did you allow yourself to actually EXPAND – or did you stifle it out of fear/conformity?
- What the closest Expansion phase to you now? (just happened, in it right now, coming up to it)
- What support do you want for your Leadership?
Have you had signs in the Void? Prior to Expansion? Inside the Expansion phase? Signs are the ways the Universe communicates.
We must give it clear “direction” about how we want to experience life (not “goals” to achieve, but experience to feel – but without attachment), Then Universe tries to accommodate us by giving us “clues” to that puzzle.
This Expansion phase is when we actually apply whatever we have learned – following the signs we’ve gotten. It is very important that whatever it is that you have learned by dissolving the old and whatever you have been intuitively guided to, this is where it gets to be integrated and applied. If you don’t apply in this phase (resist action instead of going for it), then you might end up sabotaging in this phase, and thus roll right back into the Disruption prematurely to “disrupt” again what you are refusing to implement now. So implementation of what you’ve understood, changes, and following the signs are the key in this phase.
- Go through the bundle;
- Have you gotten signs? What where the biggest ones you’ve already acted on prior in your life?
- Have you gotten signs recently? Are you implementing /responding (being in relationship with the Quantum) or are you resisting/trying to stay “as you were”?)
- Are you taking the RIGHT actions? (remember, it can be “doing”, “leading/shining”, “resting”, “opening” etc.)
- Is there something inside of you that is asking to be let go of? Or to follow up on and be explored?
- What support do you want for this process?
Expansion phase is where we got to be unique. This is the phase where all the Beings are stepping into whatever their power is;
…whatever *their *uniqueness is;
…..whatever their next level of leadership is.
This applies to you, but also to the support you get! The guides and the higher beings are all standing in the highest mastery and their personal uniqueness to assist you.
This is where you get to LEAD – with the support of the whole Universe for your leadership.
The tricky part is that when we think of support – its like “they will come and help me”… This is NOT what occurs in the Expansion phase. No one comes to help you.
In fact, this is the whole point! You got to do this on your own – but AS you go into action, this is when you get support – FOR that action (for leading).
- Go through the bundle;
- What is your relationship to your own leadership?
- Do you expect support in the form of “help” (tell you what to do/do it for you) or in the form of added momentum to your Soul-aligned actions?
- What support do you want for this process?
If one assumes that everything (you and the world around you) ‘should’ always be in the Expansion Phase, you will be disappointed – because it is not always going to be in that phase. If you don’t know how and when to recognize the Disruption Phase as something beneficial you might feel really bad or like it’s taking a step backwards or like the sky is falling and the end is coming. And then in the Void you might feel so lost that you make it all about your worth… These are just the energy-phases of our evolution.
The prevalent mis-belief that we are supposed to be in the Expansion Phase all the time. That is not true. We’re not meant to be in it all the time. That is how a lot of conscious people tend to burn out. It is also a part of why there is so much depression and dissatisfaction among conscious people like Starseeds and Forerunners.
Sometimes Earth cultures actually destroy themselves during the Disruption Phase… that happened before, when humans had to almost start over… We are collectively (earthlings) are in the Disruption phase now, hence the wars and other conflicts – disrupting the “norm”.
Our job though is to NOT enroll ourselves into their story
– but to help them enroll into ours!
(of Love/Light/Peace/Abundance/Connectedness)
So, what are you doing to not fall into personal blind-spots of old beliefs that state that “unless something is happening, it has to be “bad”/stagnant/wrong/uncertain” etc.?
- Go through the bundle again;
- What is your stance on the “not falling into the collective disruption”? (even if you happen to personally be in a Disruption phase, are you keeping it separate from the collective madness?)
- How do you show up in your actions (external and internal, like the thoughts and emotions you allow yourself to entertain)?
- Where do you need to notice your depressive thoughts, your emotional dissatisfaction, your procrastination and avoidance of action, your “joining the cause” and “getting high” on the righteousness? (you might have your own shadows )
- Where do you need to notice your power, your amazing brilliance, your ability to unconditionally love, your empathy and deep caring, your choice to BE here despite of how hard it gets sometimes?
- What support do you want for this process?