Quantum Evolution
Synthesizing & Integrating
Quantum Evolution
with mastery
& the solar council



This Meditation is energy-coded all the way through its entire duration, but it is recorded open-ended. When the voice ends and the silence remains, the energy will continue to run for you.
Journal Prompts

This is the time to look over the entire course of 12 bundles…
What have you missed?
What still needs to be integrated?
What is unclear and needs a review?
What is happening for you on your Quantum Evolution journey?
Now that you’ve reviews what you had leaned – let’s put it all together!
Synthesis is a combination of all of the variables to form a unified unique path.
So, what is YOUR Quantum Evolution path?
From everything you’ve learned, what stood out to you the most?
What was the most valuable for you?
All of the knowledge in the world doesn’t help up change anything if it’s not integrated.
Go back through the 12 bundles…
Is everything you’ve learned integrated for you?
Are there areas where these teachings remained as “information” instead of an integrated body experience?
What do you need to practice in order to integrate into your body, energy system, and consciousness what you’ve learned?
As you well know, learning can be fun, upgrading conscious understanding is essential for evolution, but APPLICATION of that knowledge onto your life is what turns it into WISDOM.
Look through all the 12 bundles again…
What do you need to commit to doing?
What new habit do you want to develop to maintain a higher frequency?
What do you need to systemically eradicate from your life and thinking?
How can you implement what you’ve learned in a way that supports your Quantum Evolution?