Quantum Evolution
Evolutionary Cycles of Identity
with unconditional love
& the solar council



This Meditation is energy-coded all the way through its entire duration, but it is recorded open-ended. When the voice ends and the silence remains, the energy will continue to run for you.
Journal Prompts

If you are a forerunner of an earthling Soul group, you are the avant-garde of human consciousness;
If you are a starseed, you came to Earth from somewhere else – you literally came here with the purpose of upholding that unified perspective, that Oneness consciousness, that Unconditional Love energy and not the separation.

Your “filter on life” – how you see your reality – that is your “identity point” of perception.
Your identity point matters. It actually makes your broadcast – whatever you make happen in your life (consciously or unconsciously).
Your identity point makes what you’re putting out into the Universe. That not only then connects to what you’re creating for yourself, but it also connects to what you’re contributing to the Universal Intelligence.
This means that depending on your identity point (reality perspective) you are broadcasting into the Universe. A different kind of a message, a lesson, or wisdom.
- Go through the bundle again;
- Ask yourself – what is your Identity Point? What is the most prevalent way you are choosing to see reality? What is your filter?
- Look deeply into yourself – are you satisfied with this identity point of perception? Is this truly your current highest point? Or can you do better? If so – what would the new identity point be?
- What intention must you set so that you remain that highest possible for you identity point from now on?
Becoming a Conscious Quantum Leader means that you are utilizing your highest consciousness, your wisdom, and whatever else you brought here to Earth, as a gift – but also that you are utilizing your full potential.
Every cycle has a purpose for you, and every phase of the cycle has a purpose for you.
Our own cycles are related to the planetary ones, but don’t always match them. The cycles are here for a reason – including for you specifically.
The first reason:
Your very existence is a part of a cycle where whatever your experiences are, if you’re stepping into that leadership position and holding the highest potential (that’s the quantum part of leadership) – then you are serving as a Conscious Quantum Leader of humankind at that time in this phase of the cycle.
The second reason:
It is about activating the codes that bring that evolutionary change on the planet.
Whatever you pull from the quantum field and then birth through you into 3D, that makes a difference.
In human terms we usually call this innovation.
Instead of repeating something and doing it well, this is when we come up with our own way.
You can notice that generally starseeds and forerunners of humankind (people who are in that higher range of frequency compared to where the majority of humankind is) are more creative, more unusual in what they can see.
Starseeds and forerunners perceive when something is off in a way when somebody else doesn’t know. We perceive solutions that somebody else can’t even imagine. We are able to connect the dots that are normally maybe not logically connectable.
1- Go thru the bundle;
2- Ask yourself – What are your personal quantum evolution cycles about? What are you learning in this lifetime from these cycles?
3- Are you being a Leader in your own world – in your life, among your family or people in your circle, on the planet?
4- What are the areas you are expressing innovation in this lifetime? What have you created or innovated? (from perhaps handling parenting differently than your family’s style, or choosing educational direction that was not expected, to creating a business, or a healing way that is different, or a different way to cook a familiar dish, or upgrade to human transformation on Earth, etc.)
5- What have you stopped yourself from innovating or creating – and why?
6- What intention must you set to get the most out of these evolutionary cycles for yourself? What must you change to allow more innovation and creative flow in your life?
The Solar Council sees that the Earth is alternating between the cycles of linear/limited and non-linear/unlimited perception. They alternate. Linear is not ‘bad’ and the non-linear is not ‘good’, they are just cycles – this is how our planet learns. It’s learning deepening into the linear and then upgrading into non-linear. Deepening, upgrading. That means the human consciousness is following the same cycles.
We are at this time exiting the cycle of the linear – and entering the cycle of non-linear. We are sort of in between the cycles… That is why it feels so odd for a lot of us. We remember the non-linear from other places and yet here everything is linear. Both types of cycles are equally important, no value judgment here, just a different kind of learning.
During the linear/limited cycle we:
- Focus on upgrading the structural level of the human energy system;
- Advance the Mind and Conceptual/scientific understanding of Reality;
- Learn how we affect the world by cause-and-effect process;
- Study fixed laws and predictable outcomes;
- Amplify lower reasoning and linear logic;
- Focus on separation, “winning” and “survival of the fittest” (That is where the tribes’ value is seen by who is the best, who is the strongest. Those are the ones that are the most beneficial to the tribes so value is based on being the best, the top, or whomever is the winner somehow);
- This is also the period that has a desire for predictability, for certainty as a form of safety.
The GOAL here is to “be the best” and survive.
During the non-linear/unlimited cycle we explore:
- How everything is interconnected;
- How your thoughts and perceptions create your reality;
- How your emotions effect your health;
- Study non-local co-creation;
- The value is based on well-being;
- Exploring everyone’s uniqueness and specialness;
- This is the period of embracing change and potential (uncertainty).
The GOAL here is to be in Well-Being and share it with others thru your unique gifts.
1- Go through the bundle again, especially the Spotlight;
2- What views on life/yourself do you have that fully reside inside the Newtonian linear perspective on reality? (cause/effect, survival of the fittest, wining/losing, etc.) – look for your beliefs, fears, drives that are anchored in this linear perspective;
3- What views on life/yourself do you have that fully reside inside the Quantum non-linear perspective on reality? (cooperation, uniqueness, non-linear creation, etc.) – look for your beliefs, desires, issues that are anchored in this non-linear perspective;
4- What are you ready to let go of?
5- What are you ready to step into?
The current Solar cycle began in 2019 with its lowest, calmest, point. This is the time for initiation of the Quantum Cycle – the Disruption phase. The human consciousness follows these Solar cycles. The lowest point is the time of a cataclysmic event, activation of disruptive energy. This usually continues for couple of years into the “breaking apart of the old system” and the time of unrest.
2019 – the lowest point of the Solar cycle, beginning of the pandemic, political lowest point, turmoil;
2020-2021 – the “disrupted years”;
2022 – stepping into power and truth individually;
2025 – the highest most active point of the Solar cycle, the time of reconciliation;
2026-2027 – building the peace perception and balance.
1- Go through the bundle again;
2- What is your relationship to the Sun and its cycles? Are you “matching” them in your own individual cycles? How are you utilizing the current solar energies for your own Quantum Evolution cycle?
3- What is your gift – that main thing that makes you unique – that you brought in this lifetime?
4- What are you meant to do? How are you meant to transform the consciousness on Earth?
5- If you knew with absolute certainty that you are eternally valuable, and that it is safe to be yourself: Who would you be?