Quantum Evolution
The Void Phase of the Cycle



This Meditation is energy-coded all the way through its entire duration, but it is recorded open-ended. When the voice ends and the silence remains, the energy will continue to run for you.
Journal Prompts

The Void is linked to your own Authority and how you are seeing your Self within your life:
- within the cycles of your life,
- within overall your lifetime lesson,
- within your Soul Contract and what you came here to learn.
It is meant to influence human consciousness in general on the larger scale, And your own karmic patterns that get transferred or not into your next lifetime and overall, And the energies of the entire planetary cycles.
We are looking at the Void and your Authority in the Void – so that you are incorruptible by the falsities and propaganda.
Inside the Void, Authority is completely based on you. There is nothing else to base it on because it’s the Void, right? Literally there is nothing to hold onto but you! The Void Phase of the Quantum Evolution Cycle is how we build the power of our Inner Authority.
This is where we drop all the pretenses, all the hooks and attachments to somebody else’s Authority (anything that someone out there told us we should be and whatever) and instead we actually uncover, regenerate, build and grow who we are meant to be and what the actual Authority is of who we are.
That is not based on someone else’s idea: Parents’ idea, society’s idea, a religion’s idea, an education’s idea or a morphogenic field of human social idea that you have plugged into. None of those. Instead, we actually uncover who we are in our own true Authority based on our Soul’s resonance, based on who we are meant to be and based on our Soul Contract.
It is so important to listen to your own inner authority’s voice so you know what is truth for you.
- Go through the entire bundle;
- Who are you right now?
- Is this who you want to be?
- What components of your current inner authority do not belong to you? (projections from parents/external environment that you’ve adopted as “you”)
- If you shed all these “not-you” parts, what is left? Who are YOU?
- What do you want support for?
There are you in the Quantum Evolution cycle? The Void Phase is where there is a lack of order and there is uncertainty.
For humankind that is in the place of feeling as though everything has fallen apart and they don’t know what to do. There are ideas but they are all going in different directions. There is no clarity yet as to what the next step will be.
You can think of the Void phase as the calm after a storm. Whatever triggered you, whatever spun you around, is over. It is pretty much mostly done. Now you have a knowing that you cannot go back to how it was.
Maybe you don’t want to go back and maybe you do, but you really can’t even if you wanted to. That is because it is already gone. At the same time, you do not yet know what the next steps are. You don’t yet know where to go from here.
- In the Void phase you have some inner structures destroyed;
- Your own inner self is then split into many perspectives;
- You are aware that you need to take care of the basics.
This Void Phase is essentially a period of uncertainty. The purpose of the Void Phase is to activate your own navigation.
- Go through the bundle;
- Track through your life these Void phases… Are you in one now? When was the previous one? And the one before that? Etc.
- What was your personal experience in these Voids?
- Were you able to handle uncertainty well? Did you try to “fix” it (or yourself!)?
- Did you try to “go back to how it was”? Did you decide “its your fault” somehow?
- Did you feel unsafe? (because you mistranslated “uncertainty” as “unsafe”?)
- It’s very important that you must ‘sit in the Void’. You must actually just BE in it. Not do it, not fix it, not try to get out of it. You must be okay with not knowing…
- What do you want support for?
The Void Phase of the Quantum Evolution Cycle is actually meant to be the time of internal reconstruction of all the broken (from the Destruction Phase) patterns into something new, into a more aligned version of you and your Inner Authority.
This is where we are meant to be recharged.
Are you fighting the Void Phase:
- because you don’t like it,
- because it feels like you lost your footing,
- because you’re confused,
- because you feel uncertain?
Are you choosing to enjoy the ride (even though your Ego is NOT in control) and allow your Soul to be in control?
That’s when we truly get to recharge in the Void Phase.
It’s like a buildup of energy for the next phase.
If the Disruption Phase of the Quantum Evolution Cycle was about breaking apart the old patterns and letting go (that is the hurricane or tornado) the Void Phase is sort of more feminine and magnetic. It is about being, dissolving and recharging.
We have the audacity to think that our Ego can be in control. This is actually when the Ego is not in control, during the Void Phase! Because of that, instead of recharging, we tend to fight and struggle. What we are meant to do is recharge during that phase.
This is where we are building energy up for the next phase. And remember, the third phase of the Quantum Evolution Cycle is expansion so how can you expand if you don’t have enough charge, right?
- Go through the bundle;
- What is your experience of the Void phase? (if you are in one now, or in the past)
- Do you have mini-voids? (like the ones that last a day and are bookended by disruption and expansion on each side?)
- Are you fighting the Void Phase? (now or before) What are the “reasons” you’re fighting it?
- Are you choosing to enjoy the ride (even though the Ego is not in control) and allow your Soul to be in control?
- What choice/decision do you need to make with your inner Authority to go correctly thru the Void phase from now on? (current one or future ones);
- What support do you want to ask for?
The Solar Council sees that there are two components to weather the Void Phase with ease.
One of them is the attitude of your Authority and the other one is the quality of your questions.
The quality of your journey is determined by the attitude of your Authority.
What kind of a journey you are going to have depends on how you’re going to look at it.
The quality of your journey experience is determined by the attitude of your Authority. Attitude will always influence your experience because we create our own reality.
A good attitude could be “This confusing time is the steppingstone for who I am becoming.” That is about more of a personal transformation. Whatever you are letting go of and moving away from, at the same time you are choosing to see yourself from a different perspective. You are seeing the current event as a stepping stone to something that is more empowered and more aligned that you are becoming. This again will allow you the choice to enjoy the ride. Then you are applying curiosity to your personal experience instead of fighting it.
Another good attitude is “I choose to notice miracles and synchronicities in my life, right now. More than my troubles.” You can see how this is about what the expectations are. In our brain we have that particular activating system. It is the part of our brain that is always looking to confirm whatever we program it with.
So, if you program it with “I’m expecting trouble. I’m not good enough. Something is wrong. Why is this not working? I’m trying hard and nothing is happening” and then everything that happens just kind of feeds that energy of “I’m not good enough. Something is wrong with me.” If this is the subconscious programming in your brain, then your Reticular Activating System will be looking for evidence of that programming.
If instead you say “Okay. I choose to focus on miracles, synchronicities and signs” now you are expecting them. When we let ourselves have the expectation for miracles, synchronicities and signs we are programming our Reticular Activating System to look for evidence of those miracles, synchronicities and signs. The more we do that the more of those we actually have!
When we are in the Void Phase usually strong emotions show up. If you remember, emotions are chemical. They are hormonal.
They are always linked to the old identity. They are not actually going to guide you.
You might be used to being guided by those emotions so if you try to do that in the Void Phase it will just lead you in circles and create a lot of traumas for you.
What we want to do instead is start questioning what we are experiencing. The more we are questioning it the more we are going to have a possibility of a difference experience. In order to dislodge those old emotions that we have been using for our navigation we need to switch to using correct questions to help us.
That will then create a different feeling and erase all emotions from the past.
That is the process of building your own Inner Authority your own Soul Navigation.
- Go through the bundle;
- Are you on Soul Navigation or “karmic navigation” from pain-programming?
- What is your prevalent attitude when you are in uncertainty? What better attitude can you choose from now on?
- What is the quality of your questions?
- What are you habitually expecting? What do you want to expect from now on?
- Do you trust the journey? Trust your own inner authority?
- What support do you want to ask for?