Quantum Evolution
Leveraging Intention inside
the Quantum Evolution cycle
with sovereignty
& the solar council



This Meditation is energy-coded all the way through its entire duration, but it is recorded open-ended. When the voice ends and the silence remains, the energy will continue to run for you.
Journal Prompts

One of the components of leveraging your intention is to use your HEART to activate your MIND.
This means you must let yourself DESIRE from the heart.
Not fear-based;
Not is opposition to something you have but don’t want;
Not “a little better than what I already have”;
But the real juice desire from the Soul that resonates thru the heart.
- Go through the entire bundle;
- Tune into your heart’s desire: what is it?
- Is it big enough? Are you letting yourself have it full force?
- What is the next smaller component of the larger desire for you?
- What are you focusing your desire energy around? (what you want or what you don’t want)
- What do you need to let go of, clear the path, so that your desire can flow freely?
One of the components of leveraging your intention is to use your HEART to activate your MIND.
This means you must let yourself DESIRE from the heart.
Not fear-based;
Not is opposition to something you have but don’t want;
Not “a little better than what I already have”;
But the real juice desire from the Soul that resonates thru the heart.
- Go through the bundle;
- Tune into your heart’s desire: what is it?
- Is it big enough? Are you letting yourself have it full force?
- What is the next smaller component of the larger desire for you?
- What are you focusing your desire energy around? (what you want or what you don’t want)
- What do you need to let go of, clear the path, so that your desire can flow freely?
This is the next step of the intention process, after the Heart’s desire activating the Mind. This is where you imagine you’re manifested desire. What would it look like in your life? How will it serve others? It always has to have a service component while you’re staying present, in the body.
This is where you need to allow your imagination to soar. You must avoid any kind of limitations that your logical mind might come up with.
If your mind has not been trained in imagining and using your imagination you would have a hard time coming up with ideas of what an intention or desire would look like for you, what it would feel like to you, how your life would change or how the manifestation of it would impact others. Without imagination it could become very rigid, very mental, or very shallow
- Go through the bundle;
- How do you let your imagination flow? Do you believe that anything is possible for you to imagine?
- Let yourself imagine your desire in all the details, colors, smells, etc.
- Look for how this serve others (if you get the relationship you want, or soul connection, of a new client, or healthier – how does this serve others for you to get this?)
- What do you need to clear that is in the way of your imagination?
- What must you delete, un-story in yourself to free your imagination?
If you are aligned with the Divine Mind in the Quantum Field, that is where all the pieces come together.
#1 was activating the heart in order to activate the mind.
#2 was activating the mind and the imagination to activate the entire energy field.
And now that your energy field is activated…
#3 is about connecting to the Divine Mind through the Quantum Field.
Divine Mind is Universal Intelligence.
This is where you are able to intend. In the first two components you’re not actually intending. You‘re having a desire, you’re allowing or giving yourself permission, you’re imagining what that manifested desire would look like (again, you’re giving yourself permission to bring that into your body).
Awesome. None of that is an intention yet. But now that you have those and you’re connecting to the Divine Mind, now we have an intention.
That is because you have a bridge between whatever it is that you just envisioned and held in your field and what you have as a possibility out there in the Universe.
This is where you would hold that desire as if it has already occurred.
That means the Quantum Field of possibility. It is “everything is possible, 100% of the time” so that whatever you intended, whatever you desired, whatever you imagined, does exist somewhere. That possibility, that version of reality does exist in the Library of the Universe.
What you’re essentially doing is for a moment you are stepping into that experience as if you already have arrived there. What would you want it to look like? How would you feel? All of those things that you imagined before would be included but here you are stepping into it so that for a moment it actually becomes all of that.
- Go through the bundle;
- Are you open to all possibilities? How’s your connection with the Quantum field?
- Put the 3 parts together for intention: desire, grounded in the body imagination, quantum experience of entering into it as it already occurred.
- How did it feel?
- Where you want support?
One of the key elements in leveraging your intention in the Quantum Evolution is that your vibration must match your intention.
If it doesn’t, nothing happens.
Vibration must match your intention. That means that if you don’t believe that you can have it or become the thing that you are desiring then no matter how many intentions or aligned actions you’re trying to do or whatever, the Universe can only give you what is within the parameters of what you say is possible. That’s why the step #3 (The alignment with the Divine Mind) of the process of becoming the thing that you want for a moment and truly embodying it is so important. Without that part nothing happens because that part is outside of your current perceptional box!
Also, action must be there to follow your desire, imagination, and experience in the Quantum. Without action, in 3D nothing happens – here we must interact with matter to manifest our desires.
- Go through the bundle;
- Are you vibrationally a match to your intention? What needs to be adjusted? (Ask yourself: “What frequency must I be in for this intention to become my reality in 3D?”)
- What action(s) must you take right now to follow through on your intention? No matter how small, as long as they’re consistent, you will be guided/adjusted so that you can manifest what you want.
- What support, clarity, mindset adjustment do you need to make this happen?