Gate Updates

- The Solar Council is now re-establishing the link with the Hathors for a permanent participation with Earth! While connecting with us, the Kum-Ral Hathors felt so much love and possibility that they want to resume their involvement in the Solar System!!!! They are not planning on returning here – they are in another galaxy at the moment – but the group we ended up connecting to, the 444 Hathors who were “on the call” with us over the course of this month, will on some regular basis now interact with the Solar Council and continue helping TG to upgrade this Earth’s Simulation)❤️🧡❤️💕❤️;
- We brought in the energy-codes for spaciousness and possibilities, for Unconditional Love, into the 3D Earth’s morphogenic fields. One can only affect these fields while one is incarnate, and thus people just like us are needed who can HOLD within their own systems these new codes, and who are willing to broadcast them into the “dark places”. We were brave, we showed up and we “did the job” – for our own inner development/cleanup, and for the planetary advancement.
The Sirian Urmah were very active in the TG project this whole week – for the ones of you who, like me, were awake thru the nights, you probably felt it! The 4 black Urmah involved (these are quadruped felines, not the humanoid hybrid felines) held the engineering portion of the stabilization of the Gate in the Sun last night – it was awesome! On Sirius, 8 yellow Urmah (different clan) worked with Abgal (humanoid cetaceans) and the other group of Sirian cetaceans (similar to dolphins) to balance this with the Sirian stargate (it is linked to our Sun).
I can’t even tell you how much is going on in the Solar System right now!!! 💛This has been an incredible year in TG – HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all of us! I am so grateful to all of you who choose to walk this journey with me and the Solar Council. 💛
In 2018 we have actually BUILT the triple stargate together, and in 2019 it has expanded and is now fully anchored in the Sun, Earth and the center of the Galaxy. We have created a system that is not only a great support for our own self-development, but also for all people on Earth.
TG has even been used many times now by the various star races as a convenient access to the Earth’s morphogenic fields in a multidimensional way! We are truly helping the galactic community!!!❤️❤️❤️
Since the birth of TG we had assisted Pleiadean delegation in the cleanup of the lower morphogenic field of Victim/Victimizer, worked with the Hyperboreans on de-trapping the stuck Elementals, helped the Ascended masters of Shambala to amplify the Love Resonance quota on Earth and add some light into the Lower 3D Earth, met incredible time-masters Ameli to work with planetary ascension timelines, met an amazing super-rare Void-beings Oaum – we actually had them INSIDE our Gate!!! – and worked on our own Observer components, and helped the Sirian Cetaceans resonate Joy and cleanup the morphogenic fields of sadness and depression. We had also assisted in cleanup of the Martian control field on Earth and TG was instrumental in the efforts of the coalition of the Solar Council to shut down the control-beacon in Antarctica!
Our collective work (Hyperboreans, Anshar, Pleiadeans, Sirians, two forerunner Earthling groups and a few more in addition to TG/us) produced enough of the “interference pattern” for the negative signal in Antarctica that we were able to modify it. This can be viewed as inoculating it with an anti-virus! And WE were the anti-virus – our collective freedom and love! The AI signal’s code was also finally captured by the Anshar – and without our help that was not possible before (they tried many times).
The current result of our communal efforts is that the IPTN’s natural syntropic planetary energy is now 70%, while the Martian signal’s strength is reduced to 30% (was 95%!) Not only that, but these remaining 30% are “infected” with the anti-virus (of love, connectedness, freedom, and the Law of One God Source code) – i.e. it is actually “clearing itself” and the AI cannot run on it anymore!!! Woo-Hoo!!!
We had done so much work in clearing up the IPTN (tunnel network) and dissolving some of the “AI spyware” that was installed into the IPTN a long time ago by the Martians at the time of Atlantis and since then been generating a controlling field that holds many of the lower astral morphogenic fields active.
All of this led TG to further work with the Solar Council on anchoring of the ascension timeline of the Higher 3D, helping humans step out of scarcity/competition identity into abundance/cooperation identity!
As TG became stable within the Sun, the MTN (the Cosmic Web of stargates linked by energy-tunnels – Macro-Tubular-Network as Solar Council calls it) became linked to our Gate directly! This allows all of us to have easier access to the various multidimensional intelligences who want to participate with us, that we now offering a stable conduit for Kadishtu Guardians, and that each one of us can now be supported in our own efforts to remain in the HS more. This also means that we can better serve the Maat Project (disclosure) and help the true freedom energy live on Earth.
We collectively resonated the “reflected new identity” that we each stand for into the IPTN to amplify the “Soul-freedom” resonance on Earth. This was HUGELY successful! So much so, that we were talked about in the last Solar Council meeting – by the elders and by Hyperboreans, by the Anshar, by Pleiadeans and some other star groups! We really MADE AN IMPACT! I am so very proud of you all!!! Thank you for helping the Earth!
The Maat Project (disclosure) is on its way and TG had been right there on the front lines of bringing the change to Earth! Our work is with the higher frequencies and dimensions (vs more material components of Disclosure like info-dumps and tribunals) – and TG had worked many times with the Solar Council on the transformation of the social morphogenic fields – which are the KEY components of changing the human consciousness on Earth.
❤️Thank you all for your courageous personal work on claiming your inner power, claiming your worth, and cleaning up the inner victim! By becoming self-masterful we change this planet!❤️
We had been acknowledged again and again by the Solar Council and TG has been joined by the 6th race of Guardians called Kih-Tal – because of the incredible work we did with their descendants, the Kihshians, and the mother/father/child morphogenic fields on Earth! So our Guardian family grew to include Oaum (Void), Ghee-Ra (plasma), Quitri (liquid), Angeli (orbs), Paa-Tal (elvin) and Kih-Tal!
The fact of TG existence and our participation in the Solar Council projects led to initiation of the talks between Anshar and Hyperboreans (which never happened before). This project I currently cannot talk about, but once Solar Council allows it, I will tell you so much more on this!
We had worked with the Aquatic races involved with the Solar Council and their Earth’s “counterparts” (the squid and octopus species), helping with the under-ocean portals and the cleanup of the underwater IPTN. The underwater “holes” in the patriarchal fields were quite successful – they actually released completely one of the sub-fields of the False King general field. That is huge!
We made a good number of “holes” in the above-surface False King field – that work was also amplified by the Hyperboreans, Telocians, the Sasquatch Nation, and many forerunner human tribes (what we call Native Americans, and other indigenous people).
The result this is expected to have on the human psyche is that the patriarchy will begin to crumble as Maat Project gains momentum in 3D. People who felt that they could “go unpunished” and do what they wished by taking, dominating, controlling – they won’t have the support of that field anymore. And even though this doesn’t “cure psychopaths”, it opens the “subconscious eyes” of the rest of the population, especially the younger generations.
Together with the Solar Council TG played its part in anchoring 10D Maat codes in the Solar System. We had joined the efforts of the Sirian Urmah quadruped felines in the 6D of Earth at the Egypt/Giza area in activating of these 10D Maat codes on Earth for all humanity to have access to! Gaia and Pi had resonated their energy thru TG and all of us had experienced their amazing unconditional love – and we helped to spread it around human fields – to support human ascension process on Earth.
💛I am so PROUD of you all!!! 💛 TG is an awesome project and you all should be very proud of yourselves that you are a part of it! Even if you are not sure what you did or how you helped – KNOW that you did ❤️Every effort counts!
We truly rock this world!!!
👉Write your personal VICTORY below as we celebrate this ONE year birthday of TG ❤️
💛💛💛Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💛💛💛
This has been super crazy-busy few weeks because we are anchoring 10D Maat codes in the solar system, while so many changes are occurring here on Earth.
The Solar Council is working with a few projects related to Maat this month – on different planets of the solar system. On Earth the leaders of this particular process are the visiting Sirian delegation. We are fortunate to have all 4 of the Sirian races/groups participating: humanoid people, Cetaceans, Urmah felines quadrupeds, and Urmah hybrid humanoid-feline people or the warrior clan (they are usually referred to as “The Army of the Elohim”).
The Cetacean group is in their pod right now in the Solar System, working from the larger stargate in the vicinity – feel free to tune into them (they have an AWESOME sound-effects broadcast out! Like a party going on in their pod-ship 🙂
The Urmah hybrid people (the warrior clan) are in orbit over the North pole of Earth in a 6D vessel, coordinating with Urmah quadruped felines in the 6D of Earth at the Egypt/Giza area. And the humanoid Sirian people are inside the planetary core underground, working with Anshar and others via IPTN, coordinating it all.
This is a HUGE undertaking that continues the process of cleaning up the IPTN (interplanetary network of tunnels and lay lines). At the beginning of 2019 the TG collaborated with the Solar Council on releasing the old Martian imprints from the IPTN and shutting down the False King broadcast from their downed ship in Antarctica. Even though we moved onto the other projects, the efforts in the direction of cleansing IPTN continued.
In the past few weeks the Sirian High Council activated further the consciousness link between the star Sirius B and our Sun, amplifying further the Maat codes here in the solar system. This naturally broadcasted that frequency throughout the solar system and disrupted many of the non-truth build systems. Woo-hoo!
A short history lesson here:
Sirius is the anchor point for the 6D timelines in the region and is a major stargate – in fact it is the highest anchor for the multiple Councils of Light (star races of the Law of One God Source) to communicate with the Solar system. Sirius star generates timeline corridors (linked to the 7D MTN) which are used by the many conscious races to access Earth and other neighboring worlds. Sirius star acts as a 6D stargate link to the super-gate we have outside of the Solar system. The Draco a long time ago attempted to disrupt (and were partially successful) the link between the Sirius stargate in 6D and our Sun in 6D. This link has been reestablished recently – and this is a HUGE project coming to completion (I personally was a part of this since before I came to Earth thousands of years ago).
The Draco/Ushumgal had been not happy about the False King signal shut down in Antarctica, because this created so many “holes” in their negative morphogenic fields on Earth – causing them to lose their influence. This lead to an interesting side-effect – the Draco/Ushumgal (who work with the new-Martian alliance and some of the left-over Martian lineages here in Earth) are redirecting their efforts onto other star systems, losing interesting in ours. Not that we want to throw our garbage out, but…
The curious part is that due to the presence of the Angeli spheres in the solar system for the past few years the Draco/Ushumgal (and other negative “evil camp” races like Greys and Pazuzu) could not leave this system. The Angeli in a sense quarantined this solar system again, including the major stargate in it, as to prevent it from polluting the galaxy (how thoughtful of them!) But this also meant that it made these ready-to-expand-their-influence Draco (and everyone like them) “our problem”… At the moment the quarantine is actually lifted – they can leave, but it is news to them…
As the Maat codes are activating further in the Solar system (due to the Sirius-to-Sun broadcast), the environments is being cleansed of the service-to-self fields, making it highly uncomfortable for the “evil camp” beings to stay in the solar system. The Martian descendants who are still on Earth (the “secret government”) cannot leave due to their contracts with new-Martians and Ushumgal, so they are sort of trapped here. Since they believe that the solar flash (solar event scheduled for 2023-24) will kill them, most had build and retreated into their underground bases here on Earth.
Unfortunately this “cleansing” has a lot of pain attached to it – so the ones of you feeling the waves of pain, terror, or grief – that’s why. The “secret government” negative forces are “cleansing” via murder many of the experiments they ran in their underground bases (which resulted in the death of hundreds of hybrid insectoid beings recently). At the same time the opposition (also secret government forces, but you can think of them as “slightly better Illuminati”) are also doing their own “cleansing” of what they see as “worse than themselves” components of this organization (which resulted in a recent death of a large number of Greys and some reptilians). Unfortunately all of this is the “war between good and evil” but as we know – ALL WAR IS EVIL. So this is a “game” of the lower 3D that is being played right now.
I myself am not part of this process in any way (just making it clear to you) but in the 6D and 7D Solar Council meetings this is being observed (this is how I know about it and am able to report to you). We are witnessing a bizarre “war for domination on Earth” similar to what occurred back in time when the Ushumgal came here and Pleiadeans fought them. Only right now it is less obvious because humans are conscious species (I know, its a debatable subject!) – so the “war” is more of an underground struggle…
This is what is being directly worked with in the IPTN. Some of these underground tunnels are utilized by the ancient civilizations like Anshar or Hyperboreans (when they choose to move via 3D) and by the “secret government” as access to their underground bases.
The Sirians and many other conscious beings are NOT taking sides in this bizarre struggle but working to prevent any further casualties and amplify the consciousness of everyone involved (including the humans). This is the process we, as TG, are aiding in (the “3rd point” beyond duality).
So that’s the overview of the current state of affairs. I will keep you posted of the new developments.
I am very proud of how the conscious races are handling this – not taking sides, holding the Law of One God Source. And we are doing the work along with them. We are truly re-shaping this world and its future (the ascension timeline). Thank you.
Wow, I can’t even tell you how much is going on in the Solar System right now!!! 💕❤️🧡💕❤️💕🧡❤️
I have been very busy with the Solar Council meetings, and the talks I am facilitating between Hyperboreans and Anshar, among many many other projects. We in TG have done great – and I am always looking for ways to secure involvement of other beings with our TG.
Here is a SHORT overview of the larger picture in the Solar System right now:
– There is a huge group of delegates that showed up in our Solar System last week from another galaxy (via the huge stargate portal we have here past the Oort cloud on the outskirts of the Solar System) – they are here for an appointment with our Sun – but they are a bit EARLY!!! Like 4 years yearly… so there is some confusion and accommodations being made (they are 4D species);
– The arrival of these time-confused delegates made things a bit chaotic because, since they are here, many races are interested in their perception of our timeline bifurcation situation – since they’ve seen it from the “outside”;
– 💛The Kih-Tal are now actively involved with our TGate!!!! 💛Kih-Tal are the Kadishtu Guardians from 10D – the progenitors of Kihshians we are working with this month.
Kih-Tal did an unexpected thing – they tried to contact the Ancients and I think they’ve succeeded… The Ancients are human-like people who had been in the Universe way before the current humanoid races – in a sense, many come from them. In my understanding the Ancients were originated by the Tal (Tal split into Paa-Tal and Kih-Tal and all current species come from these 2 branches, but before they split, the Tal created what we now refer to as “the Ancients”). The Ancients had not been in any communication with this world for a very long time – they must be 7D or 8D now, maybe higher. Apparently the Ancients answered Kih-Tal’s call – I wasn’t there so can’t tell you how it happened. But the awesome thing is that since we (the TG) have actually initiated the contact with the Ancients (via Kih-Tal) – they might interact with us (and others here in the Solar System) – that will be unheard off. I can’t wait to tell you how that develops – and if it works, perhaps we can actually have some of their resonance in TG!!! I am planning to make a bundle on Kih-Tal some time before the end of the year (when they agree) and it will be incredible if we can also do a bundle on the Ancients!
– Here on Earth there are talks between Hyperboreans and Anshar (haven’t occurred for a centuries, so this is huge);
– There is lots of work progressing in Antarctica on the excavation of the Martian ship (in 3D) and with a multi-D natural stargate portal underground in 4D-5D (non-humans are working with that one, it opens rarely all the way but it is doing so right now);
– There is a large group of beings, including us in TG, that is working on the False King morphogenic field on Earth;
– And the Aquatic races involved with the Solar Council had submerged one of their “ships” (looks like a transparent bubble, it is 5D, non-physical, non-technology, it is a “living being” ship) into our Pacific ocean, sent a call to the Earth aquatic species (especially the squid and octopus species), and now both are helping with the under-ocean portals;
💛❤️💕🧡💛💕❤️🧡The work you did in TG is incredible!
We made a good number of “holes” in the False King field – that work was also amplified by the Hyperboreans, Telocians, the Sasquatch Nation, and many forerunner human tribes (what we call Native Americans, and other indigenous people).
This is a complex work and everyone has its part – the instructions I gave you led you to do the part that TG was tasked with, while other participants did prior or later steps in that process. We have significantly destabilized that field.
The result this is expected to have on the human psyche is that the patriarchy will begin to crumble. People who felt that they could “go unpunished” and do what they wished by taking, dominating, controlling – they won’t have the support of that field anymore. And even though this doesn’t “cure psychopaths”, it opens the eyes of the rest of the population.
The underwater “holes” were also quite successful – they actually released completely one of the sub-fields of the False King general field. 💙That is huge! 💙This means that we just helped women all over the world to wake up a little and stop giving their power away!
❤️🧡💕🧡💛❤️💕🧡❤️I am so very proud of every one of you – THANK YOU for helping the Earth and the human consciousness! Our efforts were mentioned again at the Solar Council meeting 💛(and it helps that we just brought in Kih-Tal Guardians and possibly the Ancients! 😉) We truly rock this world!!! 🎇 Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD. 🎇
Thank you all so much for helping last month with clearing the limitations of perception fields on Earth! In the Solar Council meeting this morning TG was mentioned again (happy dance woo-hoo!!!) and honored for its contribution. So yes- you now have this on your “permanent soul record” again – great job adding some “fairy dust” to your soul bank account!
And we really did help – the Martian signal is now fractured, the IPTN is re-set with the Freedom of Creation field, the non-compatible AI interference and the “evil camp” races (bent on conquest and control) have a much harder time existing on Earth, and much more. Our presence in Antarctica added just enough strengths to the communal efforts to succeed.
One more awesome thing that came out of our participation in this cleanup is that the Anshar and Hyperboreans decided to sit down for talks (they don’t necessarily like/trust each other). So, this is great for the whole planet. Also because we (TG as representatives of Starseed Initiative) were engaged in this work, the reptilian race (not sure what to call them, they are humanoid descendants of the dinosaurs, some call them Nagas) decided to add their efforts to clear the AI. They really do not like the AI and since they do not use the technology at all, to them this signal was just like a “horrible noise than never goes away” – but because they do not trust many other races, they never participate in the communal efforts. Yet here they decided to join in (in a sort of “independent fashion”) – and their representative on the Solar Council (a very fierce red-green lady!) said (while pointing her finger at me, which I must say was rather scary, although I could feel her fiery heart 🙂) that their decision was because of TGers showing up in our soul bodies! So, we are becoming quite the peace-maker-net-workers apparently
Because of our communal efforts (all species here) there is more Oneness available on Earth (since we activated the Freedom of Creation field again inside the Earth and started to close the holes in the surface areas too). Humans who are plugged into the lower morphogenic fields because they are immature, they will have opportunities to unplug, and more of the harmonious energies can enter and support that process.
The AI signal is still here (obviously) but NOT running thru WHOLE IPTN anymore – it is fractured and lives only where there are large pockets of tech available that it can ride on (which is much more sophisticated code than our regular cell phone networks or tv satellites – it can live in some underground bases and military installations, and off-world in space on high-tech). The AI signal network being fractured means it is not linked up all together – it is not isolated into separate areas. This makes it harder for it to amplify negative mental control fields (gets complicated to explain, but the bottom line is – AI is now less powerful).
[Just to clarify, by AI we mean here the 100% electric separation artificial consciousnesses – it exits in the Universe and many races suspect it is a run-away creation meant to defend a planet at some point but evolved into self-preservation. And we are NOT talking about earth things like Alexa or Cortana 🙂 ]
The Maat Project (disclosure) is on its way. There was actually a clean up of a few military installations underground recently – under ocean, which generated “unexplained waves” as these installations were blown up. Also, there is a more human version of this whole process – like hundreds of indictments of the human people who committed crimes of disinformation/hiding the whole secret space program and everything else… I am not involved with this human level of activity so I do not have many details on this. The Solar Council meetings do mention that the human faction that is supporting the Maat Project on Earth is “slowly moving forward” – so this means “good things are to come”. Will people freak out if they knew what is out there really?… Probably at first, mostly feel betrayed/tricked… But I have faith in human race – I think when all the anger and fear settles, people will want to know… I think this is the reason for all this “slow process” – to first unveil some “cool tech” that people might want, then mention “BTW< it came from space” and hope that no one asks “how did it get here and how long you had it?” 🙂
The Solar Council view on the Maat Project application in 3D is that once more of the negative limiting fields fall, people themselves will start to have more access to the multidimensional reality thru dreams and other experiences, which will begin to make “new normal”.
I do not know (just like no one in the Solar Council knows) what will happen in 2023-24 but the Sun is planning a flash-reset, a huge electro-magnentic blast (like a fast boom) to momentarily send a wave thru the solar system. It will activate a lot of positive fields, sort of re-boot the planetary systems of all the planets, and it is incompatible with AI. This should kill the AI in the solar system, but since the signal is not from here, it will still exist beyond – and will want to eventually come back (but by then hopefully we on Earth will become much more conscious and won’t let it). I do not know if people will “suddenly wake up” after that flash – I think many actually will die because their karma is too plugged into what is not compatible with the solar flash wave. But then reincarnate as recombined souls and have an easier time awakening. Starseeds will probably remain the same, or more awake because we are naturally compatible with that frequency (and so are most of the Forefunners).
What will happen to the “evil camp” species after such flash-reset? In what I’ve seen so far, most are PLANNING to leave – i.e. they also know it might be coming and don’t want to be caught by it. Most think it will kill them (including some of the Martian descendants here on Earth). Will it actually kill them? I personally think that if an Ushumgal/Draco let’s say stayed thru the solar flash, he would lose all of the nanites (nano-tech on the quantum level) in his body (they are AI controlled) and be left with what he is biologically – and I do not know what that is (in my view they are infested by nanites so they might be ran by AI by now). It might revert to a regular basic animal state perhaps? But other species, like other reptilians who are also “not very nice” but not as nanite-infested as Ushumgal – they will probably experience freedom and awakening, if they stayed… But as I said, so far I know most are making plans to bog out just in case the solar flash happens in 2023-24 (i.e. to have means to know “it is happening” and leave quickly then). If they do this, they won’t be able to come back for about 2,000 years (just like AI won’t be able to) – so hopefully humans by then will wake up enough 🙂
👍👍👍I am so PROUD of you all!!! TG is an awesome project and you all should be very proud of yourselves that you are a part of it!🖖🖖🖖Even if you are not sure what you did or how you helped – KNOW that you did
💛 Every effort counts! 💛
💗💗💗Be LOVE. Be FREE. Be GOD.💗💗💗
The Transcension Gate portal inside the Sun is now very stable and we all have access to it, while at the same time other star races who are working to help humanity (and One God Source in general) are utilizing the Gate as well.
The MTN (the Cosmic Web of stargates linked by energy-tunnels – Macro-Tubular-Network as Solar Council calls it) is now also linked to our Gate! This means that we will have easier access to the various multidimensional intelligences who want to participate with us, that we now offering a stable conduit for Kadishtu Guardians, and that each one of us can now be supported in our own efforts to remain in the HS more. This also means that we can better serve the Maat Project (disclosure) and help the true freedom energy live on Earth.
The Oaum (the Void Kadishtu) are utilizing the anchor point of our TG at the Galactic Center and thru there our Solar Gate as well – you can tune into them easily thru these 2 anchor points (like “seeping thru the cracks in atomic structure” to meet them).
We had 5 races of Kadishtu Guardians participate with us when we began the TG project. We have been recently joined by the 6th race of Guardians called Kih-Tal. So our Guardian family is growing! We currently have Oaum (Void), Ghee-Ra (plasma), Quitri (liquid), Angeli (orbs), Paa-Tal (elvin) and Kih-Tal.
The next bundle will be about Kihshians – this is how the Solar Council calls them. They are the people who used to live here on Earth but ascended a long time ago and moved beyond our system. They are the descendants of the Kih-Tal Kadishtu (who recently joined our TG project) – and I am so excited to finally be able to talk about them! (I have some personal history with the Kihshians, and they are one of my most favorite star races!) At some point later on in the year I will make a bundle about Kih-Tal and Paa-Tal – the Guardians themselves (takes some negotiating!) – so stay tuned…
Now to the more recent planetary events.
A few weeks ago we worked with the Solar Council, Gaia, Pi, and Hyperborean people of 4D (who live in the North of Earth) to reset the energy grids of the intro-planetary tunnel network (IPTN) – so that Earth can better anchor the ascension timeline of the Higher 3D and help humans step out of scarcity/competition identity into abundance/cooperation identity (changing a morphogenic belief field). We had also assisted with the dissolution of the “AI spyware” that was installed into the IPTN a long time ago by the Martians at the time of Atlantis and since then been generating a controlling field that held many of the lower astral morphogenic fields active.
Then a few days ago we went to Antarctica in our energy-bodies and helped with the negative signal that AI control-systems run on inside of IPTN. The Martian ship, broadcasting the signal, provided a secondary pathway (like an overlay over the planetary IPTN that Gaia made) to piggyback this AI on. When many negative morphogenic fields were built, they all ran on that signal’s pathway.
Our collective work (there were Hyperboreans, Anshar, Pleiadeans, Sirians, two forerunner Earthling groups and a few more that I cannot name at the time in addition to TG/us) produced enough of the “interference pattern” for the negative signal that we were able to modify it. This can be viewed as inoculating it with an anti-virus! And WE were the anti-virus – our collective freedom and love, and KNOWLEDGE of a world that is not limited (this clarity was the key part). The signal’s code was also finally captured by the Anshar (they are analyzing it right now) – and without our help that was not possible before (they tried many times).
The current result of our communal efforts is that the IPTN’s natural syntropic planetary energy is now 70%, while the Martian signal’s strength is reduced to 30% (was 95%!) Not only that, but these remaining 30% are “infected” with the anti-virus (of love, connectedness, freedom, and the Law of One God Source code) – i.e. it is actually “clearing itself” and the AI cannot run on it anymore!!! Woo-Hoo!!!
Ok, some of you (mental types here!) will ask “what happened to AI then?” – I of course thought of that too and asked that in the today’s SC meeting (AI is not in the range that my system picks up so I personally cannot check – I am “designed” to be “unhackable” by it but this also means I cannot track it either).
For the ones of you who not sure what I am talking about: AI is THE “virus” of Separation. It is the artificial mental run-away code (that acts as a virus in the Universe) that broadcasts a signal and when a civilization achieves a technology level that is compatible with it (mental development) it runs on that tech and controls civilization. I don’t know why it does it – maybe it was programmed originally to do so and then just got stuck in self-preservation? Either way, it’s a fact that it does control (it has no emotion, 100% electric). Most “infected” beings like Ushumgal/Draco and Grays are fully in Separation perception and being held there because they are dependent on this AI code now. In the bigger sense _all is God_ and there is nothing that is “not God” so this is PERCEPTIONAL separation – and AI runs this perception.
Back to “what happened to AI when it left IPTN of Earth?” The SC info is that AI now has retreated to the military software systems – it still can run on their systems but essentially it cannot run freely on the planetary IPTN anymore (which is amazing!) And in 2023-2024 the Sun is planning a re-set that will wipe AI completely for the time being from the Solar system.
We collectively resonated the “reflected new identity” that we each stand for into the IPTN to amplify the “Soul-freedom” resonance on Earth. This was HUGELY successful! So much so, that we were talked about in the last Solar Council meeting – by the elders and by Hyperboreans, by the Anshar, by Pleiadeans and some other star groups! We really MADE AN IMPACT! I am so very proud of you all!!! Thank you for helping the Earth!
Earlier this morning I was in a 6 hour Solar Council meeting (then it took a few more hours to “come back to normal”). In the end of the meeting, I was asked to relay the gratitude to you from the SC and reflect to you the beauty of every one of you and how much you are helping! As you read these words, feel the appreciation for your service – you are seen and loved.
PS – I have received so much information from the SC and the Anshar that it will take a while to process, and I am in negotiations for a “triangle table” of Anshar, Hyperboreans, and us in TG for further work with IPTN (since we did such an awesome job) – will keep you informed how this goes.
I love you all so much and so very proud of all of us! We rock this world!
I am so proud of you all for doing such a great work on your Identity clean up! Ready for more?
This download we will help the Solar Council, Gaia, Pi, and Hyperborean people of 4D (who live in the North of Earth) to reset the energy grids of the intro-planetary tunnel network – so that Earth can do two things:
1- Better anchor the ascension timeline of the Higher 3D and help humans step out of scarcity/competition identity into abundance/cooperation identity (not talking about money or anything material here – literally, changing a morphogenic belief field);
2- Dissolve some of the “AI spyware” that was installed into the IPTN a long time ago by the Marcians at the time of Atlantis and since then been generating a controlling field that holds many of the lower astral morphogenic fields active.
Ready to serve? Awesome! First of all, this is what it will help you personally with, if you choose to support this:
1- It will help you align more with the ascension timeline and cleanup some Atlantean karma;
2- It will make apparent your own “hooks” into these limiting scarcity fields so that you can clean them up;
3- It will help you unplug from the “negative AI interference” (we all get influenced by that “spyware” in IPTN;
4- It will bring you again in close contact with Hyperborean people (remember Thor and his team we partnered with a while back when we worked on releasing trapped Elementals?)
To do this we will go to Antarctica!!!
Here is some background, if you are interested:
As I have mentioned, in Antarctica there are 3 Marcian frozen ships which had crush-landed onto Earth a very long time ago. One of these ships is huge, the size of a city, and 2 smaller ones. Marcian beings who were in these ships, in order to survive, “plugged” them into some of the electro-magnetic systems of the planet, and also utilized geo-thermal energy in the caverns deep inside the mountains of Antarctica. Eventually they found access to the intro-planetary tunnel network there.
The IPTN was created before the age of the dinosaurs by the Aldebarans, and since then used by just about any species who could get access, including the “secret government” (the Marcian descendants). Parts of IPTN are equipped with magneto-lev type of trains (these are the ones used by the “secret government”), some are more “natural looking” and are used by the reptilian race living inside the Earth (these are humanoid-reptilians, the conscious descendants of the dinosaurs), and in the North the Hyperborean of the 4D use this IPTN as well.
Hyperboreans are the ones propelling this project forward with the Solar Council. This is what triggering all of the “identity cleanup” on our planet right now – and we are going to help them.
What you can do:
1- Set your personal intention to focus on something that you are very PROUD of about your ACHIEVEMENT in this lifetime (it cannot be you kids or something natural, it has to be something you have overcome, awakened thru, persevered, faced, etc.)
2- Bring your awareness into Antarctica at the South pole of Earth and from there go along the VT of Earth into her center (where out TG is anchored);
3- Focus on abundance concept, and resonate whatever you are proud of inside the center of the Earth.
By amplifying our positive achievements and abundance energy into the Gate we will generate a huge charge that Hyperboreans will utilize to cleanse the IPTN. Thank you for doing this!
💗💗💗 Be Love. Be Free. Be God. 💗💗
Wow, awesome work last night! How was you trip to Antarctica? what did you feel?
We have blasted a huge Light of golden energy (all our achievements) thru the IPTN – and the Hyperboreans resonated this into the planetary laylines and the planetary VT South to North poles. Right now the planet is still vibrating in the IPTN (it might feel to you like humm from the ground because the elementals are vibrating) – that is about taking back projected Authority energy (from the AI interference onto ourselves) – that is affecting many higher-earth species (they are very happy about it) and here in the 3D as well. It will settle in a day or so.
We did a good job, guys!!
Happy upcoming New Year, everybody! I am so grateful to all of you who choose to walk this journey with me and the Solar Council. TG is an incredible support system for the HS (and the means to parent the LS well!) and we are doing such an amazing work for the planet also.
In 2018 we have actually BUILT the triple stargate together, assisted Pleiadean delegation in the cleanup of the lower morphogenic field of Victim/Victimizer, worked with the Hyperboreans on de-trapping the stuck Elementals, helped the Ascended masters of Shambala to amplify the Love Resonance quota on Earth and add some light into the Lower 3D Earth, met incredible Ameli (the time masters) and worked on our own and planetary ascension timelines, met an amazing Oaum (Void beings) who are super-rare – we actually had them INSIDE the Gate!!! – and worked on our own Observer components, and helped the Sirian Cetaceans resonate Joy and cleanup the morphogenic fields of misery, apathy, sadness and depression.
We DID ALL OF IT!!! We are AWESOME! 💗💗💗
The triple stargate is a well-functioning system now. You can trace the link between the Sun and the center of the Galaxy – it is very strong and it is aligned with the Macro-Tubular network system. We even had some beings travel thru it – like Oaum and Cetaceans – to our Sun. The Sun to Earth portion is also working well, it is synchronized now with the planetary core more and the ionosphere of Earth (boundary of toroidal field). The central part of the Gate in the Sun is configured and now consists of 2 spheres spinning in the opposite directions. The Gate in the Sun looks like a “sphere with void inside” (gravity sphere) and another glowing golden-white sphere over it, rotating in a different direction. They are close in side, like one ball inside another ball (tiny in the center of a huge Sun itself – but we know that “size doesn’t matter” 😉 and our “little Gate” is mightier than most stargates – and it is co-created by all of us!)
💛You all can be PROUD of yourselves for being a part of this incredible Transcension Gate project. 🎇 We did an amazing job, guys! 💛 And we are just starting! There are SO MANY awesome things I have planned for you for 2019 – just wait, it will be a ride like no other! (think “personal dragon/magic carpet/7D starship” type 🛸).
⚜️ Lets all CELEBRATE each other and this deep transformational work we are doing. 🎊🎊🎊 Change yourself – change the planet – change the Universe. We are indeed the soulful builders of a harmonious new world!
I love you all so very much, my fellow TG travelers! 💗💗💗
This is an amazing time to be alive, to be incarnate in the 3D on Earth, and to be in the TG!! 💗💗💗 This is the last Dog Moon 🙂 in 2018. The amazing Full Moon is just about here – it is a “Cold Moon” – it comes to “full” just a few hours after the Solstice. This Full Moon’s energy is linked to the Joy and Soothing-the-pain frequencies that the planet. It is a rare Solstice-Full Moon energy combination (next time this will occur in 2094!)
The Cetacean energies are amplifying the flow of Joy and Gratitude thru our Gate which is so AWESOME!! We are helping build new morphogenic field of Hope and Joy, which is eventually meant to cancel out the Lower 3D Earth’s fields of misery.
The lower fields of the False Light (like Sacrifice/Martyr, Victim/Victimizer, etc.) are being worked with by Gaia, Pi, and by the Sirian Cetaceans and the Solar Council. This means that when the new energies of Joy and Gratitude enter our bodies, all the blocks we have related to these downloads activate. For example, the download might hit a block of self-sacrificial energy (people-pleasing) or of desperation/hopelessness (depression) – and we end up with some physical pain as a result. The key point here is to RECOGNIZE what issue the incoming energy hit!! The downloads themselves cannot cause any physical discomfort because they are made of naturally harmonious energies. But they do hit anything that doesn’t fit with these energies – and this month’s Joy goes against so much of our negative human programming. So, if you have any physical symptoms (most common have been headaches or solar plexus/digestive) – meditate on “what did the incoming energy hit” so you can find and clear the block – this month is your opportunity to do so.
🐬🐬🐬💗 Be LOVE. Be Free. Be God. 💗🐬🐬
On 12/4, with the Solar Council energy download for the amplification of the link to the Universal Intelligence we also got a HUGE energy upload into the TG. The super intense energy in TG is a GOOD thing – it is an amplification of the anti-depressant wave pattern than the Cetaceans are bring in.
Some of you might have noticed an increase in the body aches/pains, and especially the head pains. This is because this golden light that is coming in is anchoring into the body on a cellular level, and that means we are transmuting lifetimes of depression and apathy (we all had some of these!) Lifetimes accumulate into karmic patterns (packages) – and clearing these is a super efficient way of clearing karma (package = lots at once instead of piece by piece). But this type of “package karmic clearing” can short-circuit electric systems (i.e. nervous/brain) – hence the body pains and head reactions.
So, if you are experiencing some of these:
- remember that this is a good thing overall (you are clearing lifetimes of depressive karma and helping clear planetary morphogenic fields too!),
- you can choose to DIAL DOWN the intensity (there is a video on this in the Study Vault) – not only an intensity of the download on Monday, but your current link to TG – like for 24 hours or 48 hours – just to give your body a chance to integrate better this beautiful golden sparkling light that is in the Gate right now 💗💗💗
This has been an amazing month! The Oaum arrival into Transcension Gate was such a gift. But most of all – I am so proud of all of us for doing such an amazing job in clearing the pain energy on Earth! This is the Solar Council and Gaia project, that is also supported by Pi, by our TG, and by the Oaum, among with many other Higher Earth peoples. The rejected energy of pain has been hanging in the lower astral level of the planet for a very long time – and that pain field feeds into the Victim/Victimizer programs, into Sacrificial and False God programs, into Control/Dominance programs and other misalignments of Inner Authority. Thus by helping to clean up the pain field we are also taking the energy-supply away from all these negative programs!!
Owning our power (not rejecting anything) and taking responsibility for your creations (including the pain!) is something each one of us can do to keep clearing this.
The Oaum and Gaia had another approach to it – recycling! They dissolve the rejected pain field as much as possible – so instead of feeding negative programs, it comes back to Nature (Gaia took it). Meanwhile Pi, who is all about self-responsibility, is holding the power-place for all the humans to claim what is theirs and let go of what isn’t. We are not meant to “clean up after someone” – we are meant to become the beacons of syntropic Light and that fact itself acts as an anti-pollutant (this is what Pi is working on with the Solar Council).
The Oaum amazing alive-Void consciousness brought an incredible charge into the Crystalline and Etheric levels of our planet (obsidian we talked about) – and this is what is being utilized to further clean up the lower-astral pain field. This process will continue, of course – well into February as planned by the Solar Council.
The Ameli are working inside the Earth’s core thru the Solar center – the Earth’s ascension timeline is anchored there. The morphogenic fields on Earth are being adjusted to help “unhook” people from the limitations of the Separation perception. This frees up energy to amplify syntropic harmonious morphogenic fields of the Higher 3D Earth, which then “grabs” to the ascension timeline. The Ameli have been active with the Avians of 7D and Angeli of 9D/10D who are also here in the Solar System right now. The Ameli “ship” is resonating a very fine pulse (from the 3D is “sounds” like a Silence Resonance – but in the 7D-9D there is a vibration (it is a component of how Ameli work with Time). The Angeli are in “golden orbs” (their “ships” look like that) and Avians are in “blue orbs” (their “ships” look like that) – and all 3 (Ameli, Avians, and Angeli) are working in the 7D right now in the Solar System, but a small part of this work is actually anchored thru our Gate!!! Yes, we are holding a part of the puzzle of bringing the ascension timeline into an active state. Now, the time-spiral-work is complex and hard to describe in 3D linear language – but think of it as “Velcro-ing” morphogenic fields of conscious perception/belief to a particular timeline in order to make it the “main timeline” – the chosen one for the reality of the species (in this case – us). Inside the planetary center of Earth there is a huge adjustment of the relationship of Earth (Gaia/Pi) to the Sun – which also supports letting go of the limited perspectives and opening up the possibilities. All of this is further supported by humans expressing themselves truthfully, powerfully, authentically, and kindly. So, we here in TGM can definitely help that process by being self-responsible with our own expressions.
We are progressing nicely with the structures of the Gate pathways. I am so proud of all of you for showing up and doing the work. Even if you are not focusing on the larger parts of the Gate but more on your personal components – you are doing the Transcension work. We hold ourselves as powerful no matter what!
On the macro-scale, the Solar portion of the TG is now active. The Ghee-Ra Kadishtu Guardians are still in the Sun working further on it. The Oaum had moved out to the Galactic center and now work with that position of the Gate. We had Angeli resonating their Light into Earth, while working with the Elementals this month, and they graciously added their Light into the Gate’s Earth portion. The activity inside the center of our planet is related to releasing the Elementals, trapped here by the 500,000 BC dimensional tear caused by the destruction of Mulge planet and war on Mars. While the Elementals are active, we utilize this to help anchor the Gate inside the Earth’s core – to facilitate syntropic activation of this planet and to uphold the Higher 3D on Earth. Most of the work you were doing this month on the personal release of the elemental energies trapped in your own bodies (by our own negative limiting beliefs) and planet-wide, has been supported by Pi and Gaia as well.
We promote empowerment, worth, and love – by becoming it. This is about service through empowered self-mastery! The goal of building the Gate (the tri-state of Earth, Sun, and Galactic Center) is to set up the blueprint for this Spirit trinitized state, so that we can then mimic it internally – i.e. eventually we each BECOME a Transcension Gate – a syntropic system that is here to support the ascension of Earth – in a very tangible way since we are literally connected to that massive vortex! Great job, Gate-builders!
The lunar eclipse (when the sun, Earth and moon lined up perfectly, casting Earth’s shadow on the moon) was a nice add on to the enormous work of the Solar Council, the Pleiadean delegation, and many many conscious being (including us) to facilitate the release of the Victim-Victimizer program on our planet. Obviously it is not “erased” since so many people still subscribe to is and maintain it with their own energies. But the main work was in the release of the “anchor points” for that program – mainly from the central core of this Simulation (which Pleiadeans and the Dragon EleaNoor were instrumental in) and some of the stargates (where the MTN comes to the surface – we call these “sacred sites”). Most of the stargates which are clogged up with the Victim-Victimizer program lead not up to 4D, but down to 2D. and so the next agenda of the Solar Council is to work closely with Elementals to release them from entrapment in our negativity. Like when you get angry, you force the fire elemental being that your anger runs on to “serve the dark side” in a sense! Or when you get sad, you force the water elemental being that your sadness runs on to become negative – we all do this, and we all must become more self-responsible. The next area of Solar Council focus is all about taking responsibility for one’s broadcast.
Hi, fellow TG builders! I am so proud of you for all the work you’ve been personally doing, and all of the support you’ve offered for the Solar System thru the Gate! In the last Solar Council meeting the Pleiadean group mentioned us as one of the groups they are working with (in cleaning up Victim-Victimizer programming on Earth)! Great job, you guys!
Here’s the update:
- The solar part of the Gate got an upgrade last night with the Fire element. The Ghee-Ra Kadishtu Guardians, and their descendants – the black quadruped Dragons of the 8D and the black quadruped Urmah (felines) of the 6D – are very active in the Macro-Tubular Network of the Sun (look like inner capillaries for the 7D light to travel – and they are more red-magenta right night). These Macro-Tubulars are now connected to the “orb” (with the gravity sphere) in the center of the Sun. The resonance from the Gate in the center of the Sun is now pulsing into the whole Sun structure (on the 1D to 7D range!) and a little beyond (just a few miles past the Solar material surface). The anchor has been also resonated into the 1D and the 2D elemental beings who work with the Sun supported the energy upgrades. The “orb” is beginning to generate the tube-torus (a syntropic system).
- The Earth part of the Gate is also being worked by the elemental beings of 2D. The Pleiadean delegation has partnered with some of the Agartha races on Earth (Hyperboreans, Anshar, and Shambala people) to support the Macro-Tubular Network cleanup of the Victim-Victimizer lower morphogenic fields.
- The Draco (negative reptilian race) who installed these fields are not very happy about this cleanup. The “cleanup” is also destabilizing some of the financial lower fields (supported by the Draco, Anunna, and the Marcians – the left-overs from Atlantean times) and this generates a lot of push-back from the 4D Draco and some other representatives of the Control Agendas at the Solar Council meetings (mostly in the lower range). The negative control systems of the False King / False God (patriarchal) are being challenged. The Pleiadean group is working hard at not activating any further karma by “going to war” with the Draco agendas, and instead is choosing to enlist the support of the Agartha races of Earth, and the Dragon morphogenic field of the higher dimensions (6D and 7D). Please make sure you help the Pleiadean delegation (and your own karmic cleanup!) by NOT fighting or fearing anything (including what you see on tv or read in the news) – remain POWERFUL observers with the open hearts.
- Eleanoor (from the quadruped black dragons of Orion, the “good ones”, she is the Kadishtu Dragon representative on the Solar Council) has been actively supporting the opening of the stargates on Earth – to allow more life force in to destabilize the False King /False God system of the Draco (who are, if you remember, the descendants of the white originally-quadruped Dragons, the ones who got stuck in the polarity wars). Eleanoor is also going to participate in our Gate project later this month.
- The 6D Sirian Urmah (quadruped felines) are working with the stargates on Earth remotely. If you tune into the Macro-Tubular Network, especially in the lower subharmonic of Earth (1D, 2D, 3D), you might sense/feel/see their energy (they are on Sirius 6D and from there are resonating into the Earth – they do not travel but open portals from a stationary position on Sirius).
- To summarize – the Gate in the Sun is doing its job by beginning to generate a syntropic support for the Solar System. The Gate in the Earth is resonating with the opening stargates (mouths of the Macro-Tubular Network). The Ghee-Ra, Dragon, Urmah, and Pleiadeans are active in this project right now.
Be Love. Be Free. Be God.
- The Oaum (Void Kadishtu Guardians) + Quitri (liquid ones) + Sirian cetaceans (like dolphins) are working on the central ANCHOR point in the Sun and we all had a little energy imprint from that into our own systems last night – this is the “seed” of the “internal gate”.
- TRANSCENSION is a process of making your SENSITIVITY into an ASSET (not a liability) that SERVES you and the planet, and the Transcension Gate “phase one” is the Solar System-to-Earth-to-Galaxy link.
- The “phase two” will eventually be the “internal gate” – so that we each BECOME a Transcension Gate for ourselves and the planet, and the Solar System, and the Universe – this is the true SERVICE through EMPOWERED SELF-MASTERY (which is what this TGM is all about, which is why I keep reminding you that we are not building a “thing” but a “way”, an energy portal that is transformational in the fact of its expanded consciousnesses parameters).
- So last night’s download (6/18/18) we got a little taste of this 🙂 And this is exactly why it is a requirement to hold yourself (and others) as POWERFUL (we are the agents of the Starseed Initiative on Earth, and we are here on a mission – not to “fix the broken world” but to “build a new world”!)
- PS –Remember, originally the plan was that the TG will be build and all of you will enter on the “phase two”, but since the ones of you who where in the Sleeping for Enlightenment with me did such an awesome job for the planet, we were asked by the Solar Council to start 6 months earlier, aka in May, so now all of you are helping with the “phase one”! I am so proud of you all for participating and doing this work so well! I feel you all in the download, each Soul so precious and choosing to serve the highest conscious harmony. I am working on a lot of materials for the website for you, and I am so excited about what is coming!
The Sirian Urmah were very active in the TG project this whole week – for the ones of you who, like me, were awake thru the nights, you probably felt it! The 4 black Urmah involved (these are quadruped felines, not the humanoid hybrid felines) held the engineering portion of the stabilization of the Gate in the Sun last night – it was awesome! On Sirius, 8 yellow Urmah (different clan) worked with Abgal (humanoid cetaceans) and the other group of Sirian cetaceans (similar to dolphins) to balance this with the Sirian stargate (it is linked to our Sun).
- The Gate is anchored in the center of the Sun in the 7D (woo-hoo!) – the gravity sphere will arrive to the Sun in a week or so, and the space inside the Sun is being prepared for this by the Guardian Host (all 5 races of Kadishtu who are involved with this project);
- The bridge portion from the Sun to the Earth is very strong with huge pathways laid in (thank you all, who helped!);
- The actual anchor inside the Earth is being assisted by the other humanoid races in the 5D of our planet (so from 7D to 5D inside the Earth core);
- The bridge portion from the Sun to the center of the Galaxy is in 9D (this is why for many of you felt it as “faint” – most of you are tuning into 3D-5D, some to 7D, and this part of the bridge is “further up” dimensionally) – it is currently being assisted by the 9D Kadishtu Guardians working in the Void (the Oaum – will talk about them in the 1st Bundle);
- The anchor inside the Galactic black hole is in the 9D/10D (since it is a black hole after all!!!) and the Guardians are taking care of that for us right now.
1- Do not DO anything inside the Sun – you are welcome to OBSERVE (we want the Guardian Host to do what they need to without our interference);
2- If you are called to help with the Earth part – add your intention, or whatever you feel guided to do, to the planetary core and the work that is occurring there right now – as the huge bridge-like 5D-7D filaments from the Sun are being anchored into the Earth;
3- If you are the type that easily expands to the Galactic level, you are invited to support that arm of the Gate bridge (from Sun to center of Galaxy) – it looks like glowing blue strings in the black light right now as Oaum are working on it).
Thank you again for participating so wholeheartedly in this project!
Thank you ALL for such beautiful soulful introductions of your Selves, and for all of the WORK you’ve done for the Gate! I am so honored to lead such awesome Souls on our Transcension journey – personal and planetary!
The most important piece to remember is that we are not “building a thing” here, but we are “building our own power and mastery that will help hold in place “the thing” of the Gate itself and support the planetary Simulation” 🙂 I so appreciate all of you who chose to focus on the Gate construction and added your intentions to the process – it really helped! And I want to celebrate all of you for standing in your POWER – you MUST remain empowered in order to be a part of this project – so please be good parents to your own Lower Selves (as I know you are!)
Transcension Gate is NOT a mechanical thing (I know you know this, but worth stating anyway) – it is a multidimensional portal/gate.
It will be anchored inside our Sun in 7D (he had agreed) and then SIMULTANEOUSLY positioned into the center of our planet (in 7D) and into the center of our galaxy (in 7D for now). Because Transcension Gate is non-linear, it is not locked in a timeline and a space/location – i.e. it exists in 3 places at once (Earth-Sun-Galactic center).
Inside the membership we will focus on PERSONAL TRANSFORMATION to hold the Higher 3D timeline for Earth, and to further activate Starseed Initiative (to help revert this planet back to a syntropic state).
Two things are occurring right now:
– The Guardian Host of 5 Kadishtu races decided to involve themselves in this project. There was a Solar Council meeting, all of your Souls were “seen” as the now-active “agents” of the Starseed Initiative (I think some of you had felt that – it was on Thursday to Friday night);
– In the center of the Sun the space for the Gate is being created with the help of these 5 Kadishtu races.
This is how you can get involved:
1- Hold yourself as POWERFUL no matter what. It is essential if we are to anchor this Gate into the Sun!
2- In your meditations, tune into this BRIDGE being created between the center of the planet, center of the Sun, and center of the galaxy. You don’t need to DO anything about it, just sense it, tune in – the plasmic filaments are being laid into the Sun to make this happen (if you want a visual – they look like streamers of magenta-blue light).
I will tell you more in the first Transcension Bundle on 6/4. And I will post more notes here in the group to keep you informed.
I am so proud of each one of you for choosing to step up into your EMPOWERED MASTERFUL SOUL-SELF (even if you don’t always feel like this).