
Being a Master means being in CONSCIOUS SOULFUL CONTROL of yourself. DETACHMENT from the personal desires is the means to accomplish this control, because it is the Soul that is in control (not the Ego). Detachment is a quality of the inner OBSERVER – a component that acts as a bridge between the lower and higher aspects of us. The Soul guides with wisdom – to the human personality this feels as “detachment”. The Soul always allows the personality to have PREFERENCE on directions and experiences – and the balance of this personal preference (while being detached from the outcome) and the Soul’s guidance is Self-Mastery.
Self-Mastery can be mistaken with the Ego overriding your negative emotions and beliefs, “acting good”; or with an avoidance of living life. When one tries to “be good” through the Ego personality, one in fact becomes controlling – a form of separation through superiority of power. When one attempts detachment before one actually builds a strong Inner Authority, one is simply ESCAPING life, while pretending to be detached.
The state of Self-Mastery is about stepping into the Creator – the mirror of the God Source within us. In Soulful Mastery we GIVE meaning to our beliefs, thoughts, feelings and actions (instead of searching for meaning on the outside). Forever seeking meaning/purpose/destiny is a state of avoidance of being the Soul-Self creator. The ability to generate Soul-resonated meaning is a sign of Self-Mastery.

The ultimate self-transformation experience
to aim for in the Mastery area?
Living your Purpose (conscious meaning)
Being of Service
Conscious Soulful Self-Control at all times

What issues to look for?
Looking for meaning outside of yourself
Looking for an external purpose
Dissolving as avoidance of being a Self
Desire to self-sacrifice
Always seeking
Believing limiting beliefs
Believing external over internal
Too much Experiencer, not enough Observer
Feeling out-of-control emotionally or mentally
Fake detachment (avoidance of living)
Using Lower Self as navigator
Attachment to the outcomes
Seeing yourself as small
Joining the Lower 3D tribal beliefs

What to do to improve this area?
Track your Higher 3D / Lower 3D ratio
Track Individuality / Oneness balance
Focus on deepening connectedness
Choose to follow the inner wisdom
Track negative beliefs about Self/people
Track negative beliefs about reality/general
Review free Mini-Videos in Mastery section
Review Q&A in “personal” section
Review free Mini-Videos in Systems section
review Q&A in “systems” section

Progress Milestones in Mastery area
Always refocus on living your Soul Contract
Hold the “big why”/service
Be compassionately-detached while having clear personality preference
Aware of your personal preferences while detached from the outcomes